Is Motherhood (Parent hood) a job?

@TLChimes (4822)
United States
February 7, 2009 8:38pm CST
We all know it's work being a parent. We also know you don't really get much time off (if any) But is it a job. Do you in a sense get paid for it? I think we do. What are your rewards for doing your job well? I get smiles, a giggles, and words that I will carry with me long after the kids are grown. "My mom was my age when she had me. We grew up together. I can tell her anything." or "Happy Mother's day" said in the dead of winter. It's small treasures in the scheme of things but well worth it. BUT I would love a sick day when I'm sick, and a night off to spend with my love. What would you like for your "bonus?" How do your "bosses" treat you? Are they thankful for your over time? Do they notice your good days? Mine are ok but not great.
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18 responses
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Yes motherhood / parenthood is a job - but it's by far the best one I've had in my life. One smile or laugh from my son and my whole day is better and I forget all the bad things that have happened to me so far that day. He is too young to talk yet but I know that will be rewarding also.
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Well just so I'm prepared - what is the age when they know more than you? What was it for your children?
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
11 Feb 09
The girls hit about 11 and start thinking they are near grown, by 14 they are grown in their eyes. The Boys seem a bit slower. At 2 they think the world is theirs to knock around, at 14 they start thinking we owe them things, and about 16 they go insane and think they are grown. At least that is the trend of those I've raised. At about 22 they start figuring their Parents may know a thing or two after all.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Talking is great until they hit the age when they think they know more then you. It is the best job I could have chosen. Thank you!
• China
8 Feb 09
amazing! quite amazing! you know what, I am 21 years old, having no plan of bring up a child. however, after seeing what you all have said here, I want to be a mother, I want to know how it feel, how it goes on. maybe childish,hah? but really want to now!! A NICE DAY!
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• China
12 Feb 09
Really that different? I hope I CAN be a good mother when I have my children
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I love every minute of it. But it isn't really for everyone. You will know when and if you are ready. My sister loves to visit kids but not so much to raise them.
• United States
8 Feb 09
Motherhood really is something truly amazing.
@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
12 Feb 09
Well, I get the best rewards for being a parent. My kids definitely make me a happy mother. They appreciate the things that I do for them, and look forward to those things that I usually do for them. They show me their own accomplishments with pride and that makes me totally happy. They remember me on every special event in our lives. Nothing, nothing can compare to the rewards a mother gets from her children!
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I agree... People don't always get it... or forget under the day to day garbage.
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
12 Feb 09
It's definitely work but I don't know if you could call it a job. I think of "job" as something you have to do, while motherhood is something I want to do. Every normal parent says all they want is for their kids to be healthy and happy, so if you're doing your "job" well, that's your reward, right? But you get more than that, because if you're parenting correctly, you have an everlasting bond with your children and more love than anyone could ever measure. Sometimes my kids notice the extra I'm putting in, sometimes they notice I'm not feeling well and they're the greatest, but there are also times when they don't. I feel that's just plain normal and it's perfectly ok that they don't notice. There's times when I want some alone time. I'm thinking a bubble bath would be heaven, haven't had one of those in YEARS. But I have to admit it, the times I've been at peace and the most happy are the times when I'm with my children.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Simple times with the kids... things like the park, the school what-ever... when they smile and are truly happy.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
8 Feb 09
I am a father and I don't think parenting is a job or duty either.Kids are gods in disguise and growing them up is more useful to the parents relieving them from their daily chores and worries and tensions.Only if you want your kids to be obedient and disciplined,then you feel frustrated by their behaviors.I think one can learn more from kids and that is the real award or gifts we get from.Cheers!
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I am so not telling my kids that they are Gods. Do you know what they would do? I can just picture the requests now. There is a lot to be learned from kids. Patience is the first lesson.
• United States
8 Feb 09
SrGanesh- I couldn't agree with you more. Well said. Namaste-Anora
• India
8 Feb 09
I don`t really agree with you I think being a mother is not a job i mean you don`t do it just for being doing it like in a job sometimes you don`t feel like doing it but you still has to do it right. But i think for mother its an emotin that is being attached to your kidsfor example if your kid falls you react instantly right so its a feeling which is being attached to it so you can`t really say that its a job......
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Sachin, Hello. Anora said it well. Let me add that most of us who choose to do our "job" do so because it is a joy even with the trials. In the US it is often better money wise, to have to parents working. But many families are trying to make it with one parent at home because it is better for the kids. Loving the kids doesn't make the job of parenthood any easier, nor does the job of being a parent make it harder to love the children.
• United States
8 Feb 09
I would agree in some respects, but in others it is still a duty or job. It is not to say that one is not without love. Perhaps it is culture that seperates us, but I don't think that any woman in America truly treats it like a corporate job. I think we use it more as a metaphor because so many in America treat it with disdain, meaning they look down upon anyone who choses to have a family and stay home. Does that help?
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Enjoy every minute with your children when they're small. All too soon they'll be grown and gone, and all the memories in the world aren't going to fill the void they leave in your life. In fact, thinking back will only give you bittersweet feelings. if you think of parenting as a job, then you must be doing a good job. It is the hardest job you'll ever do in your life, and also the most worthwhile. As far as how do bosses treat me -- I've only had one who appreciated everything I did, and that was a woman. men are never very appreciative of all that women do in the workplace.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Mine go from 22 to 18 months so I know how fast time flies. It's the small gifts they give each day that I treasure. Thank you... You added a smile to my day. My 16 yr old and my 8 yr old are the ones who appreciate mom. I just hope it sticks.
@earthsong (589)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Motherhood, especially being a full-time mom, is a job. But one I would have never, ever given up for anything in the world! When I was 21 I gave up finishing my degree and my job to stay home with my first child. My ex's mom was a stay at home mom and that's how he wanted my kids raised. I agreed to do that until my daughter was in school full-time. It is a 24/7 job, and you're right, not a lot of time off. Four kids and a second husband later I finally got a free weekend just last month. That's not to say I haven't had free time. I've always made sure I had some "me" time and date time with hubby, but now that my kids are pre-teens and teenagers I am finally comfortable taking a full night off without expecting to get up in the middle of the night or be called to come get someone because they aren't ready to stay away from home.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I started (to early) at 16... all these years later and I can say that it's been and continues to be the best life choice I could have made. Ups and downs are well worth it. I think the spacing of my kids is good though. About the time I'm done, there should be a grandchild to spoil... and send home! Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've had a full night's sleep in 17 years.
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
8 Feb 09
Motherhood is definitely a job. As a result of your well done job, you get your 'pay and bonus' when you see healthy and successful adults, bringing their spouse/children to visit you. I see a twinkle in my mom's eyes when we come to visit her with our kids. Its like she is very proud of how well she has raised us. As for me, my 'bosses' are all male, so I have all the work to myself. I also do overtime but as a bonus, sometimes my husband would give me a day or two rest with him taking charge of the kids and also the kitchen. And as an added bonus, I get to go for a vacation with my friends. Guess I am lucky, huh?.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Lucky? Yeah because you have a great out look at it and know the bonus that comes with it... great kids. Thank you!
@amrith (291)
• India
8 Feb 09
Yes motherhood (parenthood) is a job.Many duties to perform in that office from the duty to keep clean and beautiful to supply every need of your beloved child and other members, who will be an inspiration through out your life many children who were selfish and arrogant become loving, forgivable and sacrificing when they become a mothers .yes This is a job were you lean many good qualities of life and more than execute it
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
When I hear my words come from my children then I know I've done well. I look back and think of all the lessons taught and learned and know that I wouldn't have traded a minute of it.
@eternalp (34)
• United States
8 Feb 09
My mother says that, that is a silly question to ask as the answer was so obvious to her. She thinks it is. It is a job that you chose to do but can also be a job that you love. She says that it can be looked at as both good and bad. I dictated exactly what she said to capture exactly what you were looking for. A mothers perspective.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Smile at your mom and tell her thank you from both you and I, for a job well done. Thank you for answering with her.
• United States
8 Feb 09
I don't think i would consider it a job more of a privelage than anything. Giving life to a child no not a job.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Thank you. It is a privilege, a passion, a wonderful adventure. It is also work, with chores and trials. You can have both perspectives.
• China
8 Feb 09
it is a job in china
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
anywhere I'm thinking, it's a job.
• United States
8 Feb 09
I believe that it is more than a full-time job! It is as rewarding as a career that makes hundreds of thousands a year...but HARDER! It is great and challenging, and I learn something new every single day!
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
They do come up with ways to teach US don't they? You would think it would be the other way around but they have tons of new things to show us. Never a boring day... and if there is, something isn't right.
• Janesville, Wisconsin
8 Feb 09
It sure is, it is an not seen as important as it should be. When you are raising a child, you are raising the next generation... The ones who will inherit the world we operate today they will run tomorrow it is very imporant.. and its more a great responsibility and should be an honor to be a parent....Mothers have that special nurturing role... or if they are like min its a drill seargant roll, and my father has the nurturing roll.... Smiles, Giggles, the pleasure of watching your child grow up healthy, happy, successfull, and if you raised them right, and they chose the right path they will come back to take care of you as you took care of them.... The biggest reward is love.... But, there is another type of Mother that is seriously needed... Foster Parents.. Group Home Parents... I am not sure about other places.... But Wisconsin Foster Care system, is short on good foster homes, and foster parenting group homes.... But the job is not for everyone... As the rate of them turning around from what I witness is not a very high one... But it is rewarding when a foster child that returned to their family, or went on their own, or into the system to a new home grows up and returns to visit you or keeps in touch to let you know how you touched and helped their lives. That is more rewarding then the state money... It takes a special heart, strong will, and a good negotiater to be a great foster parent... Those are the kind of mothers that are seriously needed right now. But there is alot of paper work involved.. and some kids have serious disorders and issues, and they will literally destroy everything....and steal... So they need firm discipline, good nurturing, and great cooperation of all involved in the system. In the Case of Foster parenting it is a real paying job, but it is hard and heart wrenching, but its also the kind of job that will bring tears to your eyes, if you go through with the adoptions, or happily watch troubled parents successfully change their lives around to accept their own child back into their arms.. or watching a child end up in an institution because they are so damaged when they came there is nothing you could do to heal them.. or when the foster care system fails them, and releases them from the system, and watching them turn up in the newspapers as being arrested... or going to jail. It's a tought job, but so much responsibility. I was adopted...and I grew up in my parents house which was a foster home, and then later a Foster parenting group home.... It's I believe the toughest job in the world to be either a parent or a foster parent... I don't want to be a parent, get married, or have kids... I've seen the worse of it and I do not want any part of it. I want to see new options come into play to improve the foster care systems, Its the parents that make the most difference in it... Because the system itself.. Is failing the children. - DNatureofDTrain
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Very True. Thank you so much. It is truly a great parent that chooses to help raise a chosen not birthed child. Even if it is for just a short time, the touch you can make on a life is great. Thank you so much for such a great addition to this discussion.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I feel it's a job.. Not only am I a mother to my children, I am a teacher, a guildance counselor, and a doctor. I get great rewards from being at home with my kids. Not only do I get to see their first's.. I get to have those embeded in my memory so I am able to share those memories with them, and their children when they are older. I get the satisfaction of knowing my children are safe with me at home, instead of being in a day care, that is supposed to be taking care of my child, but isn't watching as close as I'd like. I can agree, I would like those paid days off when I am sick, or be able to roll over in the morning and say.. oh well crap. I just don't wanna work today, and call in... "cough"... "cough" ... I am sick "cough" "cough" today... I don't "cough" "cough" think I'll be in... but that don't happen. I gotta get up and take care of the kids. But being able to share every day with them is so speical... seeing those smiles when they conquer something for the first time, are precious. Being able to kiss a boo boo, and make it all better, is priceless... I enjoy my time at home with my kids, even though they can be hard headed, stubborn and mouthy.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Hard Headed? Our little ones? NOOO.. never. Ok, maybe sometimes. I agree with all of this. Even as sick as I am, I'm still finding reasons to smile over them. They are the greatest of joys.
• United States
8 Feb 09
I have to admit that I'm highly regarded by my "bosses". I get the little things like smiles, giggles, occasional spit up and poopy diapers but it's all worth it. I also get the surprise flowers, beautiful jewelry from my husband's store, and notes left tucked in unsuspecting places. I get the phone call in the middle of my "shift" from my husband at work on a break saying "Just wanted to see how your night was". I get the "I love you" from my little guy. It's definately a job that I can't complain about, nor say that I'm not respected for. To relate it to the Japanese businessman level of respect, my spouse actually bows waist deep to me in respect for my position in the home, and gives a short bow to others he works with. I would say that is the highest honor I have. Though he in all regards embodies as much of the Bushido code that he can here in America, he is still American and my personal Last Samurai. (Wonderful movie if those reading haven't seen it yet, and will then understand my comment).
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
To have a man that understands the job that well is a simple blessing in itself. I'm happy that you have that in your life. That does make the work atmosphere much more enjoyable.
• Philippines
8 Feb 09
For me it is a fulltime job. Im a full time mom with three kids. My bosses (my kids) are so demanding especially my 2 yr old son. But they are so adorable. My rewards for being a mom, i get i love you everyday, a big hug every morning and a beautiful smiles from them for being there for them every minute they need me. The problem is we dont have a day off or a sick leave.:) but its ok with me becuase i choose to have this kind of life. but from time to time, my husband allows me to go out to have my "me time". im grateful to have a very understanding and loving husband.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
8 Feb 09
A good man does make it easier, better. And if they share the load it's that much better for all. And you're right, it is ok and I would choose it again, and again.