Stress Management.......
By mukesh414u
@mukesh414u (86)
January 1, 2013 11:33am CST
As long as the life is considered i heard it is collections of all struggles and happiness all the time...
But when it comes about Managing stress, I have got to learn it from people who's been managing since long time....
Can Anyone share their situations where they managed their stress and stood calm all the time.....
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88 responses
@greseniavelasco (24)
• Philippines
12 Jan 13
i can manage my stress by simply eating more, sleeping more, going with close friend to have party or trip, go to place where i felt comfortable most especially in our province, talk to my someone special that give me advises that may lessen my stress or totally lessen it and simply sometimes sharing it to your parents if your the kind of person who share problems but if not you better look for other people or ways. :)
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
13 Jan 13
Thank You Greseniavelasco for taking your precious time to respond this discussion, well in some cases there is kind of stress which we wont feel like sharing with the parents or any closed ones...
Or sometimes we don't feel it appropriate to share it even with the closed ones....
what are we supposed to do in that scenario.?
@greseniavelasco (24)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
your welcome mukesh414u.. hmm what are we supposed to do in that scenario? hmm i think for now if we dont feel appropriate to share it even with the closed ones is that find ways that you can lessen your stress like having exercise, yoga, deep breathing exercise, or simply putting in your mind you can solve that problem.but if it will not totally lessen your stress there is something wrong already. LOL/ :)
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
14 Jan 13
well Greseniavelasco,
I've thought of trying all the ways you've mentioned above.....
But the problem with me is.... I'm not able to make myself distract from the stress..
if i try doing yoga only thing pops out in my mind is "This Yoga Can't make your stress Disappear neither it could solve your problem..."
This is the only point stopping me from doing yoga....
@mlynb20 (23)
15 Jan 13
Before I wasn't really good at managing stress, I was temperamental and I got to annoy people around me. But then eventually, I became aware of the bad effects of stress, I was challenged and studied my own self, those that I liked and disliked. Preferences are enough to stress oneself, so I started with them, I learned to accept what are there around me and I started to consider others's choices as well. Then I got to overcome also the stress brought about by family matters by talking openly with them and not keeping them to myself alone. This way, we've been able to understand each other. And there are many more, stress that I've encountered everywhere and eventually, I was able to find ways to reduce them if not to totally avoid them. Just remember one important thing, it's our own selves we are dealing with when it comes to stress, so we should know what's more advantageous to us and that's what we should do.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
15 Jan 13
wow, mlynb,
this is the cool and nice example of handling stress...
from this post of yours, I got to know few good points which i would definitely love to implement on my stress to avoid it...
Thank you so much for taking time to respond this discussion and sharing this aid....
Thank you so much.....
@imeelicayo (26)
• Philippines
14 Jan 13
When you are stress think or do something that will make you relax. It can be eating,watching or visiting a friend. When stressed i go for a walk to breath some air and to relax my brain and body of the tension. You can also try listening to uplifting musics For you to be calm you should lengthen your patience and be more understanding.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
14 Jan 13
thank you imeelicayo,
well i liked it when you said lengthen your patience
it made me little interesting about this point..
Could you please elaborate it little more for me please.?
that would be really great help of yours....
@imeelicayo (26)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
It is just like when you feel like you want to hit someone,or you feel like you are at the point where you cant take it anymore. What you have to do is to take a deep breath count until you can relax a bit. Don't do anything when you are angry. just take a very deep breath into your mouth. This will give you time before reacting. For me that really works. I hoped that will help, :)
@haizhaiz04 (24)
15 Jan 13
The usual thing that I do to manage stress is to relax. I am always positive in thinking and I don't allow negative vibes stay in my system and mind. I drink a lot of water to keep me calm when tension occurs.I don't entertain worries. I always say to myself I can overcome and manage stress. The best way that I am doing is to pray always. :) :) :)
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
15 Jan 13
well haizhaiz04
that is way of taking off stress by praying.
thank you for sharing your valuable time for responding the discussion here....
@dbskkkkk (22)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
I usually get stressed on lots of things to do, or when others are too slow in doing things in group activity. I used to do things early as I can, so that I can rest for the next day. But some people are not like me, they delay as much as they can. And if person like that will be a groupmate of mine, I get stress. It's really stressful to see them. Whenever those feelings comes, I try to breath. Breath in and breath out slowly without thinking anything. Of course, I do it without letting them recognize me.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
yeah very truly said...
i got these kinda situations many times and unknowingly i grow stress inside me....
but in your case you are facing it and fighting the stress that is really very nice....
@ellehcar (22)
13 Jan 13
I already encounter some stress maybe not a serious or a major one but i cannot remember if how. What i remember was i'm done in that stress and not have bad result in me. They said that stress have different kind and it may cause bad or good it depends of what you have. Some who have stress consider as there opportunity to gain more experiences and other treat stress as their other way for them to be force to do what they must done where i learned a lot of these experiences of others. A positive thinking may lead a better result.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
13 Jan 13
Well said about managing stress easily,,
I liked it when you said "A Positive Thinking May Lead a Better Result"
Thank You very much for responding. :-)
Have a happy Mylotting....
@markkram (22)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
There are so many stress that comes in our way. In managing to this stress, try to explore the causes of this stress and try to avoid them. Try to think a way on how to reduce this one's by doing some stress reliever exercises like yoga and others that can manage your stress. All this management tip will help you cope up with the stress you are encountering.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
yeah hope these all the management tips will help me managing my stress which I've been encountering since so many days..
and I've started implementing these tips in my real life.....
hope some tip would be worth adapting....
thank you so much for responding on this discussion....
@annodel08 (25)
16 Jan 13
Stress comes in various situations and each of us might feel and have one. It could be at home, at work, or at any personal reasons. For me, i feel stressed when i have to rush my school's final requirements. So, every time we have projects in school, I will try my best to concentrate and study on it to avoid rushing out that might result to stress.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
thank you friend for sharing your views and the example to define the discussion
@ianedelacruz (22)
16 Jan 13
Stress have different effects on people. It may affect someone physically, where individuals have their comfort food. others are affected Psychologically, where they were not able to think positively and were preoccupied all the times. Lastly an individual may be affected emotionally, where there are times they cant control their temper or emotions to burst away.
For me i think Im affected by stress emotionally because there are times i cant stop my self from crying. that's why my way of managing stress is being alone. being alone lets me burst my emotions without anyone seeing it and afterwards think of possible solutions.try to manage your stress through your interest it works for me too.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
that is the good way of bursting stress....
i tried to burst into tears but couldn't do it..
@zeanne17 (23)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
Life is full of ups and downs. You may never know when problems arise. Whenever you experience stressful situations, just be calm. Remember that you are not the only person who has a problem in this world. There were people who have more serious problems than you have. When you feel so down, take a moment to pray for God do not give us challenges which he knows we cannot overcome.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
yeah there are many people out there who's might be having hell lot of problems than whatever i'm having right now,,,
this could raise our confidence to some extent...
thank you so much for sharing this lovely tip...
@dennismejia6 (20)
16 Jan 13
In managing my stress i listen to music that will relax my body and my mind, sleeping can help increase my stress because you can recharge your self. but in some situations, i cannot manage my stress because im so tired and i cannot control my temper for example my friends are noisy and i cannot concentrate of what am i doing.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
yeah that causes trouble many times..
can you share with us how do you take on these kinda situations when comes in your life...?
@delacruzfred22 (22)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
I also heard many stories of successful struggles and happiness. Hearing stories of people who were successful in managing their challenges is motivating. But seeing people change is a more powerful motivation and example that overcoming stress is possible. I am grateful for the examples of many people that contribute to my knowledge in my personal stress management. Just open your eyes and heart and you will find many who can manage stress positively.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
yeah this way of hearing stories of successful people helps to overcome stress to a large extent....
@delprado_rrr (23)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
i manage my stress by talking or messaging my friends through phone having a funny conversation. I also manage my stress by watching comedy movies. Sometimes i will just walk around by myself and eating foods that i want. I also trying to call my friends to go outside and have a conversation about the things that get you stressed. I hope this would help you to stood calm all the time when you are stressed.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
yeah hope this would help....
lets try it and see how far it goes....
thank you friend for responding....
@JoHnRaY007 (12)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
Before taking up Business Admin. I took BS Engineering first. When I enrolled, they gave me a subject that all involves mathematics. In the first day of class I feel it was easy but when the prelims is already coming near it becomes harder. At that point of time I don't know already what to do and I really feel very stress because there are a lot of things to do. When I saw my grades for the prelims I feel more bad. To solve my problem I said to my self that there is still the next few grading so I stay relaxed. And so I did my best to study all the lessons that I have so that I will have better grades.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
that is really so cool of you...
nice way of handling stress....
@haney04 (22)
16 Jan 13
I'm a person who is very prone to stress. I usually get stressed out over things that I just started doing like "today is my first day as an on the job trainee" which requires me to adjust on my current situation. I have read from a book that "the secret of like is to simply hang around until you get used to it" I find this phrase really helpful in overcoming stress.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
wow this phrase is really helpful,
this is going to be the helpful phrase,
lets try to adapt it in our life and see what happens....
thank you friend for sharing this line here with us.....
16 Jan 13
There are many things to be stressed about. Especially when you are a student like me. Completing requirements and exams are my top stressors. In dealing with this, I make sure that I complete the requirements, especially the major ones. I tend to worry when I missed some of them but anyway I always try to finish them. Lot of work form school plus the chores at home make me stresses. So I try to do them one at a time so that I won't be to worried of the work load.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
thank you for taking time and responding this discussion...............
@lhen000 (18)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
According to what I have learned, the best way to manage your stress is to know first the reason why you are stressed or simply the cause of it. From there, pick the best way for you to manage your stress. For me, I stay away from people and I prefer to be alone for a certain period to cool down. People have different ways of coping or managing their stress, some prefer being with someone else while others choose to be alone like I do but when I'm alone I try my best to stop thinking negative things. I usually listen to music to distract myself or I talk to God and pour my heart out because I believe He's the only one who could lighten the way I view my problems. so that's that, I hope you can learn from what I've shared too.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
Yes you said it very truly...
i prefer staying with friends but the problem having with friends is whenever i need my friends none of them are available....
few pretend to be busy and few are busy.... so it even make me little more stress and nervous too.......................
@palisockatrina (23)
15 Jan 13
It is hard to manage stress especially when you start feeling of getting burned out. Too much stress is not healthy in your life so you must know on how would you manage stress. Having some sleep, walking alone, hanging out with my friends, listening to music and keeping positive thoughts is how I manage stress. However, in the previous lesson in our school, our professor discussed to us that keeping the balance in our life is the key to manage stress. You must give your self a time to have a break and to take some rest when you are at work. Having an exercise daily and a balanced diet could help you also reducing your stress.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
15 Jan 13
thank you friend for sharing your views here....
and yeah learned a good point here...
keeping balance in our life.....'
@eion215 (26)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
When I'm stressed, the number one thing that pops up in my mind is to do things that I enjoy where there are no other people to interfere. I usually go on for a walk in the woods near our house. Sometimes, I hang out with my friends to full our minds with laughter that we will cherish forever. my friends are good sources of relievers because they can really make me laugh to the highest level. They are humorous that eventually I will end really relieved from stress.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
that is cool....
all we need in the end is Relieved from stress.....
thank you very much for sharing this and participating the discussion....
@carlo14344 (22)
• Philippines
15 Jan 13
I manage my stress by simply having a sleep and sometimes just pray that I can think positive. Sometimes, when i have a lot of distress, I level them and think some way to eliminate some, it is boring to have no stress. so, i much appreciate if there is a challenging one. Its apart of our life so be it as much as you do great things in your life.
@mukesh414u (86)
• India
16 Jan 13
well, it is nice that you are able to consider stress as a part of our life and enjoying life with challenges....
for me life is not boring even without stress..
but instead i feel life would be boring if we have stress....