Do you have your head in the sand?

@JudyEv (347875)
Rockingham, Australia
September 18, 2024 8:38am CST
The photo has nothing to do with the discussion. Rather than put it in a comment and invite an argument, I thought I’d write about a saying my Mum would quote from time to time. She would say ‘there are none so blind as those who will not see’. And another in a similar vein: Convince a man against his will, he’s of the same opinion still’. ‘Head in the sand’ also comes to mind. Some people just will not accept the facts no matter what scientific or other evidence there might be. Just to put you off the track, Vince has an old school friend who believes nothing in the world is older than 60 million years (I think that’s the story), as that’s the age mentioned in the Old Testament which she sticks to religiously (pardon the pun). Carbon dating isn’t accurate in her opinion. No wonder there is such a lot of tension and disagreement in the world.
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22 responses
@snowy22315 (186389)
• United States
18 Sep
Some people (and I might be one of them) once they formulate an opinion are almost impossible to convince otherwise.
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Sep
Even when confronted with research evidence?
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@snowy22315 (186389)
• United States
18 Sep
@TheHorse I believe in science. Just because I stated it that way, doesn't mean I don't believe science or research methodology.. It would be hard for me to be convinced that science is wrong about alot of things. Of course, it isn't perfect, and even scientists have things that can't be explained.
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Sep
@snowy22315 Heck, there were those who thought the sun went around the Earth as recently as 1600.
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@Orson_Kart (7078)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep
I’ve read, that those who believe in the bible think the earth is no older than 6,000 years. Scientists can ‘prove’ through the use of radiometric dating, that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. The sun a bit older. I believe in the science, and once the sun becomes a red giant, the argument becomes irrelevant.
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• United Kingdom
18 Sep
@Kandae11 I’m sure there is, but the age of the earth isn’t one of them. The story of Noah’s ark always make me chuckle.
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Sep
I laughed. You are right.
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@Kandae11 (55920)
18 Sep
There are some bible truths which scientists are finding hard to debunk.
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@akalinus (44122)
• United States
18 Sep
The Bible says that with God, one day is like a thousand years. That is from 2Peter 3:8. My mom always said things like if you find it open, leave it open. If it's hungry, feed it, If it's cold warm it, if it's crying, love it.
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Sep
Heh. This is horrible but true: I have worked with early childhood educators who say, "If an 11-month-old baby is crying and holding her arms out to you, ignore her. She just wants attention." I'm serious.
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@wolfgirl569 (112764)
• Marion, Ohio
18 Sep
Your mom was very kind and smart
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
That is a great saying of your mother's.
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Sep
The time frame might even be shorter than that. I knew a fella in Santa Barbara who thought that the Bible was to be taken absolutely literally, and that the world was maybe 6,000 years old.
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• United Kingdom
18 Sep
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 Sep
@Orson_Kart He has four kids. They're in their 20s now and very confused.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
That's what our friend believes. Not 60 million years - which makes it even more ridiculous.
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@Ronrybs (20165)
• London, England
18 Sep
could be a case more like sand in the head!
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
Yes, I think so. There is no point arguing with some of these people.
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@Kandae11 (55920)
18 Sep
Almost similar is : "You can take the horse to the water but you cannot make him drink".
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Sep
Yep. I like that one too.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
@TheHorse Yes, that is quite similar.
@rebelann (113399)
• El Paso, Texas
18 Sep
I know a few people like that. One still believes that everything she was taught as a child is still the same even when there is proof that those old beliefs were misinformation.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
We have such advanced methods now of determining all sorts of things. Some of our childhood opinions don't really hold water any longer.
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@rebelann (113399)
• El Paso, Texas
19 Sep
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
18 Sep
You made me laugh Judy, my husband is like his mother, when they are "sure" of something not even God would convince them that they are wrong.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
19 Sep
@JudyEv - I remember when the 9/11 attack to the twin towers happened. The mother of my husband insisted that it was at 9 in the morning "our time", that was not true, it was 9 am in New York and 3 pm here. NO WAY we could convince her, not even showing her newspapers articles about what happened.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
@LadyDuck Some people just can't admit to being wrong, however much the evidence is stacked against them.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
It's strange how some are not the least bit open to hearing why they might be wrong.
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@xFiacre (13289)
• Ireland
18 Sep
@judyev Personally I don’t have any issue with saying the earth is as old as scientists say it is. The Bible wasn’t written as a scientific account and its preoccupation is God’s interaction with the human race rather than the age of mountains. Anyways ….
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@xFiacre (13289)
• Ireland
19 Sep
@JudyEv The Gospel according to Donald is a weird and dangerous thing.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
@xFiacre I did say 'to throw you off track'. That worked nicely.
@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
I see some of the Bible stories as the sages attempting to explain various happenings to illiterates. I guess the ark is one example. But my beef really was more about opinions about Trump.
@Deepizzaguy (107526)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
18 Sep
I do remember the second post,
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
Okay. Enjoy your day.
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@Deepizzaguy (107526)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
19 Sep
@JudyEv I will enjoy my day.
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@nela13 (58817)
• Portugal
19 Sep
Many people don't believe in scientific facts, no matter the evidences. I have no patience for those people.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
Me either. Some are very stubborn with their beliefs.
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@nela13 (58817)
• Portugal
19 Sep
@JudyEv Yes, they are, I just turn my back and move on with my life.
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@LindaOHio (184190)
• United States
19 Sep
I didn't realize that the Old Testament recognized things that old. Creationists do not believe in all the evidence of dinosaurs and that man evolved from the ape, just to name two things. Have a good day.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
I think I have the '60 million' wrong. It should be 6 million.
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@LindaOHio (184190)
• United States
19 Sep
@JudyEv That makes more sense. Yes, they poo poo all the scientific evidence.
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@dgobucks226 (36235)
21 Sep
Very true. With certain topics people will believe what they want to believe even if it means distorting the truth to fit their narrative.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Sep
Yes, that's what happens.
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@2ndchances24 (10067)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
18 Sep
I find it your better off just to let what people think go over my head & not argue with them cause all it does is stress you out & waste time.
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Sep
I just ask for evidence. I am always willing to learn, and I hope others are too.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
That is so true, Gayle. Best just to ignore them.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
19 Sep
@TheHorse you learn by watching & listening to how people act & talk.
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@GardenGerty (162472)
• United States
19 Sep
I think most of us have our blind spots. Just not all of us turn them into screaming raging rants if we do not agree with someone.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
That's probably true too. And some things we believe about ourselves are written in ink too.
@allknowing (141999)
• India
19 Sep
Stubborn as a donkey could well compare with what you have talked in your post. Many will not budge from their opinion no matter how wrong they can be.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
Maybe pride comes into it too. They don't want to be seen as wrong.
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@RebeccasFarm (92769)
• United States
19 Sep
Taking a famous line from an equally famous film.."He's right, coz he's right."
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Sep
Cant' argue with that, can you?
@wolfgirl569 (112764)
• Marion, Ohio
18 Sep
I have heard those and many in the comments.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
Some certainly have very strong opinions in some areas.
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@porwest (96956)
• United States
19 Sep
I have not heard the phrase your mom used, but man, is that poignant and so true. Too many people in the world are like this, unfortunately.
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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
Some get hold of an idea and won't give it up for anyone.
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• India
19 Sep
Well, there are people who are flexible in thoughts and then there are others who are in rigid. There is no point arguing with them . Some might change if we ask them the right questions and they would have th grace to accept they were wrong. But those are very few. I do agree with you most of the tension and disagreemnt in world is due to one or two being rigid in their arguments. Had people in power been flexible, the world would have been a better place with zero wars and conflicts.
@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
I agree with all you say. Once people have stated an opinion, they are not very keen to admit they might have been wrong.
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