Clarice Abby
@Reese_so_Real (92)
Atlanta, Georgia
Joined myLot 9 years ago
Just a normal down to earth person that likes to keep it real and always has something to say. When you have the gift of gab why not do something with it.

Clarice Abby's Likes

Clarice Abby liked this  7 Apr 16
A diamond in the ruff. . . .
Clarice Abby liked this  22 Dec 15
Time Limited
Clarice Abby liked this  22 Dec 15
Is it really a happy holiday?
Clarice Abby liked this  22 Dec 15
Is it really a happy holiday?
Clarice Abby liked this  22 Dec 15
Is it really a happy holiday?
Clarice Abby liked this  22 Dec 15
It´s been a hard day.
Clarice Abby liked this  22 Dec 15
When will i get over him?
Clarice Abby liked this  22 Dec 15
So help a newbie out
Clarice Abby liked this  22 Dec 15
Am i the only one?