@ryuliumin (74)
China • Age 38
Joined myLot 17 years ago
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ryuliumin's Likes

ryuliumin liked this  31 Aug 07
what's your favorate food ?
ryuliumin @ryuliumin (74) China 21 Feb 07
9 responses
1 person
ryuliumin liked this  31 Aug 07
History Distortion
ryuliumin liked this  1 Apr 07
which anti-virus software do you use
ryuliumin liked this  23 Feb 07
what' wrong with my mylot
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
Does Sauna belts work?
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
what' wrong with my mylot
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
what' wrong with my mylot
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
what' wrong with my mylot
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
How do you deal with stress?
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
Anyone Know abt this song....
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
SvBux - SCAM??
ryuliumin liked this  22 Feb 07
How do you spend your week ends?