Siti chuthia
@sitia1 (135)
Age 32
Joined myLot 4 years ago
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Siti chuthia's Activity
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
10 Jul 20
Was out photographing a few Rose of Sharon blooms yesterday in the front yard.
Kept noticing a male and female robin closeby. They were talking to me non stop. As if to warn me of something. We call these birds robin red breast....
30 responses •
31 people
@rhuenz (10643)
11 Jul 20
Papaya is well known due to it's health benefits like;aiding in digestion, lowering blood pressure,improving wound healing and it can reduced risk of heart disease.
When i was a kid,i don't like eating ripe papaya.I prefer that...
14 responses •
13 people
Siti chuthia Honestly, I don't like papaya smells . After papaya to make the cocktail is very good taste
11 Jul 20
1 person
@kareng (61855)
• United States
11 Jul 20
I have made an early morning and online already! This is pretty amazing since I stayed up late. I actually never fell into a deep sleep so was ready to get up at 5:30. Now if we could just keep this habit going!
I have coffee...
13 responses •
13 people
Siti chuthia My Saturday quality time always. Just go outside,picnic or coffee shopping
11 Jul 20
1 comment
1 person
Engki Mai Putra
@Young_boy (1055)
• Bekasi, Indonesia
8 Jul 20
In my place The government had given news report about covid19. Positive case increase 1853.
800 patients recovered.
50 patients died
If we see, there are 1000+ new case everyday.
I hope the new positive curve will decrease as...
11 responses •
11 people
Siti chuthia Every time, every second I read of increase cases always, thats make me bored n dont care about this case. Because for 4 months I stay at home, its boring. I have panic attack/anxiety diseases. So. Now I don't up-to-date news about covid. And the I m began to...
8 Jul 20
1 comment
1 person
@nawala123 (20871)
• Indonesia
8 Jul 20
What would happen if Kanye West truly became President of the United States?
I am not American and i don't understand US politic.
But i am sure that if Kanye West is the president of USA, Kim Kardhasian will become the first lady...
14 responses •
13 people
@Bensen32 (27753)
• United States
8 Jul 20
Good morning,
Just another day here. We had a little storm come through here last night but it really was not enough to change the weather we have been having. Still hot and humid here.
Last night we had bacon cheese burgers...
7 responses •
7 people
Engki Mai Putra
@Young_boy (1055)
• Bekasi, Indonesia
7 Jul 20
My name is engki, iam from indonesia. My country only have two weather like summer or raining. My favorite food is "nasi goreng, sate padang, sate madura, and rendang". Iam math teacher. Iam teaching for junior high school and...
9 responses •
7 people