Comments (88)
stormygrl's Comments
• United States
29 Jan 10

AND I JUST WONERED IF THERE IS ANYONE ON HERE from west tennessee. I have never seen one soul on here that i knew was from here. I have friends on here from Tennessee but noone close by. Are u from west Tennessee??
12 responses •
3 people
Deborah L. Alten
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
22 Jan 10

It's raining you know what in Southern California. We are actually flooded in . . . no main roads are open to the outside world. We only have two ways in and one would be over the mountain and it's snowed in. I think my kid (who...
70 responses •
10 people
Deborah L. Alten
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
22 Jan 10

It's raining you know what in Southern California. We are actually flooded in . . . no main roads are open to the outside world. We only have two ways in and one would be over the mountain and it's snowed in. I think my kid (who...
70 responses •
10 people
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
21 Jan 10

Conan O'Brien wasn't treated well personally as far as deciding to replace his show with Jay Leno coming back at the 11:30 time slot, but Conan O'Brien is getting paid $40 Million just to walk away from NBC so he really didn't...
6 responses •
2 people
@stormygrl (761)
• United States
18 Sep 09

My 19 yr old daughter just moved there this past weekend, just 4 days ago. A friend drove & supposedly had money and they had a house to live in with a friend they both knew . They get down there and there's no house,the friend...
1 response •
1 person
@stormygrl (761)
• United States
25 Apr 09

On Saturday nights a few family and or friends like to get together and play cards or board game of Tripoly,we use pennies instead of chips, a really fun card game.Also like Euchre or just regular Poker,plus we fix something easy...
2 responses •
1 person
@stormygrl (761)
• United States
11 May 08

I will have a consultation later this month so not exactly sure how or what they'll do.The price could be anywhere from 900. to 2000. for each eye. Have you been told does this lasting effect vary on people or is it expected to...
1 response •
1 person
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Apr 08

Just a thought. I've always heard that it's better to do things like this with a friend, for moral support.
I've never been big on "diets". For the most part I think that structured diets dont' really work. You take the weight...
10 responses •
4 people