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@useradd (46)
Canada • Age 45
Joined myLot 18 years ago
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useradd's Comments
For all the creationists out there
16 Feb 07
This discussion is for you, creationists, that lurk here on mylot. I want to know a few things from you creationists : First : Define your creationism, young earth, old-earth, inteligent design, whatever. Second : What is...
7 responses
4 people
I have no problem with that, and see no reason why science and religion can't co-exist. So long at those who are religious understand the difference between science and religion, I'll remain happy. When people start making assumptions about science being the...
18 Feb 07
2 people
Talk Origin & Evolution - Deception By Omission
Puerto Rico
15 Feb 07
The Talk Origins Website is promoted, among other things, as an educational site, a place for obtaining information on evolution and aswers to the numerous criticisms to this theory. Although TO states that it is a "forum for...
2 responses
"Wasn't that you who admitted that Talk Origins was biased?" This is what I said. "Of all the links that I posted in the OP, only 1 of them (talk origins) can really be considered questionable, and that's only because it supports my position on...
17 Feb 07
2 people
Talk Origin & Evolution - Deception By Omission
Puerto Rico
15 Feb 07
The Talk Origins Website is promoted, among other things, as an educational site, a place for obtaining information on evolution and aswers to the numerous criticisms to this theory. Although TO states that it is a "forum for...
2 responses
I'll start here, and reply to your second post below. The whole cosmic evolution thing is news to me. After taking a quick look at the site, I can see that it's really just a compilation of existing scientific theories, and where they fit into the overall...
17 Feb 07
2 people
Last riddle/question, I promise
13 Feb 07
If you were travelling at the speed of sound and you turned on your radio, would you be able to hear it? Apparently you are supposed to think scientifically about this answer but i have thought and thought and couldnt come up...
5 responses
To put it another way, it's as if the air weren't moving at all. The pilot and the air share the same inertial frame, or moving at the same speed. Take the Earth for instance. We travel through space around the sun at a rate several times faster than the speed...
17 Feb 07
2 people
book explaining principles of cosmology
18 Dec 06
Hi I have interest in science and space especially, but i didn't at school and didn't pay any attention in science class so ive got very little knowledge of the subject. I know some of the basic theories of cosmology but...
2 responses
Not a problem. You may have been thinking of one of the other cosmologies listed below.
17 Feb 07
book explaining principles of cosmology
18 Dec 06
Hi I have interest in science and space especially, but i didn't at school and didn't pay any attention in science class so ive got very little knowledge of the subject. I know some of the basic theories of cosmology but...
2 responses
That's strange. Look what I found on NASA's website. http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/m_uni.html hmmmmm
17 Feb 07
For all the creationists out there
16 Feb 07
This discussion is for you, creationists, that lurk here on mylot. I want to know a few things from you creationists : First : Define your creationism, young earth, old-earth, inteligent design, whatever. Second : What is...
7 responses
4 people
bestofmoneyonline I'm glad that you said ID is a scientific hypothesis, though even calling it that is somewhat questionable. Please see the following link for definitions. http://wilstar.com/theories.htm "Hypothesis: This is an educated guess based...
17 Feb 07
2 people
For all the creationists out there
16 Feb 07
This discussion is for you, creationists, that lurk here on mylot. I want to know a few things from you creationists : First : Define your creationism, young earth, old-earth, inteligent design, whatever. Second : What is...
7 responses
4 people
3) Yes and no. We have no way to prove the Big Bang happened, nor that God exists. A small nitpick, but should be mentioned in any case. Evidence for the big bang is plentiful and there are countless observations to support the evidence. What we can't prove...
17 Feb 07
2 people
If God made us who made God???
United States
15 Feb 07
The other day my 6 year old brother asked me the most intersting question. He asked "If God made us then who made God?" I didn't know what to say to him, so I'm asking for your help. For this question there is no right or wrong...
life itself
3 responses
"Scientists sometimes give us an explanation for things we wonder about, but not always." That's correct. Science only answers things that we know with some level of certainty, or level of accuracy if you will. A scientist can make no observations, or...
16 Feb 07
Talk Origin & Evolution - Deception By Omission
Puerto Rico
15 Feb 07
The Talk Origins Website is promoted, among other things, as an educational site, a place for obtaining information on evolution and aswers to the numerous criticisms to this theory. Although TO states that it is a "forum for...
2 responses
Actually, my mistake and I'll correct myself. Applied science is the term used to explain how a theory can be applied to the real world, and in the advancement of technology. See the following article for practical uses of the theory of evolution. "The...
16 Feb 07
2 people
If humans evolved from monkey's
1 Feb 07
If humans evolved from monkey's/apes, why are they still here?
crazy thoughts
11 responses
3 people
"Another ways is another dishonest scientist gets busted trying to fool the public with more bogus evidence. Scientist is exposed." And there's nothing wrong with that. Exposing dishonest scientists is a good thing, and I think we can all agree on...
16 Feb 07
1 person
Puerto Rico
13 Feb 07
Discovery Insitute February 8, 2007 Seattle - Another 100 scientist have joined the ranks of scientist from around the world publicly stating their doubts about the adequacy of Darwin's theory of evolution. "Darwinism is a...
university in new york
4 responses
2 people
Well, I see this discussion has gone further than I expected. "So Stellar Evolution has nothing to do with evolution? Or is it your position that the universe didn't evolve? Or are you saying that God created the universe but life evolved from molecule to...
16 Feb 07
3 people
Puerto Rico
13 Feb 07
Discovery Insitute February 8, 2007 Seattle - Another 100 scientist have joined the ranks of scientist from around the world publicly stating their doubts about the adequacy of Darwin's theory of evolution. "Darwinism is a...
4 responses
2 people
I think I see where we're going wrong now. Big bang theory, and evolutionary theory are two discretely separate things. The former is cosmology, while the latter is biology. The two are very different fields of research, and entropy cannot be applied to...
15 Feb 07
2 people
Please, enough with the evolution vs creationism threads
13 Feb 07
- Evolution and creation are not in conflict with each other - Science is not a belief system - Evolution is science, and thus falsifiable http://www.artsci.gmcc.ab.ca/courses/psych104/falsifiable.htm - Evolution does...
scientific method
6 responses
7 people
LOL! Your comments are very much appreciated livewyre. :) You're quite correct in saying that evolution is not a completed theory. In fact, most scientific theories are almost never complete, and are always a work in progress. As scientists collect more...
15 Feb 07
2 people
Puerto Rico
13 Feb 07
Discovery Insitute February 8, 2007 Seattle - Another 100 scientist have joined the ranks of scientist from around the world publicly stating their doubts about the adequacy of Darwin's theory of evolution. "Darwinism is a...
4 responses
2 people
Let me start by saying that I'm not an evolutionary biologist, and that I myself do not fully understand the theory of evolution. Simply understanding how science operates is enough. It takes more than a list of scientists with their doctorates to falsify...
14 Feb 07
2 people
Puerto Rico
13 Feb 07
Discovery Insitute February 8, 2007 Seattle - Another 100 scientist have joined the ranks of scientist from around the world publicly stating their doubts about the adequacy of Darwin's theory of evolution. "Darwinism is a...
4 responses
2 people
You're correct to a point. Evolution does encompass more than biology alone, and does require a background in mathematics. That's not to say that mathematicians do research in the field of biology. Biology along with pretty much every other aspect of science...
14 Feb 07
2 people
Do you Think Evolution Should be taught in School?
United States
5 Feb 07
Ok I asked about the bible, What about Evolution Should it be taught in School?
12 responses
5 people
"I then will show how there are scientists just as qualified will look at your so called evidence and draw a different conclusion." You do mean scientist who are just as qualified like the ones in the signatory list...
14 Feb 07
1 person
Please, enough with the evolution vs creationism threads
13 Feb 07
- Evolution and creation are not in conflict with each other - Science is not a belief system - Evolution is science, and thus falsifiable http://www.artsci.gmcc.ab.ca/courses/psych104/falsifiable.htm - Evolution does...
6 responses
7 people
Welcome back Rittings. I agree with you 100%, unfortunately our options are somewhat limited when it comes to providing credible sources of information to people on the internet. Of all the links that I posted in the OP, only 1 of them (talk origins) can...
13 Feb 07
2 people
Please, enough with the evolution vs creationism threads
13 Feb 07
- Evolution and creation are not in conflict with each other - Science is not a belief system - Evolution is science, and thus falsifiable http://www.artsci.gmcc.ab.ca/courses/psych104/falsifiable.htm - Evolution does...
6 responses
7 people
Hello owens. I see that we've crossed paths in more than one thread and I'll be sure to follow up with you in each one of them. I'm not stating bias here, nor am I trying to be philosophical. My main point from the very beginning is that creation and...
13 Feb 07
2 people
Do you know what kind of caterpillar this is?
United States
30 Sep 08
We ran across him the same day we did the snake. It was just creepy crawly day in the woods I reckon! He is quite ugly. It's hard to believe this things turn into pretty butterflies. Can you see the ugly brown buldge on his...
2 responses
1 person
We ran across him the same day we did the snake. It was just creepy crawly day in the woods I reckon! He is quite ugly. It's hard to believe this things turn into pretty butterflies. Can you see the ugly brown buldge on his nose? It looks like he has legs...
30 Sep 08
1 person