@yalul070 (1713)
Manila, Philippines
Joined myLot 10 years ago
"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they are." -- JJR
Responses (590)
Yalul's Responses
@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
10 Oct 16

What’s going on? There is so many news bombarding the president of the Philippines. Some people claimed that he is a serial killer. It is connected to random killings of suspected drug dealers and executed without a court trial....
5 responses •
4 people

Yalul On the contrary, according to the latest SWS survey about 74% of Filipinos are satisfied with the war on drugs. In our place, we actually feel a lot safer now because drug addicts could no longer roam in the streets.
This is exactly why the President is mad...
11 Oct 16
1 person
James Higgins
@JamesHxstatic (29411)
• Eugene, Oregon
14 Sep 16

There was an ad in the stack of things that comes with my Sunday newspaper advertising a “motion activated toilet night light.” It is called the “Illumibowl” and even had a video link to show how it works. There are eight...
20 responses •
21 people

Yalul Lol! I like the last line. But seriously, why would you need that?
15 Sep 16
1 comment
1 person
The Horse
@TheHorse (224770)
• Walnut Creek, California
14 Sep 16

I could swear that my "bank " went from 20-something to seven or so the other day. I remember checking my email, thinking an email from PayPal would be there, and finding none.
Now, my "bank" is back up to $20-something. Did...
30 responses •
25 people
@LadyDuck (472464)
• Switzerland
8 Sep 16

This morning, near our mailbox, I have noticed this insect, that I had never seen before in our area.
It did not seem scared by humans and it was kind enough to wait for me, while I went inside to get my camera to take a...
81 responses •
73 people
Your Highness Emperor Albert Whisker
@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
8 Sep 16

I had been missing for days because of some judgmental nosy neighbor. This Soccer mom is very sure I do drugs because I have tattoos, I am pale and skinny. She is also very sure I do drugs because I look weird, she thinks I do...
27 responses •
27 people
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349294)
• Rockingham, Australia
8 Sep 16

I like words. I like the way some sound, the way some look. I like big words – as long as I can pronounce them. My latest big word took a bit of learning but I think I have it now – paraprosdokian. Isn't that a beauty? Now maybe...
35 responses •
34 people
@jaboUK (64350)
• United Kingdom
7 Sep 16

When I first joined Mylot I didn't really see what advantage there was in following anyone. In those days (a year ago), there wasn't the option of clicking on 'their discussions' in order to see the posts of those you were...
96 responses •
86 people

Yalul I have stopped following people here in MyLot a long time ago. This is for the simple reason that there are not other perks or functionalities that will make following someone relevant. You don't get notified if someone you follow reacted to you or something...
8 Sep 16
1 person
@LadyDuck (472464)
• Switzerland
24 Aug 16

While I was sorting my shoes, it came to my mind something that happened some years ago.
I had the habit to hide cash inside my boots, to avoid to be robbed, when we were traveling.
When we moved from France to Switzerland, I...
103 responses •
88 people
The Horse
@TheHorse (224770)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Aug 16

We have an all-day training today. Or is it an all-staff meeting? It's one of those things I go to and think: Yes, the work we do is important. Yes, domestic abuse has negative effects on the kids. Applause for so-and-so, who has...
17 responses •
19 people
The Horse
@TheHorse (224770)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Aug 16

In my quest to understand everything, and become Philosopher-King of the Universe, I have been experimenting with how to write the perfectly terrible MyLot post--the one that nobody will read or comment on.
I think the main thing...
43 responses •
42 people

Yalul I read this. And this is very informative.
What about posts about food?
31 Aug 16
1 person
@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
18 Aug 16

# 34
I’ve been watching my bank since I logged in today. It’s so close I could feel it rolling over the $5 threshold at any second… And sure enough, there it is with the latest update!
So today, I’m officially...
67 responses •
66 people
@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
18 May 16

" I DON'T want a solution! I just want you to LISTEN!"
An acquaintance of mine said to me rather impatiently!
We met up for lunch and all she did was moaning about her job.
I put on my "problem-solver" cap and tried to give...
22 responses •
18 people
@jaboUK (64350)
• United Kingdom
18 May 16

I think that photos on a post are a real enhancement, but I can't count the times I've congratulated someone on a beautiful picture, only to find out that it wasn't their own. Surely it's not hard to just state that it's from...
53 responses •
50 people