Aanshi Raghava
@Aansh13 (11405)
New Delhi, India • Age 37
Joined myLot 7 years ago
Free Soul....
Aanshi Raghava's Responses
Always smiling
@allknowing (141685)
• India
24 Dec

Lots is being written about severe winter in the West. India is no less. Himachel Pradesh at the moment is reeling in heavy snow. Oveer 1000 vehicles are stranded and in the midst of it all there is no letting off snow as a...
4 responses •
6 people
@Ghostlady (1580)
• United States
22 Dec

I did a lot of cleaning today that I had kept putting off. The Landlord and his agent will be here tomorrow. Tom is so mad..he does not want picures of the inside of the house posted on line. I have a feeling he is not going to...
7 responses •
7 people
Always smiling
@allknowing (141685)
• India
21 Dec

Sanjay is leaving us. He worked for us for two years - great worker. He is joining his father in his business back home. He did everything - gardening, floor mopping, washing dishes, shopping the works.
I owe the successs of...
7 responses •
7 people
Always smiling
@allknowing (141685)
• India
21 Dec

The tables were laid out in the garden. With the lush greenery the tables with their pink table cloth and chairs to match gave them a classy look.
Our garden is large enough to accommodate the buffet, squatting for kids and...
7 responses •
7 people
Always smiling
@allknowing (141685)
• India
21 Dec

This cat that comes to visit us must be hungry as today she climbed up the kitchen platform and I saw her lapping up the milk which had no lid. I had kept it that way for it cool. Cats should not have milk as they are lactose...
9 responses •
11 people

Aanshi Raghava Well, this is something I wasn't really aware of....
Love to Peppie..
21 Dec
2 people
NJ Chicaa
@NJChicaa (121719)
• United States
21 Dec

I love when I don't have to worry about getting up for work the next day. I don't nap on days when I have to work because I'm always worried about it messing up my sleep. I don't have to go back to work until January 2 so it is...
5 responses •
6 people
Judy Story
@jstory07 (142187)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 Dec

I got up and fell right on my elbow it is really hurting and I hit the back of my head. I never fall and never get hurt. I put ice on my head and on my elbow.
But they sure do hurt. My husband opened up two cans of chumky soup...
18 responses •
17 people
Kayla Tsukino
@kaylachan (75674)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Dec

George and I had another good day. He was walking a little better when we went outside. I wasn't sure if he would because it'd only gotten into the high 50's, but he spent some time in his favorite chair. I just gave him his...
6 responses •
7 people

Aanshi Raghava Sounds like a mix of moments for sure! small steps can mean a lot. And congrats on hitting payout!
21 Dec
1 comment
2 people
Aparna Sen
@Dreamerby (6956)
• Calcutta, India
21 Dec

In this unpredictable world, You always have to be prepared for the unforseen. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. That's what they say. In your life, people will come and go. Some will be your fair-weather friends who...
15 responses •
13 people
@rakski (133764)
• Philippines
20 Dec

I slept like a log after the laundry, changing bedsheets (1 room only) vacuuming and mopping floors, and ironing clothes yesterday. I woke up with a bit of headache and body ache. It progresses to non stop...
12 responses •
12 people
@freelancermariagrace (28886)
• Philippines
20 Dec

In my previous post, I mentioned that I have injured toe, which led to swelling. I felt upset about the situation because it has been affecting my daily activities at home. I contacted the spa via Messenger to inform them about...
5 responses •
3 people
@rakski (133764)
• Philippines
19 Dec

After a long time, I reached again 10k+ steps. This is because of all the cleaning and mopping of some parts of the house, laundry and ironing clothes. No, I am not yet done. I still have to do tons of folding...
7 responses •
7 people

Aanshi Raghava It feels so good to by pass that mark, I have been hitting 20k for last 3 days because of travelling
20 Dec
1 person
Always smiling
@allknowing (141685)
• India
19 Dec

There is so much to share. Hope you are not bored reading about it
I was more than happy with the caterer who specially made those deep fried eggs which I had asked him to I found this recipe on YouTube and sent it to him. He...
10 responses •
10 people
Always smiling
@allknowing (141685)
• India
19 Dec

I thought I will not switch on the TV and not play Hearts online as I need all the time to create that party video. But I think I need a respite and creating that video is draining me.
I have just recorded what I need to say....
7 responses •
6 people

Aanshi Raghava Tasks something like these become draining after a while.
It's always good to switch around a bit
20 Dec
1 comment
1 person
Always smiling
@allknowing (141685)
• India
19 Dec

These crowns are customized. They were made from caps that we received online. The caps had to be assembled. I complained and they refunded the money but did not take back the cap stuff. I cut out crowns form this material.
8 responses •
7 people

Aanshi Raghava This looks absolutely amazing, you have managed to reuse it in such a beautiful way.
Very pretty indeed
20 Dec
1 comment
1 person
Always smiling
@allknowing (141685)
• India
23 Oct

Owning a Parker Fountain Pen in the good old days was considered a rare possession And if a student owned it the whole school would talk about it. I had settled only for a nib pen as we were not that well off
A Parker Fountain...
9 responses •
9 people

Aanshi Raghava Oh my God!!!
What an amazing thing your post reminded me off. This was such a fancy thing to have while I was in my school.
I remember, I got into food strike just to convince my Dad to buy one for me, because back then it was costlier than other fountain...
23 Oct
1 person
@xstitcher (33413)
• Petaluma, California
23 Oct

Hello all! Good study and good food tonight.
Now, I'm feeling tired, and I need to get to bed so that I can get back to cleaning tomorrow.
Tomorrow's Thursday and I'll be home, but then Friday I'll be going to get the stress...
6 responses •
6 people