@Caurfebri (267)
Joined myLot 3 years ago
I am only human. But, I will try to be useful for all.

Febry's Likes

Febry liked this  28 May
Well, that was nice.
Febry liked this  28 May
Stuffy Nose
Febry liked this  28 May
It's raining
Febry liked this  26 May
Like A Mother
Febry liked this  26 May
Well, that was nice.
Febry liked this  26 May
Rainy Day
Febry liked this  26 May
Come back to My Lot
Febry liked this  25 May
Another Busy Day
Febry liked this  25 May
Rainy Day
Febry liked this  25 May
Come back to My Lot
Febry liked this  25 May
Come back to My Lot
Febry liked this  25 May
Come back to My Lot
Febry liked this  25 May
Come back to My Lot
Febry liked this  25 May
Come back to My Lot
Febry liked this  22 May
Good afternoon myLot
Febry liked this  15 Feb 23
Busy year
Febry liked this  15 Feb 23
Potato fries for Lunch !
Febry liked this  15 Feb 23
Before and after
Febry liked this  15 Feb 23
Celebrating Nine Years With The Dude