Strenjia Pshilippines
@Strenj (119)
Baguio, Philippines • Age 30
Joined myLot 6 years ago
You will know me as you follow me! :)
Welcome aboard!
Strenjia Pshilippines's Responses
@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
19 Apr 19

I don´t know why, but earnings always change here when I´m not looking. I went to put on my PJs and then played a Mahjong game. When I came back, the earnings were in $10.0051. I reached my goal!
Now, with 10 more days to go, I...
39 responses •
38 people
@whiteream (8567)
• United States
13 Apr 19

I have cried millions of tears.
Tears of sadness, fear, and pain
Have rolled down my checks.
With the wisdom I have learned there
Is no one to blame.
I have cried millions of tears.
Tears of happiness, joy, and aspiration.
5 responses •
5 people
@xstitcher (33615)
• Petaluma, California
11 Apr 19

It's nearly 10 p.m., and I need to get to bed.
Tomorrow's another regular day schedule-wise at work.
I am going to go and check that I have a lunch made, and that the doors are locked and everything, and then try to get past...
4 responses •
4 people
Paige Caldwell
@Pcaldwell (78)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Apr 19

Studies have been coming out that coffee can be actually WORSE for our health than we thought. I love coffee so much, and need it so much in the morning, but maybe I should stop so I don't feel so fatigued all the time? What do...
7 responses •
7 people

Strenjia Pshilippines No, you don't have to completely stop it. Just a moderate amount of coffee can do. Or if you want to, a cup of coffee in the morning and replace it to tea in the evening. But sometimes, I do drink water after having a coffee. You can also do the same....
10 Apr 19
2 people
Wise Ghost
@WiseGhots (14606)
22 Feb 19

Recently, many nice users are commenting on my old discussions and this is leaving me with a lot of "work" to do here, haha! But, as this to me is pure fun, I am responding to everyone (as quickly as possible) and besides that,...
28 responses •
27 people

Strenjia Pshilippines Aww! That's great. That's possible because when someone hit the search button to look for something in keywords, the possible results are the discussions/posts published long time ago. So as much as we post contents, we must have to choose the correct tags for...
10 Apr 19
1 comment
1 person
Frederick Espiritu
@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
10 Apr 19

It needs the voice of an elephant
Those ears that's often asleep
Sweet lullaby doesn't creep
For those darkness faiths adamant
It needs the fullest of affection
Those hearts that feels nil
That traversed depression...
12 responses •
12 people
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
10 Apr 19

Tonight my husband told me a story from one his jobs. He worked on a ferry and he and his coworkers were not allowed to drink alcohol while they worked.
One of his coworkers thought he had found the perfect solution. He mixed...
11 responses •
11 people
@celticeagle (172520)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Apr 19

I'm hearing on the news this morning about an outbreak of measles in New York and a an argument about parents not wanting to immunize their children. Why? Because they have heard negative things about side effects and even autism...
11 responses •
9 people
@xstitcher (33615)
• Petaluma, California
10 Apr 19

Well, I am wiped, and ready to go to bed.
Tomorrow I'll go to work at eight again, but whether I get off at one p.m. or four/four-thirty p.m. depends on if my co-worker is back/her son feels better...
2 responses •
2 people
Aanshi Raghava
@Aansh13 (11405)
• New Delhi, India
9 Apr 19

Hey people, morning!!!
While reading the newspaper today, I came across a page that says about horoscopes. I personally is not the one who believes in this, but just for fun I read. I mean everything was okay written except that...
2 responses •
2 people
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Apr 19

Our neighbors are important for us. In emergency, it is our neighbors, who come to our rescue first, relatives come thereafter. Therefore, I believe that we should have cordial relations with our neighbors. We luckily have very...
15 responses •
16 people
@xstitcher (33615)
• Petaluma, California
10 Apr 19

I got the pictured bookmarks ready to send tomorrow. I sold them on Etsy to a lady that already bought two bookmarks from me March 30th. The ones pictured were both purchased April 6th.
Yipes. I really need to get to working...
4 responses •
4 people
Michelle Renee Kidwell
@Michellekidwell (29539)
• Sonora, California
9 Apr 19

I just got off with an over an hour long video chat with Sis, so of course I’m grateful! My word count can wait!
Earlier I had a kind of a strange conversation as well as one sided conversation (he did all the talking) with a...
4 responses •
5 people
Alfredo Rossi
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
2 Apr 19

What are five everyday problems that bother you.
What can you do about it.
Now sure I an do five.But one.
My legs are starting to bother me.
What can I do about it.(suffer)kidding.
some days are okay and today been the pits.
35 responses •
34 people
@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
8 Apr 19

That mylotters a more cat people than dog people?
Although several friends here ask me for Luna, I sense that their main love is a kitty. It is interesting because cats are not really domestic. There is always something wild in...
25 responses •
24 people
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
4 Apr 19

Friends are very important in one's life. Other than our families, friends are indeed most important people in our lives.
We need friends not only to keep us company nor comfort us whenever we need it, we need friends because we...
7 responses •
7 people

Strenjia Pshilippines That's true. Best friends stay but true friends are for a lifetime. So, are you a friend for a season, a reason or a lifetime? :) If you ask me, it depends to whom I'll befriended with. Because there are some people who are worthy to be a season, a reason and...
9 Apr 19
1 person
@DianneN (247183)
• United States
9 Apr 19

Doodles the cat enjoys going for walks outdoors with his daddy, our younger son. No leash necessary.
Why no leash? Doodles thinks he’s a puppy and follows commands. The neighbors think he is very smart. And he is. When...
38 responses •
38 people
Alfredo Rossi
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
9 Apr 19

Hello everyone.Thank you for the advice how to treat a cold.
Today not bad.Just stuffed and the weather is not helping any.
It is only 32 degree and has not moved.
How should parents address Internet pornography?
Which there is...
24 responses •
21 people