@Zephier (73)
United States • Age 43
Joined myLot 16 years ago
Life. Live it. No one ever gets out alive

Zephier's Likes

Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  28 May 09
Obama is creating History
Zephier liked this  24 May 09
The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Zephier liked this  24 May 09
The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Zephier liked this  4 Mar 09
How to tick off the Democrats
Zephier liked this  4 Mar 09
How to tick off the Democrats
Zephier liked this  4 Mar 09
history making election
Zephier liked this  4 Mar 09
history making election
Zephier liked this  4 Mar 09
do u believe in evolution?