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@Colmuc (707)
Age 85
Joined myLot 16 years ago
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Colmuc's Discussions
Balcony tomatoes. The right plant in the right place.
29 Jun 09
The special small bush tomatoes I have on my balcony are now producing 1 or 2 fruits per day per plant. Attached is a picture of 4 of the 13 plants that I have. They are ideal for limited space cultivation and produce a lot of...
balcony tomatoes
3 responses
This years holiday. China, Laos and Thailand.! Anybody been to Laos?
26 Jun 09
Hi folks, After a lot of thought and detailed research I have finally completed my plans for my four week Asian holiday in October. I will start in Beijing and at last see the Great Wall. Then on to Laos where I have never been...
west papua
3 responses
My balcony and garden are producing well. Is everybody satisfied this year?
26 Jun 09
This picture shows part of my balcony with my large selection of salad crops and the one box of flowers which I included as an afterthought. They are petunias and have grown really well. My tomatoes are now producing several ripe...
balcony crops
garden fruit
11 responses
2 people
Errors or changes in American English?
18 Jun 09
I thought I was aware of most of the differences between English and the American English which is being used more and more internationally but I am confused by some things. So often I see "to much" or "to long" etc. instead of...
american english
19 responses
7 people
Eating apples looking good!
15 Jun 09
The apples on my James Grieve tree are growing well. They should be ripe by end of August or early September. The picture shows just one small bunch. This is repeated all over the tree several hundred times. I may have to prop up...
james grieve
4 responses
1 person
What are your gardening problems. How do you tackle them?
15 Jun 09
I hope the picture has uploaded showing 16 of each Broccoli and Cauliflower plants four weeks after planting and all still growing well and healthy. I used to always lose a few plants to the cabbage root fly which was my biggest...
cabbage root fly
6 responses
1 person
Can you beat this? Are you environmental friendly?
15 Jun 09
The attached photograph shows my neighbour's garden shed with the roof covered in plants. He is very environmental friendly and did not want to rob nature of the ground that his shed covered. Now he has just completed a large...
4 responses
2 people
Apple trees! It sometimes pays to be tough. Have you tried it?
12 Jun 09
The apple trees in the picture are a James Grieve in the foreground and behind it a Cox's Orange. The James Grieve has regularly produced fruit but had grown quite straggly. The Cox's had not produced anything in the last 6 years...
apple tree
james grieve
3 responses
Lots of Lettuce. With hearts and just loose leaf. Which do you prefer?
10 Jun 09
The picture shows a plant of Lollo Rosso which is a colourful and good tasting leaf lettuce. I have been taking leaves from this plant regularly for 2 weeks and it just keeps producing more. It surprise me how many gardeners here...
2 responses
Oktoberfest in Munich. Have you been? Will you go? Would you like to go?
9 Jun 09
Every year in Munich, Germany, the biggest beer festival in the world takes place over two weeks. This year it will be from Saturday, September 19th until Sunday, October the 4th. Many thousands of people come from all over the...
5 responses
1 person
Is your garden work restricted by local laws?
4 Jun 09
Here in Germany I am not allowed to mow the lawn or do anything which makes a noise on Sundays or public holidays. Most people do not work at all on those days. Since I am only at the house where my garden is at weekends or...
6 responses
1 person
Can a female be a hero? Sony Ericsson think so!
4 Jun 09
Sony Ericcson are the major sponsor of women's tennis and are currently running an advertising campaign "Looking for a Hero?". They list in this the major women tennis players. Surely the female equivalent of a hero is a...
4 responses
3 people
Tomatoes. So many varieties and styles. What is your favourite?.
2 Jun 09
The humble tomato is probably the most versatile fruit we have. I have been growing them for over 50 years. Today there exists so many varieties with different sizes, shapes and colours. On my balcony I grow a special type,...
5 responses
2 people
A good year for roses?
2 Jun 09
We had a long severe winter here and I am astonished how well many plants in my garden are growing. The roses are much stronger and have flowered earlier than in previous years. Last year I fed them with used coffee grains and...
4 responses
Lupins. Where have they all gone?
2 Jun 09
Fifty to sixty years ago almost every garden where I lived in Scotland had lupin plants in several shades. Where I live in South Germany they are almost unknown and I have never seen any in a garden except for my own. I grew mine...
2 responses
1 person
Patience pays off with a Clematis. How do I keep it happy?
2 Jun 09
I am very much a vegetable gardener but also like to have a few flowers. Over the last 10 years I have tried unsuccessfully to grow clematis. They would produce a few flowers the first year but die off in the winter. Four...
4 responses
Apples, Apples and more apples. What do I do with them.?
2 Jun 09
The apple tree in the picture is 71 years old. Yes even older than me! This year it was so beautiful with masses of blossom and is now covered in small apples which will be ready in October. The variety is Boskoop and they store...
boskoop apples
19 responses
5 people
A very unusual gent's toilet.
19 May 09
Travelling around the world you will often come across something that is new to you. In Darwin, Australia I found a gent's toilet that had a feature I had never seen before and have never seen again. Is it unique, I wonder? In...
mature content
5 responses
2 people
Congratulations to non English speaking members.
19 May 09
I greatly admire the non English speaking people who are writing in Mylot. It must be very difficult for many of them yet they continue to do the best they can. This way they can learn and improve. I hope all English speaking...
english writing
33 responses
7 people
My first lettuce of 2009. Who else grows their own?
15 May 09
I have just eaten a salad made up of spring onions, chives, parsley and the first lettuce leaves all grown on my balcony. Exactly 4 weeks ago today I planted out some "Littles Gems" which do not yet have firm hearts and some...
3 responses
2 people