@moneyman123 (194)
Canada • Age 36
Joined myLot 17 years ago
Responses (123)
moneyman123's Responses
@mattcassethan (226)
• Canada
25 Sep 08

how many times have you been on a diet? how many time's did you loose weight and than gain it back, what was the best diet that worked for you?
8 responses •
3 people
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
24 Sep 08

What would you do if you were getting your groceries and noticed the car beside you had a bunch of younger adults doing drugs , what if you went for coffee and you noticed this or anywhere that was a publc place ? Would you say...
34 responses •
10 people

moneyman123 I would stay away from them unless they tried to get me to take something. I woudl ignore them but if there was a bunch of littler kids then I might call the cops on them cause they shouldn't be giving it to littler kids casue doing drugs in not being cool.
25 Sep 08
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1 person
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
24 Sep 08

How secure do you feel the internet is with all the scams we hear about eveyday , are you comfortable using your credit card or do you wait to hear what others have to say about a particular site or do you just buy what it is you...
38 responses •
10 people

moneyman123 No I would be to scared to do this. I would pay with paypal because I think it is safer then a credit cards. You don't want someone to have your credit card number and there is hackers and to many scams out there now to be safe and to take a chance doing...
25 Sep 08
1 comment
1 person
@wizardofcourage (32)
• United States
23 Sep 08

I know alot of us have looked at others and have said so many things about them only to find out that you were wrong, or even when we look at ourselves, some of us think the worst,so lets get it straight here... tell us who YOU...
2 responses •
1 person
@eve301345 (658)
• Philippines
22 Sep 08

Hi Myloters,
I know some of us here make quite good money doing things here in Mylot. I earned $8 so far and not far away from the minimum pay out. I suppose you think this is very small earning for the month but I think its...
17 responses •
4 people
@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08

It's hard for children to have asthma because they find it difficult to breathe specially when they have the attack at night, and it hinders them to do physical things. But it is said that, exercise can boost aerobic fitness in...
9 responses •
4 people

moneyman123 My sisters have asthma and my mom took the carpet out of there room to help them and took down the curtains and stuff like that cause this can make them sick. And they should not be by many animals and beign outside can make it worse to casue of the pollen. If...
22 Sep 08
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2 people

moneyman123 I don't ever want to lose my internet. I jsut got a computer and I waited so long to get it and would be very upset if I had to give it up cause I waited so long to get it and I like to play games on it everyday and I come on here and I can make money to.
22 Sep 08
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1 person
@babygurl03 (268)
• Canada
22 Sep 08

I don't understand what you do to get in these when I look at the times or the responses sometimes I have more reponses tehn they do or they have not had an answer posted in hours and I have had answers posted a few minutes ago ,...
4 responses •
3 people
@babygurl03 (268)
• Canada
22 Sep 08

So many people have dishes now and can watch there movies on the dish or order them to watch a movie so do you still rent them or buy them from your dish?
5 responses •
3 people
@babygurl03 (268)
• Canada
22 Sep 08

My friend and I used to do this every year but I missed the last couple of years. It is a lot of fun to do and once you get in the water it is not too bad have you ever gone swimming in the winter , not in a pool that was heated...
3 responses •
3 people

moneyman123 No it is to cold and you can catch hypothermia if you are in there and you could get sick. I won't do this ever.
22 Sep 08
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1 person
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Sep 08

Yesterday my wife and I were driving past a dark empty road, when a stranger appeared on the side of the road. He made us a signal with his hand to halt the car for a lift. There where two children at the back of his car. My wife...
53 responses •
16 people
@mattcassethan (226)
• Canada
22 Sep 08

with all that has gone on with Maple Leaf, do you still buy their food, and if you have stopped buying from them do you think you will buy from tham again someday??
5 responses •
3 people
@mattcassethan (226)
• Canada
22 Sep 08

my hubby works all the time, we have no time each other, we have 3 children and i work part time, i've been trying to get him to change jobs but he will not, i can't stand this anymore i feel like im living with a person i don't...
11 responses •
5 people
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
22 Sep 08

The children at the school my children go to participate in the Terry Fox Run , they go around and try to find others to sponsor them for the run ? Would you support this if someone showed up at your door asking for a sponsorship...
2 responses •
2 people
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
22 Sep 08

When you are out and about and you find change on the road , in a parking lot , in a ditch , where ever , do you stop to pick it up ? What if it is a penny will you stop and pick this up or do you walk on by feeling it is only a...
14 responses •
7 people
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
22 Sep 08

If you had a friend and they were hurting an animal would you report them , what would you do to protect this animal ? Would you say something to your friend and what if they got mad at you and told you it was none of your...
20 responses •
6 people

moneyman123 I would do everything I could to protect an animal. I would report someone if I saw them doing this but I would try to stop them first cause it doesn't mean that anyone would get there in time to save the animal. I would do anything I could to protect that...
22 Sep 08
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1 person