@stibigirl (291)
United States • Age 46
Joined myLot 18 years ago
If you don't like what I have to say....I really don't care!
Responses (194)
stibigirl's Responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Congress in now debating the bail out plan. What do you think of so much of your tax dollars going to bail out wall street? Is it the right move? Is it rewarding bad behavior? How will it effect the ecomony?
6 responses •
3 people
stibigirl The bail out is not what bothers me so much, it is Secretary Paulson's actual plan and the fact that again there will be no over site or authority to regulate how this bailout happens (if this is the plan that passes). Paulson's plan says:
"Decisions by the...
25 Sep 08
1 comment
1 person
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Are you a member of's Mturk?If so,do you make enough money to compensate for the amount of time it takes to do the tasks?
3 responses •
1 person
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Is anyone else sick of this sideshow circus we are calling an election besides me?
I'm so sick and tired of the media and bloggers being derailed from the real issues talking about crap about the candidates (half of it which...
11 responses •
1 person
@tipsyflash (581)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Corporate greed for me... too much of that going around and so many problems stem from it.
What is the one issue that's the most important to you?
5 responses
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
2 Sep 08
One of the reasons John McCain claims he picked Sarah Palin, as his Vice Presidential running mate, was because Sarah Palin had opposed the building of the "Bridge To Nowhere" in Alaska.
Dubbed the “Bridge to Nowhere,” the...
19 responses •
7 people
stibigirl Yes please everyone do your research and get the facts, don't forget about the huge McCain blunders and the big rip off of the Keating Five Scandal, they were five US senators accused of corruption as part of the bigger Savings and Loan scandal in 1989. One of...
2 Sep 08
2 people
@mms05084 (93)
• Papua New Guinea
28 Aug 08
I watched a lot of videos about this on Youtube and these videos speak for themselves. The September 11 attack was not a mere terrorist attack or something. It is a conspiracy transpired by the government of America, trying to...
24 responses •
5 people
@EightBitGnosis (39)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I mean sure you lose a little bit of the edges, but when would I not be able to tell what's going on just because a few inches of the film are missing? Then again some people are picky, and they have a right to be.
So where do...
5 responses •
1 person
stibigirl I always buy wide screen movies and I feel that full screen movies are "redirected", like someone repainting over someone elses art work. I know that some people like the full screen, but that is because they usually don't understand what has happened by using...
28 Aug 08
1 comment
1 person
@AlexanderS2 (66)
• Brazil
4 Apr 07
why nearly all cultures have a religion. i know we are in an scientific world, and many people dont believe in god anymore, at least the say so, and the influence of the religion in our dauly life is very less. Many people claim...
5 responses •
1 person
@smileyDevil (271)
• India
4 Apr 07
Understandable that Google is one of the lone survivor of the Dot Com burst. But do you people think that Google is successful, keeping in mind that it has now started to buy other sites and ending up with court cases against it....
1 response •
1 person
stibigirl Google is not only successful but it is considered under the best places to work in the entire US. I don't know where your concerns are, court cases are a dime a dozen especially in the US, and even more so in fighting for internet rights. Google will most...
4 Apr 07
1 comment
1 person
@elizajane202 (159)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I remember when helium first started it was all about the best responses and how many times people read what you wrote. It seems like the same here. Am I wrong? Am I missing something? I stopped using helium a long time ago when...
5 responses •
4 people
stibigirl Once you publish an Article on helium you get paid every time someone reads your article, so you have the chance to earn dollars instead of pennies off of your effort. Mylot pays you for Forum Posts you make and posts that are made to the discussions that you...
4 Apr 07
1 comment
1 person
@JavaBeansJ29 (173)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Any fellow freelancers out there? Just wondering if you have had luck winning bids or finding jobs. I seem to be having a hard time and was wondering if you would be willing to share your ideas and maybe what sites you work...
6 responses •
2 people
@JavaBeansJ29 (173)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I am with a few freelance companies, and lately, it seems that all the jobs are grouped works of 10-25 articles on a specified topic. However, the time frame permitted is between 1 and 2 days to submit the work. Each article is...
4 responses •
1 person