Tushar Mahadik
@tushky7 (164)
Mumbai, India • Age 34
Joined myLot 8 years ago
#Software Developer
#Love life
Responses (46)
Tushar Mahadik's Responses
Rommel Cabrera
@unisa000 (67)
27 May 16
I don't know anyone who hasn't think about dying. We all gonna die. What is your idea about dying? How would you like your remains to be done?
My preference of dying is quick. And I would like to get cremated when my time comes.
8 responses •
5 people
Tushar Mahadik @unisa000 getting cremated is good idea by the way but I would prefer my body to be preserve, what u think?
27 May 16
1 person
@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
27 May 16
Just a couple of phrases. That's it.
Went to my sister's house in neighboring village.for lunch. And see her boyfriend Chris
Chris is American and can not speak Tagalog or Iloko(Ilocano), so having a.conversation with him is...
14 responses •
12 people
Tushar Mahadik u better have convo with him often and if he is good man then u should!
27 May 16
1 comment
1 person
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
29 Apr 16
I was only gone for a few minutes. I just turned my back, and then when I looked he was nowhere to be found. "Where are you?"
He is on mylot somewhere.
He got washed into a sea of discussions...
25 responses •
26 people
Tushar Mahadik I think I came up on behalf of him, So hello my Friend
27 May 16
1 comment
1 person
myLot Bugs
@myLotBugs (211)
• Kansas City, Missouri
23 May 16
Hey everyone!
Well, as a lot of you know, a private messages spammer showed up over the last couple of days.
We created safeguards awhile back to prevent this kind of thing from occurring, but this spammer was actually pretty...
96 responses •
122 people
@anya12adwi (9816)
• India
21 May 16
I never knew that these two sentences have difference. I got to know when a host asked the contestant if he loves his girl or is in love with her!! I got blank like they are same, why is she asking to confuse me!!...
10 responses •
10 people
Tushar Mahadik @anya12adwi guys can love anything girl, they are not selective like girls
22 May 16
1 person
@bacon147 (425)
• South Africa
21 May 16
I had a choice earlier this day between a nice homemade burger or a Steers burger. I chose the Steers burger, because in my opinion it tastes better. It may not be as healthy, but it sure does taste good.
Which do you prefer and...
13 responses •
11 people
@bacon147 (425)
• South Africa
21 May 16
Would you be able to survive without a cellphone? You would still have all the other technologies and electricity and so on, but not your cellphone.
If you can't live without it, what is your reason for it? And also if you can...
21 responses •
10 people
Susan Turvey
@sue317 (6)
• Australia
21 May 16
I would have to say that loosing a child is the worst pain ever. I lost a son, in 2013. You never think that something like this will happen to you. Now that it has, I am not sure the pain will ever go away. At first I just wanted...
9 responses •
5 people
@siddrokr (163)
• India
21 May 16
Just think of a situation ,you are given a $1. What you will do? If I was given a dollar I would first go for the forex trading.I would have traded it with the lowest available currency.In other words I would have put that for...
15 responses •
9 people
Tushar Mahadik @siddrokr I would give it to any little girl and tell her to buy chocolate for her
21 May 16
1 comment
4 people
@Marilynda1225 (83062)
• United States
20 May 16
I went into the bathroom this morning and there is a totally empty toilet paper roll hanging on the roller. Next to the toilet sits a newly opened roll on the sink.
Now I ask...how hard is it to just replace the old one with a...
25 responses •
24 people
@marlina (154131)
• Canada
20 May 16
I am not a happy camper right now as I have to go out again to solve a problem that the electricity company has created. All their doing and they want us to pay a fee for their own mistake.
I have been trying to solve this since...
42 responses •
36 people
Rizki Agung Rahmat Alfarisi
@rizkiaralfarisi (39)
• Bandung, Indonesia
21 May 16
i don't know how can this is happen to me,because honestly i always checking all my stuff like my wallet my bag my hand phone and my laptop are in the save place or i always keep my eye on my stuff.
but one day when i go to the...
7 responses •
2 people