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@Bellapop (1279)
Age 45
Joined myLot 15 years ago
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Bellapop's Discussions
does anyone know where the winter 2014 Olympics will take place?
9 Aug 12
I've only just found out that the Olympics actually take place every two years, the summer session and the winter session. anyone know which sports take place during the winter session?
the winter olympics sports
2 responses
What does the Duchess of Cambridge do with all her outfits after the event?
9 Aug 12
I'm assuming the Duchess only wears each outfits once and very rarely twice. They are all obviously created and signed with care and attention by well accomplished designers, not to mention the cost and time that goes into them....
touches cambridge
1 response
1 person
hello everyone! I'm back!
9 Aug 12
hi everyone! Hope everyone is well have unlocked on for so long I just found out that the website has deleted all my earnings. Apparently they do that if you haven't logged on for 90 days better get reading and writing!
deleted earning
losing earnings
missing credits earnings
4 responses
Which is more nutritional? Red or black grapes?
1 Jan 12
I know for one thing that all read or purple grapes are definitely higher in nutrients than green grapes but then there are also black grapes (or are they just dark purple grapes)? But anyway which is better and has more...
nutritional benefits nutrients health red grapes p
3 responses
The start of 2012 - what does it mean for you? Are you happy or sad?
31 Dec 11
This is the first time at the end of a year that I feel like this - I'm actually feeling a little sad... depressed at the thought after all these years I have achieved very little, having to face up to the realities of my current...
a new year
how do you feel
14 responses
3 people
Is it worth joining Twitter as an individual?
30 Dec 11
I keep hearing about Twitter but haven't signed up yet? Is it worth signing up? Could anyone tell me more about the benefits? Any bad bits? ;)
joining twitter
4 responses
Is it true that people who own cats are not as friendly as those who own dogs?
30 Dec 11
I've noticed that people who own cats don't seem to be as friendly as those who own dogs, I have found this with quite a few people - at least, the people who own cats don't seem to give way to you as easily as those with dogs....
cat owners not as friendly as dog owners
11 responses
2 people
Ways to unblock a kitchen sink - 'naturally' ?
30 Dec 11
Sorry for the 'naturally' bit - the kitchen sink is blocked right now and we're just not keen to put sink unblocker down it until tonight as we still need to use it for food etc. We've tried vinegar, boiling hot water and baking...
unblocking a sink using natural methods
5 responses
1 person
Katherine Jenkins and Gethin Jones call off their engagement, it's so sad...
30 Dec 11
I'm actually more of a fan of Katherine Jenkins' singing, but they looked such a well suited happy couple, it's just sad they're splitting up because of 'not having enough time'...
katherine jenkins gethin jones engagement called o
Running with bare Feet or padded Trainers?
30 Dec 11
I've just read an article about this clinical survey that has been carried out on people who run in trainers and those who run with bare feet - the results show that people who run in trainers subject their joints to more shock...
damage to joints
fitness health
or with padded trainers
running with bare feet
2 responses
How have humans evolved to be the dominant species today?
28 Dec 11
Apparently, we are related to the apes, so why have the monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees still so far behind? After thousands of years we seem to have stayed in the same shape and form, maybe slightly taller, stronger and living...
how have humans evolved
humans evolution
1 response
1 person
Why do men of the same age always look younger than women in comparison?
23 Nov 11
As I get older, I have noticed age spots, wrinkles, sagging and ill complexion, which I know is an inevitable sign of getting older, even with make up, exercise, and eating all the right things it's pretty hard to keep up! But...
4 responses
Eating chips with a fork - is this also bad manners?
23 Nov 11
After posting a discussion about eating with our hands and fingers, I've actually been told off by a friend for eating chips with a fork? Is this really abnormal?! :)
eating chips with a fork
4 responses
Alternatives to bread and pasta?
23 Nov 11
There's been a lot in the media lately about how bread is not as good it used to be, as it stops people from losing weight, causing digestive problems etc. this apparently goes the same with pasta and white rice. I'm finding that...
alternatives to bread and pasta
11 responses
1 person
Eating with your fingers - is this rude?
22 Nov 11
Where possible I love to eat with my fingers, with things like pizza, toast, chips...I do this at home a lot but if I were to do this at a restaurant or in public, would it be bad manners and rude?
dinner etiquette
eating with hands fingers
18 responses
1 person
Why do they always have to hunt down and kill fallen a dictator?
29 Aug 11
I really don't get this, why do we always have to hunt down and kill a fallen dictator? Why can't we just let them live the rest of their life humanely – after all, the reason why we want to remove the first place was so that the...
2 responses
2 people
What happens when you eat too much onion?!
23 Apr 11
Lately, I've been a bit obsessive with eating onions, particularly with the spring onions - with everything I eat I seem to be adding some onion in, it comes reading an article on how good onion is for health and nutritionally -...
eating too much onion
8 responses
2 people
Getting invited to Wills and Kates wedding?
22 Apr 11
I don't understand why the whole family doesn't get invited, in that I mean their relatives and people that they know well. Maybe it's just the media will the papers who are misrepresenting them but the impression that I'm getting...
2 responses
Using too much hair conditioner - is this bad?
22 Apr 11
I really love using hair conditioner, especially the leave in creams that you can get, the result is always soft silky shiny hair. But at the end the day creams are artificially made with God knows how many chemicals, so would it...
14 responses
1 person
Has anyone seen 'Beastly' yet?
22 Apr 11
This film is actually being shown in the UK from tomorrow, seeing from the trailers it looks very interesting, but that reading from the reviews that it doesn't seem to be very good – has anyone seen it yet in the US or UK?
beauty and the beast
1 response