Reema Roy
@RRoyy2 (124)
New Delhi, India
Joined myLot 9 years ago
Not just d Girl next Door, Fun to Be with, Book-aholic, Opinionated, Can do Anything & Everything at a Blink Only ;)

Reema Roy's Likes

Reema Roy liked this  16 Apr 16
Reema Roy liked this  16 Apr 16
Does self-worth define you?
Reema Roy liked this  6 Apr 16
How Many Cats Here?
Reema Roy liked this  6 Apr 16
Sleepless in Delhi ! !
Reema Roy liked this  5 Apr 16
Sleepless in Delhi ! !
Reema Roy liked this  30 Mar 16
Sleepless in Delhi ! !
Reema Roy liked this  29 Mar 16
Sleepless in Delhi ! !
Reema Roy liked this  29 Mar 16
Sleepless in Delhi ! !
Reema Roy liked this  29 Mar 16
Sleepless in Delhi ! !
Reema Roy liked this  29 Mar 16
Wine A Little, You will Feel Better....
Reema Roy liked this  9 Mar 16
Reema Roy liked this  8 Mar 16