@Rose7179 (217)
United States • Age 45
Joined myLot 18 years ago
Rose7179's Responses
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Sep 08

It is about dang time that someone I have been rooting for, stands to win the half million dollar prize on Big Brother! Go Dan!
Ok...now that my over exuberance is out of the way, for those of you who may have missed tonight's...
14 responses •
5 people
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Sep 08

Ok folks...it sort of looks like the boys (Dan and Memphis) intend to send Keesha to the jury house instead of Jerry because they feel like they can beat him in the final HOH competitions. They intend to just watch him drop during...
19 responses •
4 people

Rose7179 UUUUGGGG I dont know about this. I know Jerry is old but what are they going to do if he wins..........
8 Sep 08
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1 person
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
7 Sep 08

If you didn't watch tonight's Big Brother episode on CBS, don't look any further because, otherwise it will spoil the twist with the luxury comp that Dan won. Well, that may have ruined a part of it for you too. If so, sorry! But,...
14 responses •
1 person

Rose7179 Im kind of on the fence with the choice he made. Are the other jury members going to know about the trip? If so they may all choose to not vote for him because of this. I think it was a good choice to pick Michelle out of the jury members but it could bite him...
7 Sep 08
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1 person
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
6 Sep 08

This is based on what it looks like so, I want to be sure you all understand that this is sort of a preliminary report.
It looks like Memphis won the POV. The feeds show that he has it around his neck which, either means he won...
10 responses •
1 person

Rose7179 Perfect!!!! That is so awesome. I was a little worried about Dan putting Memphis up, but it is ok now lol
6 Sep 08
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
5 Sep 08

I can tell you! The details are still fuzzy but, I know one of the most important parts of it and that is who won it. I also know what it was and the answer. Want to know. Follow the yellow brick road...or just keep reading!...
6 responses •
1 person

Rose7179 See this is what happens when I don't have internet for a day lol. I totally forgot about the Lux. comp. but YAY DAN!!. So many thoughts whirl around in my head about what it could be. I don't see him kissing butt though, and your brain twin is right they may...
5 Sep 08
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1 person
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
28 Aug 08

So, this was not easy to find but, I found it. I figured by the way that the remaining HGs were talking on BBAD that they had played the week's HOH comp and someone had won and, I had an idea, based on what they were saying, who...
13 responses •
2 people

Rose7179 UUUGGGHHHH Cortjo, I think I puked a little when i read that.... lol j/k. I think he will put up Dan for sure and probably Memphis. Neither of which I want to leave. So then Dan needs to win POV, then Jerry needs to put up Keesha....Then Keesha needs to leave....
29 Aug 08
1 person
@lindsaykaye82 (544)
• United States
28 Aug 08

What brand of Cat food do you all feed your felines? I used to feed my girls Special kitty from Wal-Mart until they had that huge recall. It seemed Meow Mix was one of the few brands that did not get recalled, so that is all I...
3 responses •
1 person
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
27 Aug 08

Lat night was a great episode of BB10, but I was confused the "game" Dan played at the POV ceremony. What did he mean when he said Ollie lost a bet, Michelle go on the block. Did he mean Ollie should never have trusted...
4 responses •
1 person
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
25 Aug 08

You know you want to know if the POV was used by the person who won it and you know you want to know if it was used, who was put up in place of the other nominee.
So, if you want to know...look further! If not, don't! Avert...
10 responses •
3 people
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 Aug 08

Stop what you are doing if you don't want to know who won the POV this week!
I warned you!
Memphis! And, it looks like he will be taking himself off the block and Dan intends to put Michelle up because he wants to back door...
10 responses •
2 people

Rose7179 Sweet. I hope he does put up Michelle. Even with the deal with Ollie. Its all part of the game. I would like to see her go.
23 Aug 08
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
21 Aug 08

You know the drill...
First Jerry dropped. Then Keesha, then Michelle, then Memphis. It was down to Ollie and Dan.
Dan is the new HOH!
It is late, I am going to bed! But, I am thrilled! Now, who do you all think he will...
11 responses •
3 people

Rose7179 *Dances around the house* lol that is the best thing i have heard all day. I am so excited. Oh man i dont have a clue who he would put up. i would like to see him put up Ollie and Michelle. I dont know why but thats who I want to see him put up.
So how do...
21 Aug 08
2 people
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
20 Aug 08

So, I have been collecting some stuff about April to share with all of you. Instead of starting like three different discussions about her, I figured I would try to cover it all in one discussion right now. I sort of think I...
7 responses •
2 people

Rose7179 Cortjo I have 3 words for you. HIGH MAINTENANCE HOE!!!!! LOL
20 Aug 08
1 comment
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
18 Aug 08

Ugh! April received her designer clothes a few days ago and they showed it on BBAD. She got 5 full outfits by high end designers. Each outfit was either a dress, jewelry and shoes or a top, bottoms, shoes and jewelry. All total, I...
9 responses •
3 people

Rose7179 What a spoiled rich b........ I would love to get designer clothes.
19 Aug 08
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1 person
CAPirani Photography & Art
@capirani (2840)
• United States
19 Aug 08

Did you all hear Jerry's comment after the POV ceremony ended tonight? He said he expects to see more violence in the game in the coming weeks since it is coming closer to the end. Does that worry anyone about where that violence...
4 responses •
2 people
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
16 Aug 08

Don't look! Or do!
Dan won the POV. I haven't read the live feed updates just yet so, I don't really know what he plans on doing with it. I only know that he won it which is good, no matter what. Even if he uses it to take...
10 responses •
1 person

Rose7179 YAY DAN!!! I was beginning to wonder if he needed a pep talk to get him fired up lol. I am glad that he finally won. It is getting down to the wire and he needs to show that he is worth keeping around in an alliance. I don't think he will use it and I really...
16 Aug 08
1 person
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
15 Aug 08

Stop...spoiler below! You have been warned.
So, here it is. Renny might have made a mistake here. The one thing she should have done was put April and Ollie up together so that, if one of them gets the POV, only one will be...
10 responses •
1 person