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@hairypits (294)
Age 45
Joined myLot 17 years ago
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hairypits's Discussions
To smack or not to smack...
18 Aug 11
I have two children aged 4 and 5, and they are generally well behaved, well mannered thoughtful kids. However, from time to time they do really unecessary mindless things which I know seems to happen around the times they have a...
4 responses
1 person
Maury Povich, Jeremy Kyle...would you put your life out there on tv?
18 Aug 11
I don't get it I really don't. I am guilty of watching Maury and Jeremy Kyle simply for the entertainment value... The "who's the daddy" storylines, tales of theft within families, cheating couples leave me speechless they...
chat show
jeremy kyle
2 responses
How much is the economic crisis/credit crunch affecting you?
31 Jul 09
I have to ask this. I am in the north west of England and a lot of people I know are really suffering at the moment and in turn so am I. I am a mobile hairdresser and work has seriously wained over the last couple of months due...
credit crunch
economic crisis
1 response
Can anyone explain to me how the tasks and blogs work?
30 Jun 09
I've been here a while and still don't get the tasks thing on mylot and what to do. Oh and blogs. How does that work too? Does anyone use either of these on a regular basis because I'm always on here and have time to spare xxx
1 response
Things you miss about being a child....
30 Jun 09
I was thinking today about all the things I did as a kid that I never do any more. Things like... Making crappy soda stream drinks and drinking them even though they were awful! Birthday parties where you get spoilt...
what do you miss
30 responses
5 people
Reality TV gone mad...
30 Jun 09
I am one of the biggest culprits for falling into the trap of watching reality tv such as I'm a Celebrity, Big Brother and so on, but this week there is a barmy new one starting on Living TV called 4 Weddings. The concept is...
4 weddings
living tv
reality tv
3 responses
He makes me want to stab him at times...
28 Jun 09
First of all I must tell you I am happily married to my hubby of 5 years - together 11 years, with 2 little boys of 2 and 3, a beautiful big home in a sought after area, okay income, nice car, all is pretty good. Last Sunday we...
men kids abandon hypocrite idiot
6 responses
4 people
Mylot book of condolences - In Memory Of Michael Jackson
26 Jun 09
Michael Jackson's music formed the first 15 years of my life. Looking at the songs realeased from 1985 to 1995 I can literally place myself on that time frame singing with my friends in the school playground, dressing up with my...
book of condolences michael jackson memory death l
2 responses
OH MY GOD - michael jackson is dead!
25 Jun 09
check out sky news...I don't know the full story yet!!!
jacko michael jackson death dead
5 responses
1 person
Girl found asleep in a suitcase
25 Jun 09
I came across this piece of news today and am glad the emergency services in this country have the opportunity to prove themselves for once! "A little girl whose disappearance sparked a huge police search was found two hours...
What are you wearing...right now?
25 Jun 09
I have a t shirt nightdress on and it's only 6:41pm! I just bathed with the kids so am now chilling for the evening...only thing is I have to go water the flower baskets in the garden so I'll be a delight for all my neighbours to...
clothes fashion wearing
5 responses
1 person
WARNING - SIMON SHAW VIRUS the nastiest virus yet...
25 Jun 09
Just thought I'd start a discussion about this because I was warned about this in the last day or so. If you get an email from "Simon Shaw" DO NOT OPEN IT!!! It contains a virus that starts to hack into your computer, erase...
virus computer internet warning
4 responses
How much of a part of your life is music?
24 Jun 09
I listen to music all the time and have very varied taste from chart to the unheard of from punk to folk, rock to pop. I love everything! What do you listen to and how often do you listen to it?
4 responses
Why will no-one talk to me?
24 Jun 09
Are my discussions really so rubbish? I've been on here for over 12 months and lost heart first time round through being ignored! So I'm back and yeah a few people respond to the odd discussion I start but I'm lucky if there is...
lonely ignored click mylot
22 responses
3 people
Why is there so much interest in politics on mylot?...
24 Jun 09
I don't geddit. I know what is going on because yeah I watch the news, and read the papers but why talk about it so much? The big guys are ultimately gonna do what they want anyway so why waste brain space and time talking about...
news uk usa politics government conspiricies
3 responses
Thinking of a change of career - childminding WITH MY HUBBY as a couple...
24 Jun 09
We are seriously short of cash at the moment - as is everyone I KNOW! So I have been wracking my brains for a while. My hubby is a HGV driver which is gradually taking its toll on him. He is beginning to resent his job even though...
childminding caring kids baby children day care mo
1 response
1 person
What do we really think about Madonna and Mercy?
22 Jun 09
I am very uneducated on the whole adopting from another country thing but I just feel somehow it's wrong. There are so many children from our own countries who we can help and adopt - it's a known fact that in each country...
madonna mercy adoption david children abroad
1 response