Responses (88)
hometyme's Responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Jun 09
In courting the Muslim nations, Obama has gone all out. He's started using his middle name, Hussein, and advised all American embassies to invite Iranian diplomats over for a good old-fashioned 4th of July picnic. I don't know if...
14 responses •
3 people
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I was looking around the internet and came across this article on newsweek:
its best if you go to the link and read the whole story but the caption of it is "To the Republicans, everything...
11 responses •
4 people
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Feb 09
It is being reported that so many people are mad about the 900 billion dollar bail out plan that capital hill phone lines are getting jammed. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now. Our elected officials are finding...
capital hill
mad as heck and not going to take it anymore
people finally getting active
phone calls
phone lines
5 responses
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
5 Feb 09
As you probably know, the Senate is now debating the Economic Stimulus Package. This package, by the President's own calculations (I mean, those of his staff), will mostly not even take effect until 2-4 years from now!! That is...
8 responses •
1 person
@dfollin (25499)
• United States
17 Nov 08
There are always things I hear about how with this "bailout" money is given to mortgage companies and other financial institutions so that they can give credit to people to buy cars and other stuff.Ok,but what about me and other...
11 responses •
5 people
hometyme I don't know of any landlord that gets bail out money. In my opinion, banks, automakers, etc., should not get bailout money for paper pushing and union support. They should have to make the necessary changes like the rest of us do. This is a global economy...
17 Nov 08
1 comment
1 person
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
It drives me nuts when people who have the right to vote and don't use it. As a woman I see it as even more important to vote as we had to fight for the right. If you don't vote you can't complain about who is elected. In a lot of...
16 responses •
7 people
hometyme Do you really believe there is someone who cannot afford health insurance?
3 Apr 08
1 person
@friend2friends (1636)
• United States
28 Jan 08
a private message asking me how the business made money, he said he had no intensions of joining, but wanted me to explain to him my business model so he could write an article so he could make money on adsense.
The first Pm...
2 responses •
2 people
hometyme F2F, there's no reason to "write" for other people - free gratis. You should write your own book. It could be used to promote your business, if done correctly.
I know some people in your business. One large player did not know enough to help me when I was...
29 Jan 08
1 person
@petebaja (516)
• Mexico
23 Jan 08
With Pres. Bush's popularity rating so low and after 8 years of Republican Party rule in the White House, chances are a Democrat will win the general election this November. But wait! Will a Dem really be a shoe in to be the next...
10 responses •
3 people
@friend2friends (1636)
• United States
10 Jan 08
agenda was to serve the interest of the Fortune 500 needs, not the needs of the American people. One Big Ponzi scheme that would land any regular Joe in jail. Enron tried this, Health South tried this, MCI did too. Thousands lost...
4 responses •
1 person
hometyme I hope the "wacky" polls are an indication that people are tired of business as usual. I'm saying that our government is NOT doing thier job.
I hope the house is mostly cleaned! Have they answered any questions? I don't think any enemy of the US would be...
10 Jan 08
1 person
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
4 Jan 08
For at least a year now we've been bombarded with ads for the different candidates. Apparently nothing else has been happening, because all our newscasts have been about are the caucuses. There are so many candidates in the...
4 responses •
1 person
hometyme I would be ecstatic if MOST of the incumbent's terms WERE OVER. Doesn't matter if the Democrat or Republican. I'd like to see them stop playing politics instead of taking care of business. I'm not happy with thier high paid games while jobs go overseas, energy...
4 Jan 08
1 comment
1 person
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Okay right off the bat I'm venting here.
As you know I started a discussion about Yuwie and how I thought it was crap. Now here me out....I was in no way was expecting to be rolling in the dough, or to be expecting to earn a...
59 responses •
28 people
@friend2friends (1636)
• United States
9 Aug 07
Steaks, a cheesesteak restaurant owned by Joey Vento is being sued by the City Chairman Rev. James S. Allen, Jr.
Joey Vento posted a sign asking it's patrons when ordering to speak english that we live in America. It appears in...
1 response
hometyme Sounds like Joey unwittingly proposed the event. Since there are no responses, it seems that people don't know about this or they are afraid to respond. Either way, it seems to me, that it leaves the door open for governments, who are supposed to serve the...
9 Aug 07
1 person
@billionaire5 (1333)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Please be gentle, this is my very first time and I would really appreciate some input and help from my mylot friends. It is because of you that I have taken this step and I would really like any comments or suggestions you may...
8 responses •
7 people
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
5 Jul 07
I love how people can get a discussion going on mylot, about sometimes absolutely nothing. So, here is one. I am not asking any specific question or anything, just tell me something that happened to you today, or something that is...
28 responses •
9 people