Indradi Akmam
@Ianist (278)
Indonesia • Age 29
Joined myLot 8 years ago
Indradi Akmam's Responses
Anne Marie Guyer
@LeaPea2417 (37384)
• Toccoa, Georgia
12 Jun 16
Last night, an Islamist Terrorist Attack happened at a Gay Club in Orlando Florida. At least 50 human beings were shot dead by a 29 year old Islamist Extremist (who was a US citizen of Afghan origin). He was shot dead when he got...
8 responses •
6 people
@STOUTjodee (3573)
• United States
12 Jun 16
A couple of days ago, my son got word that a close friend of his was in an accident and was killed. Apparently he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Since my son was really close to him for over 3 years he is going to...
10 responses •
8 people
@Chungshop (2355)
12 Jun 16
Do you ever think of it.
The boy should play with others rather than reading a book in bed.
Are they too young to read? Or by now they should play.more.
How you treat your young boy?
10 responses •
6 people
Indradi Akmam Reading is good, at least let him try. And help him of course, if he needs help.
12 Jun 16
1 person
@Micah04 (36)
• Philippines
11 Jun 16
I feel upset. I just learned that the person i'm helping is not grateful. She say bad things about me behind my back. I've decided to stop helping her because i was really hurt. After all those help i've given her this is what i...
10 responses •
7 people
Indradi Akmam Don't think like that. She's not worth that much. Don't let someone like her to change your opinion about other people.
11 Jun 16
1 person
@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
10 Jun 16
After taking time to enliven my then stressful event last night. I'm loving the rain.
Friends wont stop messaging me and asked me if I'm okay. Actually I am okay, physically I am, after getting 2.5 liters of water inside my body....
10 responses •
8 people
Indradi Akmam Watching rain, or just water flowing is relaxing. I don't know what you're going through, but hang in there.
10 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
@Lolaze (5093)
• St. Louis, Missouri
10 Jun 16
There is outrage all over about the 3-6 month sentence for Brock Turner, who committed a sexual assault on a 23 year old woman on the Stanford University campus. He was sentenced to 6 months in jail but will be released in 3...
5 responses •
2 people
@HazySue (39268)
• Gouverneur, New York
10 Jun 16
After being up about an hour this morning I began to feel a little hungry. My mind turned to the normal breakfast food such as eggs, oatmeal, cereal, etc., but none of them sounded appetizing to me.
Opening up the fridge I...
11 responses •
8 people
Indradi Akmam I don't usually crave for something, but after reading this, I do now...
10 Jun 16
1 person
anthony davis
@lookatdesktop (27134)
• Dallas, Texas
10 Jun 16
A simple logic: If you are faced with a problem that you can't even understand, then first you need to find out what the problem is so you can explain it to someone else, and after all that, you simply must find a person, that...
2 responses •
2 people
@Bella128 (2471)
• United States
10 Jun 16
Another week has come to an end, what are your weekend plans?
My weekend plans include having a garage sale tomorrow. I hope it goes well. I have a lot of stuff to get rid of and it's always fun making money.
6 responses •
4 people
Indradi Akmam Probably hanging out with my my friends, haven't met them for about 2 months now good luck by the way!
10 Jun 16
2 people
@Chungshop (2355)
9 Jun 16
Everyone has his own lifestyle and culture, and act differently.
Some may arrange the bed when they wake up and some don't.
Some may sit there for few minutes before the next move.
Some may like to have a stick on hand. Some may...
10 responses •
6 people
Indradi Akmam I usually wake up, drink some water, open my laptop, open my mail and a few other sites. After that I go to college.
9 Jun 16
1 person
@onlinetomakemoney (605)
• Australia
9 Jun 16
I had a local neighbor stop at my home this morning and let me know that my 15yr old was riding her scooter in the middle of the small road I live on.
She was on her way to school with her younger brother who is 14.
The ladies...
2 responses •
1 person
@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
9 Jun 16
Got to get.dirty to clean.
It rained hard, checked the canal, water seems to be above my knees, got worried.
Went outside to see what might be wrong, and i saw garbage.
Pile of grasses, and plastic bottles and a...
24 responses •
20 people
@magallon (19279)
• Philippines
9 Jun 16
Do you believe that an egg yolk a day keeps the doctor away?
Personally, I grew up believing that eating eggs everyday is not good for my health. That's what mother had told me.
But now I have read and learned that two or three...
3 responses •
4 people
Indradi Akmam This is the first time I heard that. I know eggs were good and all, but I thought it was once a day at most.
9 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
@bloglog (628)
• Singapore
8 Jun 16
Why? What causes weight gain?
- lack of exercise,
- unhealthy / too much food,
- eating habits, supper do a great part,
these are what I could think of.
Some said, healthy food is tasteless, unhealthy food taste good. Is it...
8 responses •
7 people
Indradi Akmam For someone like me who doesn't like to be stared at, I don't like exercising in public because I feel like I would be watched (even though I'm probably not). As for eating, I can eat less, but most of the people in my family never completely finish the food...
8 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
@sissy15 (12328)
• United States
8 Jun 16
They say money doesn't buy happiness, and while in most ways that's true. Money doesn't buy love, friendship, or health. You can be poor and be happy, or at least I'm pretty sure you can. I know I'm happy sometimes, and I am poor...
5 responses •
5 people