@kareemadivina (1230)
Philippines • Age 43
Joined myLot 13 years ago

kareemadivina's Likes

kareemadivina liked this  25 May 19
Moringa Oleifera
kareemadivina liked this  20 Oct 18
anyone know the difference?
kareemadivina liked this  20 Oct 18
Something hit the Moon
kareemadivina liked this  20 Oct 18
Strained Relationship
kareemadivina liked this  18 Oct 18
Sleep with Lullaby Milk!
kareemadivina liked this  13 Oct 18
Abraham's camels
kareemadivina liked this  12 Oct 18
This is me
kareemadivina liked this  12 Oct 18
What is the best diet?
kareemadivina liked this  12 Oct 18
Would you avoid a negative friend?
kareemadivina liked this  12 Oct 18
Forgive cheating?
kareemadivina liked this  12 Oct 18
Yay! We can share poetry??