@ravyn1725 (52)
United States • Age 37
Joined myLot 18 years ago
Don't be the kid who always had to push the merry-go-round...get on and ride!
Responses (20)
ravyn1725's Responses
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I wonder what you all think about a diamond boycott to stop some of the horror in Africa
I think if all women and men refused to accept diamond gifts then the diamond industry would have to clean up their act and get serious...
57 responses •
6 people
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
15 Feb 07
My mom and I have been at war over my dogs since the day I got them. I moved out of my mother's house and into my own apartment BEFORE I even thought about getting a dog. After my boyfriend (now husband) and I got settled into the...
31 responses •
7 people
ravyn1725 It's obvious that you and your husband and children love animals--that's awesome! I can somewhat sympathize with you on mom not liking pets: After I moved out, my boyfriend got me a ferret (I fell in love with his two and just had to have my own little fuzzy!)...
15 Feb 07
1 comment
3 people
@fujin1985 (684)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
I've had several security blankets, from stuffed toys to other things, but I haven't got one that's constantly been with me to turn on for security.
How 'bout you?
2 responses •
1 person
ravyn1725 I would try to defend myself by saying that I'm too adult to have a "bwankie," but the truth is that I sleep with a teddy bear ::big guilty grin:: I slept with the same teddy bear for 18 years (yes, he looked pretty shabby--I still have him) until my boyfriend...
11 Feb 07
1 person
@rahuldmhatre (736)
• India
11 Feb 07
So i was wondering, what do you guys think of long-distance relationships. Would you get involved in one? Have you had one, was it a success?
These are my answers:
1. Would you get involved? No..never..waste of time and money...
79 responses •
9 people
@nikkilanger (52)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Well lets see, the first, second, and third were all PG. I know there was some uncertainty about the 3rd one being PG-13 or not but they did PG nayway. Now the 4th "Goblet of Fire" is PG-13 and i know "order of the pheonix" will...
28 responses •
2 people
@saralee1 (1983)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I have a biting ferret, Seva. she is 4 years old, and I love her to death, but she bites!
now I can train her to do just about everything from walking on a leash, to waking my husband up in the morning, but her habit of biting...
6 responses •
3 people
ravyn1725 Try pinning her on her back (like another ferret would) to show dominance when she bites--NEVER let her just get away with it. Most likely she's just trying to play with you; she doesn't know that human skin is much more tender than ferret skin. If she bites a...
10 Feb 07
1 comment
1 person
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I was looking around online and came across a place where you can exercise you mind with prompts. Writing in response to prompts is a good way to clear out the cobwebs and get your creative juices flowing. Try looking at these...
10 responses •
3 people
@Sawsen (793)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Everyone says I'm from my father's family. My siters and I are triplets. My two sisters look a lot alike, and everyone considers them to be like my mom's side of the family. My brother and I are more like my dad's side of the...
114 responses •
21 people
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
10 Feb 07
My community is reeling in shock. Two boys, aged 17, drove to a reclaimed mine site and shot 40-50 shots at a herd of horses who were grazing on grass. Three horses were killed and several others wounded. The killed horses were...
61 responses •
18 people
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I was just looking at a news story about a Russian man who divorced his wife whom he had been married to for 18 years simply because he found out that she had been feeding him pumpkins instead of the more expensive courgettes...
42 responses •
20 people
@DanielMarvoloRiddle (331)
• United States
7 Feb 07
At the risk of sounding like the intellectual snob I am often accused of being, I have a very simple question for my MyLot community...
Considering that you are putting your thoughts out for all the world to see, would it be so...
38 responses •
16 people
@sanjaychawla (366)
• India
7 Feb 07
i've been here for about 2 months. initially i was very excited to see that you earn the money here. But when i started using this, I realised that here we are getting the money very slowly.....
I'm earning very very slowly. I've...
89 responses •
16 people
@NucknFutz (180)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Who does she think she is? Everyone tells their significant other they want to stay friends when they break up..but how often does it happen? i truly wanted to be able to stay friendly with ..lets call her Jane..when I broke up...
34 responses •
4 people
@Lush_heidi (994)
• United States
5 Feb 07
After some bad experiences with churches, we found one that was pastored by a distant cousin of my hubby,Raymond. Well it was a long drive,almost an hour away, one way to get there. But it was small and we felt we had a lot to...
30 responses •
11 people
@PasoFinoDoll (5)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Do any of you Fibromyalgia sufferers or people that know family members with fibromyalgia - have any other disease, syndrome or condition that causes pain or similar symptoms of fibromyalgia. I too have fibromyalgia but I also...
6 responses •
2 people