@thegreatdebater (7316)
United States • Age 50
Joined myLot 17 years ago
I'm mean
Responses (1311)
thegreatdebater's Responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Apr 13

Nothing really complicated to this one. I'm just asking because there was that big mess over the Violence Against Women Act that a number of republicans voted against. There were several issues with the bill, but one thing that...
10 responses •
5 people

thegreatdebater Taskr, I looked at all of your links, and I understand that in a small controlled test area you can get unique results. But, the "theory" in two of these links doesn't dismiss the fact that in the real world more often than not it is males attacking females,...
26 Apr 13
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
25 Apr 13

I was taken back at the stupidity of the reasoning when I read the title of this article.
Talk about wacko idiots...
5 responses •
1 person
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
16 Apr 13

Sending Winston Churchill's bust back to England isn't enough of an insult, Obama has done it again.
Obama is not sending any US representatives to Margaret Thatcher's...
4 responses •
2 people
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
11 Apr 13

With the news of the knifings in Texas are we going to ban knives? Or are we going to deal with the real issue and that is the mentally ill people. President Obama promised us after the last shooting that this was going to be a...
3 responses •
1 person

thegreatdebater Bob, can you explain to everyone how all of these criminals get these guns? If every gun is purchased legally, and they stay in the hands of those who purchased them, then how do we have a black market for guns? What is the crime for NOT reporting a weapon is...
12 Apr 13
1 comment
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Apr 13

4 Simple Questions:
1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes.' So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is "African-American" when the term wasn't even used at that time ?
2. The birth certificate that...
10 responses •
6 people
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
5 Apr 13

Everyone is watching the political chess game in North Korea. This seems to happen that every springtime when North Korea is running out of food and supplies. The nations leader gets up and rallies his country against its enemies...
7 responses •
1 person

thegreatdebater So let me get this straight: You are upset that the POTUS would not negotiate with a crazy communist midget, who can't feed his people, and tries to bully the world into feeding people so he can then kill or imprison them? Didn't we go to war with someone for...
5 Apr 13
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
26 Mar 13

Obama promised no taxes on the middle class. Apparently he lied big time.
My friend, who has an ailing daughter, just submitted some flex account filings. He says, the flex account amount has decreased from $5000 to $2500. I...
4 responses •
2 people

thegreatdebater I don't have a flex spending account, it isn't a tax increase on me. Your link states that most people don't put in the $5,000. I am sure this will hit many rich people who will take advantage of ANY loop hole that they can find. But, I am sure that this will...
26 Mar 13
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
23 Mar 13

Harry, I knew you guys could do it. Only after the whole nation pretty much was on your back on how terrible of a job you guys have been doing, and only have the sequester kicks in because you guys have not done your job.
3 responses

thegreatdebater Think MyLot is happy, just so you will SHUT UP about it. No offense, but this is not like your family budget. They don't hold themselves to it, they find ways around it, and then they just leave out a TRILLION in spending as if it never happened. I understand...
25 Mar 13
@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
20 Mar 13

When you hear of an important news story what media do you turn to right away?
Fox? MSNBC? The BBC? I am hoping for a wide range of sources in the answers so feel free to list more than one.
By the way, why do you choose THAT...
11 responses •
2 people
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
17 Mar 13

Members of the tea party and fringe right often don't know what they are talking about, but publicly fancy themselves libertarians. Do you think that discredits real libertarians?
5 responses •
1 person

thegreatdebater Lady, the problem that you have with the "Tea Party" is that by nature, they are not run by anyone. This makes it very difficult to denounce people who either criticize, or falsely associate themselves with the "Tea Part". But, if you have a leader, or...
19 Mar 13
1 person
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
19 Mar 13

We hear much about the NRA being opposed to gun control and not concerned about the safety of others. The NRA was founded after the Civil War to teach the youth to be more accurate shots. They taught gun safety, help preserve out...
4 responses

thegreatdebater That is an excellent question Bob, but the answer is difficult. As your links point out, the NRA was originally built to train people how to shoot. They are excellent at that to this day, and provide a lot of training, and advice on what to do, and not to do....
19 Mar 13
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 Mar 13

It seems that the party that does not like big money influencing the elections is willing to have a Corporation guarantee a loan, for $10 million dollars, and then the DNC defaults on the loan. The company can claim a business...
2 responses

thegreatdebater Bob, it would appear that you have more of an issue with the IRS than you do Democrats. Yes, Obama is a hypocrite for his participation in this, but find me a politician that isn't a hypocrite? If I knew nothing of corporate taxes I might have agreed with you....
7 Mar 13
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Mar 13

Obama is pretending that sequester, which reduces the growth of government, will mean that critical personnel MUST be laid off, illegal aliens MUST be released from detention into Arizona (wonder who decided that was the right...
5 responses •
3 people
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
1 Mar 13

Hey Maxine, there is only 120-130 million people working in the USA. How can 170 million lose their jobs?
I hate it when people are so out of touch like...
12 responses •
2 people
@laglen (19759)
• United States
23 Feb 13

Fire arm and related companies are refusing sales to cities, states, municipalities and counties that restrict it's citizens from owning the same.
According to The Police Loophole, 34 companies have joined in publicly stating...
6 responses •
1 person

thegreatdebater That is so funny. I can't believe that you actually think they would do that. Their best customers are the people they are talking about restricting? I think this is the best thing they could do, and I think they should do this right away. One of the largest...
23 Feb 13
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
17 Feb 13

Is it just me or has America been transported into the twilight zone? Seriously, how inherently wrong, on so many levels, is it when an American president, let alone a sitting one, publicly issues condolences to the family of a...
7 responses •
2 people
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
13 Feb 13

I am tired of hearing how Obama and the left care so much for the middle class. This is a total lie.
Prove. Everyone know Obama taught Alinsky's "Rules for Radical" classes while he lived in Chicago. On of the rules to take...
6 responses •
4 people