Pamela Ross
@ChildofGod81 (504)
United States • Age 43
Joined myLot 9 years ago
I'm a total and complete movie buff. I will give most things a chance, but don't make any promises about liking the choice.
Pamela Ross's Responses
Four Walls
@FourWalls (68888)
• United States
8 Jun 18
As the summer heats up my job cools down. Starting next week, I'm going to a four-day work week. I have this all planned out, too: I'm taking my weekly day off on Friday one week, then on Monday the following week, giving me, in...
6 responses •
5 people
Toni LoCicero
@BearArtistLady (6036)
• United States
9 Jun 18
I was sitting here doing some work on my computer and drinking my cup of tea. Then I started hearing a strange noise, kind of like someone using a rusty saw, but the rhythm was too regular. My mind promptly went to thinking one...
5 responses •
4 people
Linda Mansfield (Snowdrop)
@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
5 May 18
Some movies I can watch over and over again and never get fed up with them. I love the Shawshank redemption and also the Green Mile and each time I watch those films I notice a little bit which I had overlooked before.
18 responses •
14 people
@gibocam (343)
• United States
22 Nov 17
Why do people watch their favorite movies over and over again? What could possibly be their reason and how it will benefit them?
7 responses •
3 people
@AbbyGreenhill (45494)
• United States
12 Aug 16
MyLot is many things....
* It is a place to meet new friends
* It is a place to catch up with old friends
* It is a place to share knowledge, tips and tricks
* It is a place to learn about movies, books and TV shows
* It is...
28 responses •
31 people
Heather Echola
@GardenGerty (160879)
• United States
12 Aug 16
Hubby is taking the day off so we can go have birthday fun. I was pro acttive, and shut the alarm off. He usually forgets on the weekend and it goes off at 5 a.m.
Guess who decided it was time to get up at 4:30. . .
Not Bob,...
20 responses •
19 people
Valerie J. Routhieaux
@just4him (317250)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Aug 16
I just got here about an hour ago to get my Bible Study done and get started on here. This morning was a very busy one. As I've been doing all week, my day started in the pool. We followed that up - my son and I - with packing...
11 responses •
11 people
Pamela Ross Wow you had a really busy day! My day consisted of sitting at my computer waiting on the phone to ring. Very slow day. I did get some writing done on here, but mainly I indulged in my new addiction...namely, Zabrena on youtube. She does makeup tutorials and...
11 Aug 16
1 comment
1 person
Elizabeth M. Archut
@ellagotnailed (94)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Aug 16
I'm not just talking, psychic as in a fortune teller. I just wonder if you believe in psychic ability. Have you ever felt that something was about to happen and it did? How about that feeling you get when something just seems off?...
5 responses •
3 people
@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
9 Jun 16
Do you ask the person what they want for their birthday? Or do you just assume and buy what you think is the best present?
Sometimes I would sneakily get them to tell me what they want. I like to see their face lit up when they...
12 responses •
9 people
Pamela Ross The best thing that I've found that works is to ask the person for 3-4 different things that he or she wants, all in different price brackets. That way you can buy what you can afford, without spoiling the surprise, and also getting something the person wants....
9 Aug 16
1 comment
1 person
@AbbyGreenhill (45494)
• United States
4 Aug 16
I am getting fed up with some people - people who I have 'friended' over the years, none of whom I know personally, begging for money.
One couple is having a hard time financially for a few years now, but begging for money...
26 responses •
22 people
Pamela Ross I have a cousin that does that every once in a while. They are constantly broke, but she changes jobs every couple months, and can't seem to keep food in her house. I never give her money when she starts begging because she's always so negative anyway that it...
5 Aug 16
1 comment
1 person
Lorenzo Ramirez
@Hackmilitant (59)
• Asuncion, Paraguay
5 Aug 16
First of all, I do not hate Stephen King, actually I think he wrote some goods creations.
However, his novels get me bored. Because they have a lot of paragraphs just to describe things that really are not interesting. It seems...
11 responses •
6 people
Pamela Ross I completely agree with you about Storm of the Century. The movie wasn't much better. Do me a favor and read "11/22/63" and tell me what you think. That, and his Dark Tower Series, are amazing. 11/22/63 actually is a mini series on Hulu right now that I want...
5 Aug 16
1 comment
1 person
@Fleura (30539)
• United Kingdom
15 Jun 16
A good friend (who I met a couple of years ago) suffers from mental health issues - depression and some degree of OCD. She often talks about her problems but says her husband doesn't want to talk about them because he is under the...
11 responses •
9 people
@sunilparthan (6302)
• India
15 Jun 16
I will have both. Because i have to travel a lot and will not be able to get same food. according to you which is more healthier and which one you would like to have .
5 responses •
2 people
Pamela Ross The problem I have with vegetarians is that our bodies were designed to digest meat. If you look at the Paleo diet plan, it is a LOT of meat, and some vegetables. Because the Cavemen would hunt, and eat whatever they found. They would gather vegetables, so...
15 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
Umesh Kauche
@Umesh_K (676)
15 Jun 16
Few minutes back my boss came and told me to work on his presentation. This is the most irritating thing which I can ever think of. 'To make someone else's presentations'. I am completely clueless what is his thought process,...
5 responses •
3 people
Pamela Ross I had a boss that asked me all the time to do things for him like that. My boss did it because he knew I was better at it than he was, and wanted it to be the best it could be. Your boss is either thinking that, or he is just lazy. Either way, you prove...
15 Jun 16
1 person
@Meramar (2695)
13 Jun 16
Reading many qualified books written by excellent, renamed and experienced writers helps anyone on his or her way to be a better writer. Reading other writers, we learn not only from their contents and ideas, but also from their...
8 responses •
4 people
Pamela Ross I love to read....i love Ted Dekker especially. The Circle Series is my favorite.
14 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
Sakshi Sharma
@nightSky19 (93)
14 Jun 16
Ignoring the fact that whenever we talk about Vodka, the gender that comes in our mind is female, I would love to know what you prefer? Whiskey (the usual ones, not too strong, for example Blender's Pride) takes much more time to...
7 responses •
2 people
Pamela Ross I prefer vodka in mixed drinks, but doing shots? my favorite is SoCo and Lime. Southern Comfort is a whiskey, is it not? I keep forgetting lol. Vodka is great in mixed drinks, because it's own flavor is mild enough that it doesn't overwhelm the other flavors.
14 Jun 16
1 person