@nuffsed (1271)
Age 74
Joined myLot 19 years ago
Nothing that is human, can be alien to me. <a href="">Find me on MySpace and be my friend!</a>
Responses (660)
nuffsed's Responses
@ilvrshn (463)
• United States
23 Jan 07
What did you think of President Bush state of the union speech. I actually was happy that it related to some of the issues that I was concerned with as far as affordable health care for more people. There is alarming amounts of...
4 responses •
2 people
@IceMagi2 (102)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Who out there would say that in order to quit smoking the individual has to make the choice to quit or take some weird drug to convince yourself that you don't want to smoke.
You see all these commercials letting you know that...
11 responses •
4 people
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
26 Jan 08
This is actually a thought I had that spawned off of a thread I read from another forum. Then I ran across this article:
All these animals, created by God, have...
6 responses •
3 people
@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
27 Jan 08
I really believe in's a belief system that is similar to the saying "what goes around, comes around." Karma can be either good or bad...what you do in this life will determine whether you are rewarded or punished in the...
5 responses •
4 people
nuffsed Well, I'd like to think that Karma works, and if I have any faith it is reliant on a positive attitude to karma. That's not the same as saying I believe in Karma. I believe you should treat others with respect and then you can justifiably feel that you are...
27 Jan 08
1 comment
2 people
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Barack Obama would stop saying that the the presidential race/win yesterday in South Carolina was not about race. I would think it was obvious with the large turn out of black voters it was very much influenced by race. I do not...
10 responses •
3 people
@meltingeyes (2)
• Philippines
27 Jan 08
Hello Dear Friends...
What can you say about the sentence stated above ? How it's really relates to your ownself?
Have a great day to all!!!
7 responses •
3 people
nuffsed Good one!
I am not one to bottle my feelings up unless doing so prevents my sadness from hurting others. Usually my concern is for children who pick up on the slightest vibe. But in general I allow myself to unload and don't carry hurt inside.I used to do so,...
27 Jan 08
1 comment
1 person
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
25 Jan 08
Do you really believe that giving all taxpayers a nice lump sum is really going to strengthen our economy? I really think until they get some of our decent paying jobs back, and do something about the medical and rising prices, it...
20 responses •
7 people
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
25 Jan 08
It seems that Dannon Activia has become the latest target of a lawsuit brought about because the product did not deliver what it promised. It has been touted as a probiotic with the capability of Improving the environment in the...
9 responses •
5 people
nuffsed Seems to me that if folks will vote for Hilary and Barak whilst Dennis gets kicked from debates, those folks will buy what they're told. Including "wiretapping" for and the notion that "National Security" is anything the Govt doesn't want to reveal. Danon are...
25 Jan 08
1 comment
2 people
@gangus2 (373)
• United States
22 Jan 08
This has been very heartbreaking for me and very confusing.
My son-in-law recently lost his Grandmother and had gone to the funeral. While there, he was visiting an Uncle he had not seen for sometime. His Uncle was a Professor...
8 responses •
5 people
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
21 Jan 08
What I Want in a Man,Original List: ?
? ? ? ? ? 1. ?Handsome
? ? ? ? ? 2. ?Charming
? ? ? ? ? 3. ?Financially successful
? ? ? ? ? 4. ?A caring listener
? ? ? ? ? 5. ?Witty
? ? ? ? ? 6. ?In good shape
? ? ? ? ? 7....
6 responses •
3 people
nuffsed WWhat I Want in a Man,"?...mmmm his balls in a vice would be good!
21 Jan 08
2 people
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Jan 08
Got your attention, didn't I? LOL
My dad has a heart condition and has to take several times of medicines each day, one of them being blood thinners. Every now and then his nose will bleed out of control for no apparent reason....
9 responses •
2 people
@hearts456 (10)
• United States
14 Jan 08
What has the world come too today?
People are always asking other people for money...Is life that bad to where people cant even pay their rent???
I dont under stand why people cant just get jobs and be happy!!!!I've had a job...
10 responses •
1 person
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
14 Jan 08
-This is a very touchy subject for many people so here is my disclaimer. When I talk about "Christ Religions" and the like, I mean -most-... not all christians/catholics or thier many offshoots. I have met many delughtfull...
20 responses •
10 people
nuffsed I really do not see what you are worrying about. Remember, Jesus did not write the Bible. If you live a good and moral life, chances are you are more likely to have a ticket to Heaven should such a place exist, than many so called Christians or practitioners...
15 Jan 08
1 person
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
9 Jan 08
If a race of advanced aliens were to come to earth (in peace), and they were found to be, lets say, Christian with a bible similar to ours... 99% of atheists, would, after some questioning, turn into Christians.. (seeing that...
24 responses •
6 people
nuffsed That's an amusing theory, that SEEMS to make the point nicely. But I have to say that no amount of alien influence could induce me to consider that a supreme being created all this and that The Bible has anything to do with the history of Earth or the future...
10 Jan 08
2 people