@remo999 (49)
Canada • Age 66
Joined myLot 18 years ago
Responses (38)
remo999's Responses
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Jun 07
I hear a lot of people my age and older saying things like, "I am too old to be doing this or that." Other times they say they are too old to be wearing something they really like...because they think they are too old. Then there...
7 responses •
7 people
remo999 I would be as young or old as I feel. In general terms I feel young as I did years ago. So if I lost track of where I am on the old clock. I would say I am eternally young to the day I kick off. Too much is made about age, I think it is more to do with actions...
11 Mar 08
1 comment
2 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Jun 07
Judgment is a tricky thing to pin down because people have many opinions about it and the reason I wanted it open for discussion. One thing I do know for sure is that people who judge others view things with a narrow lens. They...
8 responses •
7 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
7 Mar 08
Greetings to all..
I have been away the past few days and I appreciate hearing from friends who miss chatting...thanks for letting me know that. I miss all of you too! Anyway, hope to be catching up to previous...
10 responses •
8 people
remo999 It is copyright infrigment if the person does not have the written rights to play the music in a pyblic venue. Many people loose sight of the fact that a person "created something that is theirs" When they copyright anyhting they are saying it is mine and I...
11 Mar 08
1 comment
1 person
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Jan 08
While I was responding to the discussion on screen savers some of you commented that you had images of your favorite places. That got me to wondering what other favorite 'places' and 'spaces' you might want to discuss.
10 responses •
4 people
@Crash (312)
• United States
10 Feb 08
The 48 hour period is over, and responses are no longer being accepted! New responses will not be answered, so please read the multiple answers I've already given here. Thanks!I think it's time we have a revealing...
244 responses •
119 people
remo999 Hello Crash having this question and answer segment is good addition to Mylot. Hope it works out well. I am glad Raijin posed this question on ratings and others underscored a problem that does exist here. After reading the various responses I have never been...
11 Feb 08
3 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
1 Feb 08
This is a topic that comes up a lot in our life coaching and seminars. People ask questions like these. Did somebody say something once that stuck in our brains and won't go away? Did we make some huge mistake..or 'fail' at...
17 responses •
8 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
19 Jun 07
As you can tell from my choice of topics the subject of friendship is on my mind. I wondered if any of you have wrestled with the label of 'best friend?' I never been able to wrap my head around that one and here are the reasons...
11 responses •
6 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
17 Jan 08
As some of you already know David and I had to put our beloved dog Tasha down on Tuesday of this week. Thank you to all who responded offering your condolences and sharing your touching stories with me.
I have been feeling...
11 responses •
2 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
4 Jan 08
In a conversation with a close friend of mine she told me that while attending a family get together at Christmas that everyone there spent most of the evening showing of their new cell phones. They were comparing features...the...
30 responses •
10 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Dec 07
After posting a discussion on mothers it felt only right to open the floor to discuss father's and their role within any family dynamic. My mother always said that mothers are the first women little boys know and fathers have the...
8 responses •
4 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
18 Dec 07
A friend of mine sent these 'ponderisms' and I thought you might enjoy them as much as I did. In our everyday way of communicating we use a lot of them and never stop to ponder on them. As a cat lover I have always wondered where...
8 responses •
6 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Dec 07
I am always intrigued by how people respond to this question when talking in person and could not resist opening the floor for discussion on this one with all of you out there.
Do you make new years resolutions? How many of...
10 responses •
5 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Dec 07
In the work David and I do as life coaches and group leaders we know special occasions and especially Christmas time can be challenging as well as rewarding. Family dynamics are always very evident during gatherings...and that is...
5 responses •
2 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Dec 07
My birthday is new year's eve and David and I are going to our old home town to spend it with friends. I won't be around to wish all of you in Mylot land a happy new year so I am doing it today instead. I will comment when I come...
7 responses •
4 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
4 Jan 08
One more time...this is my first discussion in to those I have not extended happy new year greetings to...I hope the coming year brings you greater happiness, health and abundant living than ever before.
Now on to...
15 responses •
4 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Dec 07
This holiday season is the third one that my mother will not be sharing it with us because she passed away in April of 2004. When I mentioned it to a friend who hasalso lost both his parents he said.."Not having your Mom around...
9 responses •
7 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
6 Dec 07
We went shopping for a few Christmas items and as I observed people rushing around in a mad dash while dragging their screaming children by the arm I couldn't help but pick up on 'holiday stress vibes.' In North America it seems...
9 responses •
2 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Nov 07
As Christmas draws near for David and I it will be the third one without my Mom. She was central to our family celebrations and kept them up even after my father died in 1998. During this time of year I find myself thinking about...
9 responses •
4 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Oct 07
I have mentioned in a few of my responses that I re-injured my already damaged knees. Within the very active lifestyle we have I've fallen off horses and while hiking and rock climbing. I also have been an avid gardener and have...
10 responses •
5 people
remo999 My wife and I have both experimented with emotional freedom technique and found it to bring about some very good changes. I had some dental work done and it helped ease the discomfort and once it worked and we felt better we haven't kept it up. I would use it...
4 Nov 07
1 comment
2 people
Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
20 Jun 07
This picture hangs on my office wall and is a constant reminder of what it took to break through my comfort zone and try something radically different. The opportunity presented itself while attending a Big Brother/Big Sister day...
9 responses •
6 people
remo999 I see this is an older discussion but the photo did it for me. I could not climb like that because of the height and some discomfort with that. The odd thing is that the very thing I did to push way beyond my comfort zone was to sky dive, especially because of...
4 Nov 07
1 comment
1 person