@SpitFire179 (2536)
Canada • Age 36
Joined myLot 19 years ago
~Looking Into The Eyes Of Reality~
SpitFire179's Responses
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
27 Apr 13

I don't know if this story hit the USA, but it would not surprise me if it did. A factory in Bangladesh collapsed the other day. What hits home about this particular incident, even though it's only one of many that have occurred...
10 responses •
4 people
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
11 Jan 10

I was standing in line at a mixed rice stall to order my dinner last Saturday. For those who are not already familiar, mixed rice is also known as economy rice (to digress, if you think it sounds like economy class i.e. cheap, you...
27 responses •
10 people

SpitFire179 I can't believe how long it's been since I've seen you online here, I've missed your discussions.
I think right now I'm going to turn the question back on you, and ask if you give up your choice often? You have me curious now.
A lot of people can't seem to...
11 Jan 10
1 person
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
15 Nov 09

Is there some kind of holiday today in the Serbian Orthodox church, or something? Maybe this week? A Serbian friend of mine mentioned taking a week's vacation, and the Serbian show that plays on a local station on Sunday...
3 responses

SpitFire179 Hey hun, though you know I'm not Serbian, i have looked up some information on this and found this. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Serbia
this outlines that tomorrow, November 16th is Kurbanski Bajram otherwise known as Eid al-Adha.
if you...
15 Nov 09
1 person
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
24 Aug 09

For the last twenty minutes or so I have been receiving the same email every 60 seconds from Farhaad at the Luthier Society or some such thing. I am not opening content. I mark as junk, which it appears gets reported. What I want...
6 responses •
2 people

SpitFire179 you go into your settings and then there's usually a blocked senders link depending on what kind of email you are using.
From there you just paste the email address of the person you wish to block and you never get another email from them again.
If you...
24 Aug 09
1 comment
1 person
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
7 Aug 09

Someone asked me today to take a screenshot of something today, and I had no idea how to do it. I have a laptop, so the keys aren't the same as a regular keyboard. Can someone please tell me how to take a screenshot?
10 responses •
3 people

SpitFire179 It's the same hun, you just hit prnt scrn should be top 3rd from the right
then paste into paint
7 Aug 09
3 people
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
17 Jul 09

My husband has had some dental problems, and now he has an infection in his mouth. It was starting to get painful for him. My husband has a very high threshhold of pain, so by the time it hurts him enough to do anything about it,...
15 responses •
4 people

SpitFire179 yes my husband is exactly the same except he had to be unconscious the last time with his heart stopped before he would go and that's cause i called the ambulance.
Then again when he came to just as they got there he said no hospital but thank heavens they...
17 Jul 09
1 comment
1 person
@Darkwing (21583)
8 Jul 09

It's Wednesday morning. I've had my breakfast and switched on my computer whilst drinking a cup of tea, when the scariest news loomed before me! The headlines on Sky News read [b]"Scientists Create 'Artificial Human...
40 responses •
7 people

SpitFire179 Personally i think it's wrong and disgusting that they would even attempt something like this, the fact is that it'll end up going into human testing once passed, which i hope it doesn't. Then when it does that, if these babies are born really really abnormal...
8 Jul 09
1 person
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
19 Apr 09

I am glad I don't have a sore throat this time, because that would drive me up the friggen walls. I like to eat and drink and breathe through my mouth too much. However, I have the mother of all head-colds, and my sinuses are full...
22 responses •
4 people
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
18 Mar 09

Okay, so this may seem crazy but I am curious as to if any of you have ever just picked up your family and moved far away. I have been going through this spell where I just wish I could find a job somewhere else, load my husband...
1 response

SpitFire179 I've never done that, but god knows i want to right now.
Like you there's no real reason i want to leave, actually not even that I'm sick of this place, I totally love it here, but for some reason my heart is telling me to go on the road, travel.
But i have...
18 Mar 09
1 person
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
8 Mar 09

How old are you? 28.
Father with 2 sons: Oh gosh, you are in the prime of your life. So young, just like a baby.
I hate it when people comment on my age this way. 28 is certainly not young in my opinion. I feel...
216 responses •
52 people

SpitFire179 for me i don't really like it because every year goes so fast that i can't remember how old i am. i'm 20 going on 21 soon and still when someone asks i forget and say 18, it's so lame, plus, when people ask they usually go on about how young i am and blah blah...
8 Mar 09
4 people
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
22 Jan 09

One of my friends suggested the idea that if you don't add tags to your discussion/response then you won't get paid for that particular piece.
What's your take on this?
11 responses •
2 people
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
7 Jan 09

Sorry guys, this is super long winded, but I need to rant like you wouldn't believe.
I don't know what to do anymore.
A little under a year ago, my mom called me all in a panic because she was asked to take on another...
house cleaning
living with parents
mental abuse
1 response •
1 person
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
1 Dec 08

Every single %#*@ time I try to do change something with my hair...it goes WRONG, TERRIBLY WRONG! I got a bad perm. I have no curls (none!) and my hair is so fried. It's so dry. What can I do? Old home remedies? Anything? What can...
4 responses •
2 people
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
14 Nov 08

Are you really in love with your partner or did you "settle". Do you only think and dream of your partner or do you think and dream of another?
9 responses •
4 people

SpitFire179 I'm one of the lucky ones. I found and married my soul mate, or soul match, whatever it is, my husband is the love of my life and it always amazes me how i can dream of one man and no other, not even movie stars, and how he's the one i think about, want, and...
14 Nov 08
2 people
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
2 Nov 08

I can't stand the time change. It was great when I was younger and it meant an hour extra bar time, or an hour extra sleep. Now it just means that my kids will wake up at their usual time, only instead of 6am it'll be 5am. No...
15 responses •
5 people
@Darkwing (21583)
26 Oct 08

Winter is upon us now... the cherry tree out front is clinging to its final few, red leaves, and my hawthorn hedgerow is bare twigs apart from the ivy growing through it at intervals. The clocks were turned back last night and the...
19 responses •
7 people

SpitFire179 Oh my goodness, so soon?
I can't believe it!!!
You know i honestly thought that everyone stopped posting on mylot other than a few people?
I just don't get discussions in my inbox anymore, maybe one or 2 a day from annoying friends i'd rather not recieve...
5 Nov 08
1 comment
1 person
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
4 Nov 08

Hello My Lotters!
It has been quite a long time since I have been here.
When I left I was having some concentration and memory problems. My family began to notice that my language use was faltering. I decided to take matters...
7 responses •
4 people