Norman Darlington
@NormanDarlo (1071)
Joined myLot 7 years ago
Irishman, poet, gardener, publisher, translator, traveller. Father of 4 living in rural Ireland, who has called many places home.
Norman Darlington's Responses
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
11 Nov 18

There is one thing that these three have/had in common that explains why they gained enormous popularity.
This is that they offered hope to people, and huge numbers of people believed them.
They are/were all Messiahs in their...
4 responses •
6 people

Norman Darlington That's an interesting analysis. Somewhat provocative too, choosing those three figures. There were, as you yourself said, a goodly number of other high-profile historical figures you could have chosen, but that'll hopefully help get a decent volume of...
11 Nov 18
2 people
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349042)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Nov 18

I forgot to share with you that while we were in the motel in Northcliffe, Western Australia, early Friday morning, there was a 5.4 Richter scale earthquake. I was awake and heard the rumbling of what I thought must have been a...
36 responses •
35 people

Norman Darlington I only ever experienced one earthquake, in Dublin back in nineteen seventy something. I was walking down the road and felt a shudder but put it down to the previous night's feed of pints. Only later did I hear about the quake on the news, and put one and two...
10 Nov 18
1 comment
1 person
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
10 Nov 18

I have a childhood memory of a time when people were a lot less careful about how they exposed themselves to dangerous radiation, particularly X-rays.
Have you been to the dentist recently and had an X-ray of your teeth? Did you...
3 responses •
4 people
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
10 Nov 18

We got the coldest temperatures of the year last night. 28 degrees. But the sun is shining bright now and it should be in the 40s for the high. The birds are enjoying the sunflower seeds on the deck. I am watching them from...
22 responses •
17 people

Norman Darlington I still love your sky! Cold and fresh I presume you will get lower temperatures in midwinter?
10 Nov 18
1 person
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
10 Nov 18

When you have a minute or two you should visit the Ripley's Believe It or Not website. There are some crazy articles on there. Had to share this one with you.
Swiss cheesemakers are conducting a long-term study on how music...
18 responses •
16 people

Norman Darlington Oh Carol, that's just too funny! The human imagination knows no bounds
10 Nov 18
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
8 Nov 18

I was out running errands yesterday. I was at Kroger, a grocery store, and I saw a display of chocolate candy with a sign that said $1.00. I thought there was no way these Hershey candies can be $1.00. The little Hershey...
23 responses •
20 people

Norman Darlington Great! I'm not big on chocolate, or sweet stuff in general, but I've been around humans for long enough to know I'm in a minority on that score. In our local Mr Price discount store, there is always a trolley full of products within a few days of their...
10 Nov 18
1 comment
1 person
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
8 Nov 18

Thank you all first and foremost for being supportive. I know what hell it has been since the last couple of years.
The amount is definitely not much, but it was not the amount I was after. It was getting written commitment from...
12 responses •
13 people

Norman Darlington You are a strong woman, Vanny, and I admire your tenacity. It will be great to be able to put this behind you.
10 Nov 18
1 person
Scott Andersen
@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
9 Nov 18

A friend of mine has been struggling with insomnia lately. One of the things we talked about was not, having his phone charging by his bed at night. To instead take the phone and put it in another room to charge at night.
30 responses •
22 people

Norman Darlington I think the reason a nearby phone is inclined to disturb sleep is the knowledge that it is a functioning communication tool, so there may be a temptation to check it whenever we wake momentarily, instead of going straight back to sleep. I keep mine near the...
10 Nov 18
3 people
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
9 Nov 18

I have always heard that laughter is the best medicine. As the years go by I agree more and more with that statement. No matter how bad your situation is, if you can find joy and laughter along the way, you can get through...
21 responses •
20 people
@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
6 Nov 18

Some users asked me why I had not yet written a November post.
I had a troubled start of the month. We had very bad weather and I needed to clear the garden from debris, plus some few stressful little things that are now...
94 responses •
87 people
anthony davis
@lookatdesktop (27138)
• Dallas, Texas
6 Nov 18

Planting pepper seed is easy. It's all about timing. You have to be patient.
But when the peppers finally appear, they are not ready to harvest yet.
I had to go online and do a Google search to find out when to harvest a...
4 responses •
3 people
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
6 Nov 18

Having meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans for dinner. Probably will add biscuits too. This is one of my favorite meals. And it is not hard at all to make.
Growing up we had meatloaf once a week. I really miss my...
28 responses •
24 people
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
6 Nov 18

I often travel on buses and am fascinated by the conversations that I overhear from other passengers.
Sometimes I can only hear half of what is being said, because the person is using a mobile phone, but sometimes it is two...
16 responses •
11 people
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349042)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Nov 18

Australia is often regarded as full of dangerous creatures and it’s true that we have our share. One of the harmless reptiles is the bobtail (Tiliqua rugosa) also known as the shingleback, pinecone, blue-tongued or sleepy lizard....
34 responses •
29 people

Norman Darlington That's a cute little thing! I never heard of these before.
7 Nov 18
1 person
@shubhu3 (36463)
• New Delhi, India
7 Nov 18

Good afternoon.
In the morning of Diwali, we tend to make rangoli that signifies good fortune. I made this today. The design isn't perfect but I tried my best.
What are you doing today?
9 responses •
6 people
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
7 Nov 18

Donald Trump reckons that he has scored a "tremendous victory" on the grounds of an increased Republican majority in the Senate, despite losing control of the House of Representatives.
If that is a tremendous victory, I wonder...
3 responses •
3 people
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349042)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Nov 18

Last weekend we went to our home town where we both went to school. Vince went to a Catholic school which was run by nuns and it was having its centenary celebrations. While we were there we took the opportunity to visit the...
22 responses •
20 people

Norman Darlington It is surprising that they were so careless. This will prove an expensive mistake to fix. I am so glad that you had the details. I am sure in the past many people gave them instructions on a piece of paper and kept no copy. In such circumstances it would be...
7 Nov 18
1 person