Kristie Benjamin
@Novelangel (394)
United States • Age 55
Joined myLot 13 years ago
I'm a photographer and professional writer who is taking a break from the stresses of article writing and trying to get a start in the world of blogging.

Kristie Benjamin's Likes

Kristie Benjamin liked this  22 Apr
Are You a Big Tipper?
Kristie Benjamin liked this  20 Apr 23
The cacti are still thriving.
Kristie Benjamin liked this  20 Apr 23
Bizarre weather and Viruses
Kristie Benjamin liked this  20 Apr 23
Bizarre weather and Viruses
Kristie Benjamin liked this  20 Apr 23
Bizarre weather and Viruses
Kristie Benjamin liked this  10 Feb 23
Eggs or Chicken?
Kristie Benjamin liked this  10 Feb 23
Eggs or Chicken?
Kristie Benjamin liked this  10 Feb 23
Eggs or Chicken?
Kristie Benjamin liked this  9 Feb 23
Eggs or Chicken?
Kristie Benjamin liked this  9 Feb 23
Eggs or Chicken?
Kristie Benjamin liked this  9 Feb 23
Earning Extra Income Online
Kristie Benjamin liked this  9 Feb 23
Victory Lol
Kristie Benjamin liked this  9 Feb 23
Victory Lol
Kristie Benjamin liked this  9 Feb 23
Victory Lol
Kristie Benjamin liked this  6 Apr 20
Insomnia.. get out of my way
Kristie Benjamin liked this  5 Apr 20
Insomnia.. get out of my way
Kristie Benjamin liked this  5 Apr 20
Another Late Christmas Gift
Kristie Benjamin liked this  9 Apr 16
Online Dating