Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
New Bedford, Massachusetts • Age 72
Joined myLot 10 years ago
Irenen1 has been been an online freelance copywriter for 18 years.
Discussions (36)
Irene Nevins's Discussions
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
29 Sep 16

Once again the cranberry harvest is getting underway around Cape Cod area. This is where it all began. Ocean Spray was formed as a co-op of local cranberry growers right down the street from where I work. Now there are plants all...
13 responses •
14 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
18 Jul 16

Today I picked my first 10" cucumber. Now they will come fast and furiously. Each one I harvest will make more room for the others to develop. There will be more than enough to share.
I also harvested a healthy handful of green...
12 responses •
12 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
24 Jun 16

Money is one of the dirtiest items we handle. I ask for hand sanitizer every time I'm in the bank. The bank certainly can afford to provide a dispenser or two.
Ideally there should be one at every teller window but even one at...
11 responses •
7 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
24 Jun 16

Around my neck of the woods, the white yarrow is almost invasive. It grows everywhere. However the yellow yarrow and colored marrow such as this Colorado Mix are in high demand by gardeners and herb growers.
It doesn't take long...
8 responses •
8 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
13 Jun 16

I heard the loud engines of the motorcycles. It didn't sound like there was a problem but next thing I knew, the sirens of the fire truck and police cars broke the silence of the night.
An ambulance took away one of the bikers...
5 responses •
4 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
13 Jun 16

Father's Day seems to be the trigger to start up the Farmer's Markets in our area. Do you shop them?
It still bothers me that the stands don't always offer fresh fruits and veggies that they grew. It also bothers me that most...
2 responses •
2 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
8 Jun 16

September will be upon us quicker than we think. Working Ocean Spray will be without Dave backing me up. To be on the safe side, I've been scouring the FB Groups for a cheap reliable second vehicle. That way if the truck breaks...
4 responses •
3 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
8 Jun 16

The Day Lilies have begun blooming. Their happy sunny faces say summer. common orange 'Ditch Lilies' are forming flower buds. My 'Double Bold One' and 'Brasstown' have been happily supplying beautiful daily blossoms.
3 responses •
3 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
3 Jun 16

Every day I try to do something to grow my business. Up until now I've been ordering stock plants from fellow growers from which I can make more plants in the future.
These plants are babies that need to be potted up or planted...
9 responses •
11 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
6 May 16

Facebook has yard sale groups. I try to browse them once a week. They can be a wonderful resource for items I need. You do have to know your prices.
Last Sunday there was a listing offering $50 to anyone willing to transport 20...
11 responses •
11 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
8 Apr 16

Once we've had a taste of spring, the last thing we want to deal with is yet another April snowstorm. The trees were already beginning to bud or leaf out. These drastic temperature and weather changes play havoc with growing...
7 responses •
6 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
8 Apr 16

The latest chapter in my life is developing. Dave's passing has been difficult. I've been taking life one day at a time while praying for guidance.
I made the decision to take early retirement so my Social Security check will...
5 responses •
5 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
3 Apr 16

We have been enjoying high temps in the sixties and seventies. Neighbors have been mowing lawns. I've been setting up my raised garden beds.
Today the temperature is dropping fast. It is starting to snow big flakes. This...
10 responses •
9 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
30 Mar 16

As the weather gets warmer I am drawn to the outside and my garden. It is a spiritual as well as physical thing with me.
Right now there are hostas in the flower bed that I'm cleaning out and refurbishing. There are so many...
7 responses •
6 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
15 Mar 16

In my present state of mind, looking for more jobs is not an option. I decided on finally taking an early retirement. I will still keep my PCA client only part time though. The monthly SS check will cover my mortgage, taxes and...
13 responses •
11 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
15 Mar 16

Since I lost my beloved Dave on January 30th, my whole life has been turned inside out. A day does not go by that tears are not triggered. Dave and I were one. We were each other's lives. People say to keep busy. So I've put...
8 responses •
7 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
7 Mar 16

Tomorrow the temperature should rise to mid fifties. I will attempt to locate my weedwhacker and extension cord to clean up this section of side yard.
Wednesday and Thursday the temperature should get up into the high sixties. The...
4 responses •
3 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
5 Mar 16

Once I figured out how to search for local yard sales on Facebook, I found it very rewarding. Several pieces I was looking for to complete my home I found cheap and in very good condition.
Now I have started to post some items to...
8 responses •
6 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
3 Mar 16

That same city department that took eight years to grant my David's disability took three weeks to inform me that when the disability went through, the deductions for the life insurance policy ended. So. There is no life...
5 responses •
3 people
Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
• New Bedford, Massachusetts
1 Mar 16

Today would have been my beloved Dave's 61st birthday. It has been a month since liver disease took him away from me. It has been hard trying to adjust to life without him. Today is especially difficult without my life partner. I...
10 responses •
9 people