Irene Nevins
@irenen1 (228)
New Bedford, Massachusetts • Age 72
Joined myLot 10 years ago
Irenen1 has been been an online freelance copywriter for 18 years.
Responses (132)
Irene Nevins's Responses
Gloria Faye Brown Bates
@GrannyGee (3517)
• Louisburg, North Carolina
28 Feb 20

Millions of people are wondering if they should go on planned vacations now. Some are deciding to go ahead ... others are afraid because of the coronavirus.
Gracious, a lot of people will be out of their money if they cancel...
18 responses •
15 people
@andriaperry (118427)
• Anniston, Alabama
28 Sep 16

I did an inspection of rental and I seen where someone was in the attic and busted down sheet rock. I was so mad.
Then she complained the water bill was high, I walked into the bathroom that stunk and the toilet is running and...
20 responses •
17 people
Patsie Hatley
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Sep 16

I do not think I have broke any rules about talking about goals
on earnings.So that being said, I will not be angry if those who'
dislike my type ofr post, just by pass me,no need to make fun
or hassle me
.Remember we can...
12 responses •
12 people
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
29 Sep 16

I am seven years old today. That is the official age awarded to me by my grandson. He was four yestederday and we added my numbers together to make me seven. We also got taken out for a lot of ice cream!
7 responses •
6 people
Patsie Hatley
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jul 16

I woke up at 6:35 and had to scramble
fast to dress and get downstairs for
Breakfast but I made it. Breakfast was
just so and so. pancake was fine, the
egg over cooked I' detest an egg
cooked so the yolk is hard, so I left...
5 responses •
5 people

Irene Nevins This heat and humidity has been enough to not want to get out of bed or eat.
18 Jul 16
1 comment
1 person
Heather Echola
@GardenGerty (162451)
• United States
18 Jul 16

Yes, I have been to the garden again today. I brought home some stems of basil to cook with and dry. Maybe I can get some roots to grow.
Today for lunch I will be having squash that I have cooked. I will have an ear of corn as...
17 responses •
16 people
@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Jul 16

Today is the anniversary of the worst day of my life.
My husband and I were eagerly looking forward to the birth of our first child, and I'd gone 10 days past my due date.
It was such a shock when my baby was born dead.
I was a...
79 responses •
76 people

Irene Nevins A day you will never forget. A life that will always be treasured. A memory that is special and sad.
18 Jul 16
1 comment
2 people
@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
24 Jun 16

Early this morning I thought I'd see if I could find Lance Cosgrove just because. Don't know if he remembers me or not. Doesn't really matter either. He was my summer camp dormitory counselor back in 1977. I went to camp again in...
15 responses •
14 people

Irene Nevins I've looked up old friends, family members. The internet has been a necessity in times of crises.
24 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
Patsie Hatley
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jun 16

We write poems to be read
By you and you and even Uncle Ned
We create to soothe our creativity
Not just for frivolilty
Shadows of times gone by
Memories to please your eye
Answers to the questions why
Nothing is new under...
7 responses •
6 people

Irene Nevins Poetry is just not a traffic building item. No one searches for poetry. For that reason, advertisers won't back it.
24 Jun 16
2 people
@kevin1877uk (36988)
13 Apr 16

Eggy has been out shopping again!!
Yes, Eggy and Eggndra were in town today seeing there were a new shop open selling posh hats. Over the weekend, Eggy had bought a new hat which he really liked. Eggy had phone Eggendra to tell...
18 responses •
14 people

Irene Nevins Eggactly what I need, a new summer heat so my face and neck don't burn in this heat!
24 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
John King
@ison_1 (1240)
15 Jun 16

Well it's June here in the UK, laughably known as 'Flaming June' due to the scorching weather it brings! This year it's going to the wettest since records began! Yesterday lunchtime I went to the shop wearing a jumper and...
13 responses •
13 people

Irene Nevins Your vote sent our stock market into turmoil. What is this world coming to?
24 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
Nanette Piotrowski
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
12 Jun 16

California has become the 5th state to allow people to choose the right to die when someone is terminally ill. I realize that the Bible states, "God giveth and God taketh away", however, for someone who is suffering and know they...
6 responses •
5 people
Jeanne Marie
@Jeanniemaries (8237)
• United States
12 Jun 16

I clean the lint from the trap in my dryer after every load.
As a child, I witnessed a dryer on fire in my own home and have forever worried about it happening again. I never leave the house with the dryer running or go to bed...
19 responses •
14 people
Patsie Hatley
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jun 16

I am tired and making errors and my shoulders ache, my butts numb and im actually tired of my lotting mostly because of the damnable typos I keep having to undo That is not fun at all and gets me really upset as once I did type...
12 responses •
10 people

Irene Nevins Good night, Patsey. Sweet dreams. Today has been a trying day for sure. Better hopes for tomorrow.
13 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
Heather Echola
@GardenGerty (162451)
• United States
1 Jun 16

I know I just put up a discussion, but I logged into FB and found a message.
From a man.
Facebook says we are friends, but I have no clue.
He started stupid lovey dovey talk. I blocked him. This is nuts.
I am glad he cannot...
13 responses •
11 people
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (347849)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 Jun 16

We recently returned from a few days in the mid-west of Western Australia. We stayed at a station out of Paynes Find. This region is part of the 'outback' although as distances go it isn't all that remote. Sunrises and sunsets are...
38 responses •
40 people
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Jun 16

That's how I have been for the last couple of weeks - all wound up in yarn and making things for my niece's baby shower. Well, the gifts are now delivered and I am finding myself wondering what to crochet, or knit, or loom.
17 responses •
15 people

Irene Nevins Didn't realize you're practically a neighbor. New Bedford here.
Do you sell these online? Or flea markets?
9 Jun 16
1 comment
1 person
@andriaperry (118427)
• Anniston, Alabama
8 Jun 16

I turned the t.v. over to the cooking channel to listen to while I clean and Tony is sleeping right now on the sofa.
The lady on the show said " Add a little lemon zest to add color and give it that extra taste, Now lets try...
13 responses •
9 people
@Marilynda1225 (83921)
• United States
8 Jun 16

I have an old cell phone that doesn't have internet access. Nor, do I have a tablet to do any kind of writing or myLotting, etc.
So, I'm limited to my time to interact when I can sit at my desktop and chat.
It would be really...
25 responses •
22 people
myLot Bugs
@myLotBugs (211)
• Kansas City, Missouri
23 May 16

Hey everyone!
Well, as a lot of you know, a private messages spammer showed up over the last couple of days.
We created safeguards awhile back to prevent this kind of thing from occurring, but this spammer was actually pretty...
96 responses •
122 people