Tony Lawrence
@pcunix (210)
Middleboro, Massachusetts • Age 77
Joined myLot 10 years ago
Pretty Much Retired. Lunatic Liberal ACLU Atheist.
Responses (67)
Tony Lawrence's Responses
@DnkHrth (268)
• Sri Lanka
22 Oct 15

You can't suggest your own discussions but you can suggest discussions made by others, to anyone. I have never used it anyway.
I think that is a good idea. I think 'being suggested' is something a discussion should earn. What...
30 responses •
23 people

Tony Lawrence Ayup. I was surprised that they ever had that. Good move.
22 Oct 15
3 people
Go Ask Alice / Admin
@GoAskAlice (5833)
21 Oct 15

After 24 hours and nearly 100 replies, my post regarding the altering of the suggestion feature has run it's course. As I'm sure you are now aware, it is no longer up. While the feed back was great, I was a little surprised at the...
57 responses •
75 people
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
20 Oct 15

I am currently having a real problem on another site with somebody who has very Conservative political views, whereas mine are far more liberal on most matters. The problem derives from the fact that they have absolutely no...
17 responses •
21 people
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
19 Oct 15

Today I received a telephone call from the Royal Eye Hospital to confirm that I was to attend my appointment for next Monday. This seems a practical thing for them to do rather than risk having an appointment time wasted by...
18 responses •
20 people
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
19 Oct 15

We all went through school being better at some things than others. I can think of some subjects that I made a complete hash of to start with and never really got to grips with.
French was always a struggle for me, although...
10 responses •
7 people
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
19 Oct 15

There is a report in today's London Times that more British people are switching to the American custom of cutting up their food first then using their fork in the right hand with the tines facing up.
I have seen this done in...
24 responses •
18 people
Alfredo Rossi
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
18 Oct 15

Have the topping got out of control.All the stuff that people put on their pizza.
Do they need all of this.
My favorite is tomato and cheese and that it is.
Why do we need a ton of food on the topping.?
According to consumer that...
7 responses •
6 people
@peavey (16936)
• United States
22 Feb 13

Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end [is] it for you? the day of the LORD [is] darkness, and not light. - Amos 5:18
The "end of the world" hand wringing seems to have calmed somewhat over the past...
16 responses •
6 people
@peavey (16936)
• United States
18 Oct 15

Do you think there will ever be one? And if so, will it be good or bad?
The Bible tells of a "man of perdition" the "antichrist," the "beast" who will rule the world; of a time when you will have to have the mark of that beast...
16 responses •
14 people
@antonbunot (11091)
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Oct 15

I am a Canadian. I find American politics much more exciting. Everyday I watch CNNnews and read Yahoo for the latest news on American politics. Canadian politics is not very interesting for me.
The presidential campaign this year...
5 responses •
3 people
@antonbunot (11091)
• Calgary, Alberta
18 Oct 15

I visited the pages of some of our good and formerly active connections in Bubblews today. Some have their last articles/blogs posted almost a year ago. Few got no more accounts!
My good friend SKYKING disappeared from the site...
16 responses •
17 people

Tony Lawrence Buublews, Hubpages, wherever.. a lot of former whatevers have drifted in.
19 Oct 15
1 comment
1 person
Sherrye Barrow
@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
19 Oct 15

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on naturally relieving heartburn. I have been eating soda crackers, but it is not doing the trick. There are no stores open here on a Sunday night. Maybe, something from the kitchen I can...
5 responses •
2 people
Ann LeFlore
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
18 Oct 15

Remember when you were young and what great pleasure you had finding your surprise in your Cracker Jacks or boxes of cereal? Your mom would go shopping and buy food. But the only thing that interested you was seeing the cereal...
7 responses •
7 people

Tony Lawrence I like getting the mail
As on said, some of us are just old children.
18 Oct 15
1 comment
Ann LeFlore
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
18 Oct 15

I love to receive suggestions from my followers when they start a new discussion. This makes it so much easier to follow you and read your work. I know I can find you on People to search through the long list of new discussion. I...
10 responses •
11 people
Patsie Hatley
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Oct 15

i know its an intriguing source of discussions as those of us who were and are some of us still there wonder what the hell is going on, but reading about it
suddenly gave me the shivers. Does anyone yet know for a fact...
13 responses •
13 people
Four Walls
@FourWalls (72824)
• United States
17 Oct 15

I noticed that televangelists are making tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars every year. I also noted that they aren't exactly clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, and sheltering the homeless as the...
4 responses •
2 people
Ann LeFlore
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
17 Oct 15

Here are a few facts you might or might not know about coconut oil.
Did you know if you wipe the outside of each egg shell with a little bit of coconut oil to seal the pores of the shell. Coconut oil can prolong te life of your...
6 responses •
7 people

Tony Lawrence I did not know that about the eggs, thanks. I eat a teaspoon of coconut oil every day and do use it in my baking.
17 Oct 15
1 person
@amnabas (14888)
• Karachi, Pakistan
17 Oct 15

Well after every meal I need to floss my teeth.It's my first priority as i don't like food particles or any shredded meat hangs in between my teeth.It make me uncomfortable until I floss.What about you?Do you floss after every...
23 responses •
17 people

Tony Lawrence Ayup. I cannot stand not do. I can't wait hours before brushing, either. An hour after eating, if we are home, I brush.
17 Oct 15
2 people
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
16 Oct 15

I have just seen the following advice on another site: "Only choose in marriage a man whom you would choose as a friend if he were a woman" (and presumably the same applies the other way round).
But is this sound advice? Should...
20 responses •
11 people
John Welford
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
16 Oct 15

Some people are far more strict about English grammar than others, both as regards how they use it and how it is used by others.
I have to be confess to being horrified when I discover that I have made a grammatical error, and...
10 responses •
9 people