harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Joined myLot 9 years ago
Discussions (28)
harlen qualls's Discussions
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
5 Aug 16

We all have that time in our lives in which we run into that fork in the road. A time in which we must make a solid decision on which way to turn, which decision to take, and more Importantly, which one is best.
It has now...
4 responses •
2 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
3 Aug 16

How rich would i be If I taught this to myself earlier in life. To use common sense when running a business instead of bragging about how you obtain success. Still don't understand? Let's dwell on this one then.
When My aunt...
2 responses •
1 person
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
17 May 16

It's cold. sometimes it's very cold. as I touch the right side of my chest to compare, i realize that the temperature drop on the left side of my chest is inside my body, not outside. Feels awkward, but it doesn't hurt in that...
1 response
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
24 Apr 16

Funny how we work most our lives and realize some have it easier than others. For me, I always took the blue-collar as well as the white-collar road. I love to work hard for fair wages. I actually think of it as a workout more...
1 response •
1 person
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
2 Apr 16

April 2nd. The day i was brought into this world for the big challenge. The challenge of playing the big game of life, and according to the way you exist, the day some of us celebrate the day of our birth.
Yet, unlike the...
7 responses •
7 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
26 Mar 16

I stopped writing here some time ago after I got burned from a few clients. Apparently contracts don't scare off con artists any longer, and for some apparent reason, I keep finding them.
I work hard, very hard for my money,...
1 response •
2 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
12 Mar 16

Well, looks like the the one thing that I tried to avoid has now came true. I lost a best friend. Not just any best friend,mind you, but a friend that worshiped the ground I walked on. The type of friend that celebrated every time...
4 responses •
4 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
26 Feb 16

Here I am again waiting for my pay and wasting another opportunity to make money. I am impatiently waiting to get paid from a job I've done yesterday. One of those, "Hey, you work today, I"ll pay you tonight" schemes I keep...
4 responses •
3 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
24 Feb 16

The Indianapolis 500 is a world-recognized race here in Indiana and I lived around the Indianapolis 500 my whole life. A great place to party, and up until recently, a place you would call, "the badlands", but I'll save that for a...
2 responses •
2 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
18 Feb 16

I try to be fair to everyone. I watch my words carefully and don't dramatize my life. To the point where I consider myself a die-hard introvert. I'm not overly loud, obnoxious, or an extreme, "expressionist" as I like to call it,...
5 responses •
8 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
17 Feb 16

My two most popular nicknames Are Quarternotes....and Godspirate. The name Quarternotes arises fro internet sites, whence Godspirate arises from the real world outside the internet. This named derived from the fact that man does...
2 responses •
3 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
14 Feb 16

Wouldn't you know it? The ugliest picture I have ever taken, yet, it's the only one that happens to upload correctly on this laptop. Funny thing is, my hair is now red, three feet long, and curly, (how that happened is beyond me)....
9 responses •
11 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
12 Feb 16

See this picture? It's my new insulated garage.I got the insulation for free too! (Well, sort of). I had a bad business deal turn for the better after an owner to a brand new store lied to me. Ever heard of the line, "If life...
4 responses •
5 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
12 Feb 16

In Mylot, there are three very important things you must do to be successful. One of the more Important of the three is something I've been ignoring: befriending writers. I've been interactive on a daily basis, Wrote articles, and...
14 responses •
10 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
10 Feb 16

I've rad a few articles on where people were starting to see a freeze on hits and pay on this website. I thought this was unusual, since my pay increases everyday....until last week.
I haven't even moved 1/1000th of a penny...
4 responses •
5 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
7 Feb 16

People revere me as odd because I don't really care for professional sports. I call it professional, because I like to play like anyone else, but I'm not the beer-gussling, yell-at-your-t.v type of guy. I'm not the...
3 responses •
2 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
4 Feb 16

I texted my daughter three times in the last three days with no response, so I usually call her soon after to make sure everything is either O.K, or her phone is dead from not charging it, (which is the usual case).
1 person
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
3 Feb 16

If you know anything about me, you know that I gave up my own world to see my daughter smile. I raised her from the time she was 4 until this last November, when her mom started taking her longer than the usual Friday night,...
7 responses •
7 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
2 Feb 16

Growing up, I was introduced to the sinful art of playing poker. Being a roofer, sometimes you have to wait until the cold season elapses before you can make a decent wage. Most people should know that if you are roofing during...
2 responses •
2 people
harlen qualls
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
28 Jan 16

My family has had a long standing tradition dating back to close to 100 years. That tradition is to teach every man within the family how to roof. We start young, like close to 8-9 years old and our first job was always...
5 responses •
5 people