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@wenjule (107)
Jamaica • Age 49
Joined myLot 16 years ago
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wenjule's Responses
Do you save your email and texts after reading ?
13 Feb 12
Personally I delete all my texts and emails after reading them because I dont want my phone and computer cluttered up with old email and texts. After conversing with many of my female friends ,I realise that there is the practice...
email reverie
39 responses
10 people
Hey Ron I too am a sentimental text holder. There are some that are worth keeping but after a while when someone else might send the same exact one then it delete time. Some of the thoughts are expressed in such a creative manner that you tend to hold on to...
24 Feb 12
if you had three months to live ..would you want to know?
3 Apr 10
Lets say you had a terminal disease for which there was no cure and doctors predict that at the rate of progression of the disease you only had three months to live ,would you want to know.Or would you prefer not to know and live...
32 responses
7 people
No-one really wants to know they are going to die. Everyone will have a different reaction but for some it is a time to make the neccesary preparations to meet their Maker and live out the three months as best they could. For other as you say the worrying...
9 May 10
Can you sense when someone is having a bad day even when they are not around you
19 Jan 10
Something that I consider incredible happened to me last night while talking to a friend of mine and so I had to share it .I was there in conversation with her and she asked "How was your day " and to which I replied somewhat...
15 responses
5 people
Hey Ronny great discussion. When you have been talking to or friends with an individual for a while you can tell whether or not they are in a bad mood. The thing is people have a certain way of responding to certain things and if you are observant enough you...
19 Jan 10
1 comment
Do you think "straight "men should read romance novels
17 Jan 10
I remember there was a time when I was hooked on romance novels and even borrowed some from my sister.I used to love reading them inspite of the fact that they were often predictable and the guy would eventually get the girl...
17 responses
5 people
It is good to see a man reading any book at all. I have no problem with a man reading a romance novel. In fact it shows that he has a sensitive side or he just may want to relate to his girlfriend who reads them or he simply just loves them. If more men read...
18 Jan 10
Waht is one secret you could never keep?
14 Jan 10
We all friedns wo confide in us from time to time and hopefully we keep their secrets safe.However what is one secret that you know you could never keep.For me that is the knowledge that your friend has killed someone and even if...
9 responses
5 people
While I was in college there was this friend who used to tell me things because I was a great listener as well as I think it was therapy for him just to get things off his head. He told me he had killed someone in order to become a member of a gang.
18 Jan 10
1 person
People getting drunk all the time, rather than paying their bills.
10 Jan 10
Have you always noticed that alot of people are always in the pub,like it is always the same people yet they get drunk and then say they have no money for the bills.To me i would rather pay my bills first rather than spending it...
always drunk
76 responses
21 people
If everyone decided to pay their bills first then get drunk after maybe we would not have had this reccession. The reality of it though is that maybe the bills are too much for these individuals to handle and maybe from their perspective there is no way out of...
13 Jan 10
1 comment
Which could you do without Tv or computer ?
10 Jan 10
For me I could live without my TV because I hardly watch Tv anyway .I will admit though that many times keep my Tv on even when I am on my computer but that is only because I sometimes take a glimpse at it from time to time...
32 responses
9 people
I could live without both as long as I have enough books to read. If I were to make a choice though I would say the computer.
13 Jan 10
Back to being a child or remain as an adult ?
11 Jan 10
[i]Which would you choose?Would you rather be a child again living in a care free,fun life with no bills but having to listen to your parents or the stressed life with bills and work but having all the fredom in the world...
28 responses
5 people
What if we could have both. When we need a little de-stress we switch to the childhood life and when we want to do anything without consultation we switch back to adulthood. lol. In reality though I have realise that every experience I have learned or received...
13 Jan 10
Have you ever met someone you thought you knew before ?
13 Jan 10
But really didnt .I saw this young lady in the bank and I couldnt stop looking at her (granted she was attractive) but I couldnt shake the feeling that I have known this young lady before.She looked like a young lady who I knew...
10 responses
4 people
I have had similar experiences. In two particular cases however I have been mistaken for someone else. This was a surprise to me because I have quite unique features that I thought I was safe from a mistaken identity.
13 Jan 10
1 comment
wow father pow!!!
5 Jan 10
Dont ask me to explain.Its just one of the outburst from my co-worker as he tries to shake off the fatique and muster up some drive to continue out monotonous job.You see our job is so boring we basically sit in one place staring...
7 responses
4 people
LOl thats new. I have a co-worker expression is "Puss Juck".
9 Jan 10
1 comment
If that is not is not entirely correct then it pretty close?
8 Jan 10
Now this is a saying that we have here on the lsland to refer to rumours .They are saying that for all rumours if it is not entirely true then it is close to the truth. Do you think this is always true?
6 responses
1 person
No I don't think all rumours are true. Honestly there are malicious persons out there whose sole purpose is to tarnish the reputation of others without considering the ramifications that may be involved or the ripple effect it will have on the lives of the...
9 Jan 10
1 comment
Washing my face helps to keep me awake ?
8 Jan 10
When I am sleepy and need to keep me awake at least for a few more minutes ,I dont drink coffee ,I dont take pills ,I just go and wash my face and it gives me at least fifteen minutes before my eye shuts down totally. [b]Does...
11 responses
4 people
To tell you the truth. I tried that coffee thing and it does the complete opposite. I thought I would be wide awake but it put me to sleep instead. The washing of the face will work but with very cold water.
9 Jan 10
Have you ever got rejected after sending a friend request?
9 Jan 10
And if you have how did you feel when you realise you were? Would you avoid responding to this persons discussions or would you be mature about it and respect the persons right not to accept .I must say I dont remember being...
30 responses
13 people
I cannot say I have been rejected because I don't think I have sent out that much friend request. If I know that I was deliberately rejected I may feel a little bit disappointed and I may even ignore the responses for a while. I can't actually say what my...
9 Jan 10
Do you go for current fashion ,retro, name brand or otherwise ?
1 Dec 09
I have always had a problem with looking like everyone else when I was going out hence the answer for that question would be retro and otherwise .If you choose current trend or name brands then you willl look like everyone else...
27 responses
6 people
I am not much for the name brand clothing because frankly I cannot afford them. Besides that, everyone is already wearing them as you said. If I see some current outfits that catches my eyes and are in my price range then yes I will buy them. There however are...
1 Dec 09
Have you learned the art of cracking an egg?
30 Nov 09
Yesterday morning I decided that I wanted to fry an egg for my breakfast .So I looked in the tray for the biggest egg and stood over the bowl I had prepared for it ,got a knife and with the most skill I could muster came down...
29 responses
7 people
Would you believe thats the same problem I experience with breaking an egg. LOL All the years of trying this delicate maneuvre I still manage to bring the knife down too hard on the egg and end up with eggshells in my omulette. Just like you Im crying for...
30 Nov 09
Where did so much dust come from !!!How often do you dust ?
29 Nov 09
I mean just dust not clean the entire room ,or do you do everything in one?.The reason I am asking is that I just took a look around my little room and I realised that there was dust everywhere and it was then that I was trying to...
23 responses
7 people
I try to do it at least once per week or when I do get the chance to. When I clean up I do one room at a time. This means I sweep, dust, clean straighten up there before I move on to the next room. Not all the time will I get to clean as thoroughly but I try...
29 Nov 09
1 comment
Do you want to be comfortable or rotten rich?
23 Nov 09
Now many persons when asked this might say they want to be comfortable because many people think it is wrong to be rich beyond a certain point .They claim it is written in the bible that “money is the root of all evil” but is it...
8 responses
5 people
I want to be RICH! Who doesn't? Its how you make the money and what you basically do with it that highlights the evil factor. Once you've worked honestly for your wealth and not allow it to change you then I don't see where an issue is.
28 Nov 09
I just got paid.I got an headache!!!
25 Nov 09
Does anyone have this kind of problem where the minute you get paid and start to think about how many bills you have ,you start having sleepless nights and headaches.Well I may not have sleepless nights but lately the minute I get...
16 responses
5 people
Situation has caused us to dread the end of the month. This is the time when the bill seem to pile up the most. What I try to do is to create a budget and stick to it as best as possible. This might sound a bit crazy but when you make up the budget pay...
28 Nov 09
What is your occupation?
26 Nov 09
I dont mean what you went to school to study for ,I mean what you actually make a living doing .I am a digitizing technician and I know you are gong to say what?.Well that is just a nice way to say that I prepare data for my...
11 responses
4 people
Im a teacher. I wouldn't call it an easy job but its manageable.
28 Nov 09