Jamal Bahroni
@Jamalbawu1212 (237)
Indonesia • Age 46
Joined myLot 3 years ago
Jamal Bahroni's Responses
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349212)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Jan 23

Here is a collage of some of the antique items which are in our latest house-sit. There is an inscription on the clock but I haven’t been able to read it yet. I’m a bit nervous about lifting it up. The jug is very pretty too.
24 responses •
23 people

Jamal Bahroni It's fascinating JudyEv. However, your sideboard or buffet with carving detail makes me more interested
7 Jan 23
1 comment
3 people
Eva James
@wolfgirl569 (113576)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Jan 23

For the house. I gave it some attention. I got some dusting done and washed the bathtub down real good. Also had Rosiebot sweep the kitchen floor while I took my walk. Sh ithead kitten still hasn't tried to ride it. But he is...
14 responses •
14 people
@xstitcher (33611)
• Petaluma, California
7 Jan 23

It's a little after ten by my computer clock, and I need to get to bed.
At least, I got the first verse of the poem I'm stitching done tonight.
Tomorrow is Saturday, not that that's a huge deal, as I haven't been working. I...
4 responses •
4 people
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349212)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Jan 23

The image shows the house we’re now looking after. Top right is the front entrance which nobody uses. This is pretty typical with Australian farm houses. Top left is another view of the front but was supposed to show the lovely...
29 responses •
28 people
NJ Chicaa
@NJChicaa (122053)
• United States
6 Jan 23

It happened in Virginia and police say that it wasn't an accidental shooting. A SIX YEAR OLD CHILD had access to a loaded weapon and brought it to school. Apparently after some kind of disagreement the student shot the teacher...
20 responses •
18 people
@xstitcher (33611)
• Petaluma, California
4 Jan 23

Sure nice that my brain worked well enough get more than one post on here today.
Tomorrow, I need to go and get that medicine I was prescribed. I know I said I would do "baby steps" but waiting for the bus and in the pharmacy,...
5 responses •
3 people
Valerie J. Routhieaux
@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Jan 23

Today was a good day. I got up early, as usual. This time a thought woke me up. I realized the event I'm going to on Thursday with my sister is a night event and I don't drive at night. I was out of bed at 3:30. I went to bed at 8...
10 responses •
9 people

Jamal Bahroni Just normal and not special today. I got short drizzling for two days and outdoor activities with sunshine are better
4 Jan 23
1 person
Eva James
@wolfgirl569 (113576)
• Marion, Ohio
3 Jan 23

At 62F for a high today it was. I walked around outside a little while this afternoon. That was nice except then I came in and added to my to-do list. . Oh well the add goes along with a couple of things that was...
11 responses •
9 people
@popciclecold (39947)
• United States
3 Jan 23

Watching the weather, I just learned that we have the threat of storms as early as 7:00 am this morning. Now that is early..Already after 6 now..I really needed to go to the bank, and pick up a few grocery items. Later, I was...
9 responses •
9 people
@xstitcher (33611)
• Petaluma, California
3 Jan 23

It's 10:03 p.m., and for the last half hour or so, I've actually started feeling a bit better.
I'm not jumping for joy, yet, as I don't want to "jump the gun", but it's nice to think that whatever this is is going away....
6 responses •
5 people
Dr Souvik Chatterji
@sathviksouvik (20285)
3 Jan 23

In the last year travellers were harassed to the brim. Those who have taken 2 doses of anti-covid vaccine had to carry proof. Travellers had to go for RCPTR test before boarding flights and trains. That added to costs and also...
9 responses •
9 people
Hanni Harel
@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
3 Jan 23

Those of you that have pets do your pets like to lay or sit in many places in your home. My cat loves to lay herself down in many places and the picture should show you one of the places she loves to lay herself down.
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11 people

Jamal Bahroni I have a cat. and yes, she is. She even likes to sleep on my lap too
3 Jan 23
1 person
Erly Maglangit
@cacay1 (84489)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
31 Dec 22

Allow me to greet you first a very happy New Year. The earth is rejoicing. I'm wishing good health for all of us, abundance, prosperity, peace and unity among nations.
We're having a new year's party at home with 7 visitors....
19 responses •
18 people

Jamal Bahroni Thank you very much @cacay1 and wishing you a better year in 2023
3 Jan 23
1 person
@LindaOHio (185019)
• United States
2 Jan 23

Remember MyLotters, I just report the latest fads/fashion...I don't invent them!
Today's entry is very different. I call this one eye toes. Certainly an attention-getter. I've posted a couple toe decorating posts; but none...
25 responses •
23 people
Gary Marsh
@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
1 Jan 23

Sending everyone every good wish from the UK to wherever you are on the world. I hope this year will be a healthy & wealthy & full of joy & happiness for you all & I hope all good things come your way!
This time next week I will...
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21 people

Jamal Bahroni Hi, I'm glad to know you, and introduce myself I'm Jamal from Indonesia, wishing you a Happy New Year
2 Jan 23
1 person
@snowy22315 (186986)
• United States
1 Jan 23

Were you able to stay up last night to watch the ball drop, watch fireworks or do whatever it is to celebrate the New Year that your country does? Friend and I both stayed up to watch the new year come in. I was reading an...
12 responses •
12 people
@popciclecold (39947)
• United States
1 Jan 23

Happy New Years mylot. I am tired from the neighbors doing fireworks. They were even doing them this morning after it was light. I'll probably be in bed by 6:30. We have nice weather for the day. Am worried about what I see in...
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24 people
@LindaOHio (185019)
• United States
1 Jan 23

Happy 2023!!! Hope you all had a safe and fun New Year's Eve. Ours was very quiet. We just had a special dinner and watched the ball drop on Times Square. We had very few pops and booms at midnight.
The weather has been mild...
19 responses •
20 people

Jamal Bahroni I have to turn down the right of my head to see it and Happy New Year to you too
2 Jan 23
1 person
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
1 Jan 23

Snapped this photo while in the recliner yesterday morning. The sun was making its way up at 7:30 am. I normally don't see a sunrise, only the sunsets from my deck.
But the last several mornings I have been resting in the...
40 responses •
39 people
The Horse
@TheHorse (224853)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Dec 22

I reckon it's almost Midnight in NYC. It's 2023 in Europe and beyond.
Here it's almost 9 PM, but people have been shooting off fireworks already.
The rain has stopped, but I am laying low.
Kitty is under the bed.
Do you...
22 responses •
19 people