Responses (210)
fiona08's Responses
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Yesterday at 1:30pm I lost my mother.
I wish I could say that I was prepared to lose my mother, but I wasn't. I wish that I could say that I am handling this with grace and dignity, but I can't.
Yesterday I lost my mother...
31 responses •
9 people
fiona08 Oh, Ivaldean, I am so very sorry. I don't think any of us are ever ready to let go of someone we love so dearly. I know it will take a long time for this to stop hurting so intensely. I am certain that she knew she was the mother of your heart. From watching...
30 Oct 08
1 comment
1 person
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I'm sure I'll be able to hear the jeers from here when some of you read this, but I just wanted to post this because I'm EXCITED! I'll be going door-to-door this weekend and Monday and Tuesday to help get out the vote and we'll be...
17 responses •
8 people
fiona08 I'm envious, Annie. I have never been involved officially in a campaign. I feel like I am spread too thin right now to volunteer, being a fairly newly single parent, working and taking classes. I would love to do it in the future. You go girl! Very exciting to...
27 Oct 08
1 comment
2 people
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Here is the very disturbing story as reported by the Associated Press:
The ATF says it has broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a Tennessee...
20 responses •
3 people
fiona08 I do think racism is rampant in this campaign. We have all heard people raving about whether Obama is actually a US citizen, because his father is Kenyan,and freak out about his name because it sounds Arabic. I mean, my God, his middle name is HUSSEIN! He has...
27 Oct 08
2 people
@miraclefreebies (3043)
• United States
25 Oct 08
OK the law has changed, and everyone is required to have one word tattooed on their forehead.
I'm not sure what reason, I just woke up one morning and everyone I seen had only ONE word tattooed to their forehead.
YIKES! That...
40 responses •
13 people
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Oct 08
"...forever linked to race-baiting,"?
That's exactly what John Moody, executive vice president at Fox News, said in his blog BEFORE the news broke that Ashley Todd had made up the whole story of being attacked by an assumed...
15 responses •
4 people
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
25 Oct 08
The difference between John McCain and Barack Obama in leadership experience and foriegn policy experience is different as night and day. Why then would we as a country give the keys to the family car to a "teen" just learning to...
9 responses •
4 people
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
25 Oct 08
The rats are jumping overboard as the McCain/Palin-burg crashes and burns:
No, hell has not frozen over, but a Buckley is backing a Democrat for president.
Christopher Buckley, the son...
barack obama
chritopher buckley
john mccain
republicans jumping ship
sarah palin
talk radio
11 responses •
4 people
fiona08 Oh boy, I am getting excited. I am trying not to get too much so, for fear of jinxing us (all of us, Americans). But I think we are finally going to get this thing done right. I know Obama is who we need in the White House, and I think most voters see it that...
25 Oct 08
2 people
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Complicated situation… let me see if I can break it down for you.
Earlier this year I met two ladies. I’m going to call them Sue and Jen. They have been best friends for their whole life and considered each other sisters. The...
21 responses •
9 people
@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I would just like to know if anyone out there shares my fears of the upcoming election. I just can't seem to get comfortable with either of the candidates. I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach about both of them. I'm...
4 responses •
2 people
@wingedlightcarrier (25)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I just responded to a discussion about this teacher who was suspended for 10 days after he wrote a rasicist remark on the board for this students it went something like: "can help a N***r ger elected."
There were some who were...
15 responses •
5 people
fiona08 I think Obama is an intelligent, competent man, who has the best interests of our country at heart. I think he is charismatic, and able to get things done because of his desire and his natural abilities. He would be this far in life no matter what race he was...
6 Oct 08
1 comment
1 person
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Have you seen them yet? The new American one dollar coins omit the words "In God We Trust" that is printed on all other american currency.
Is this good, or bad? Tell me your thoughs :)
15 responses •
5 people
@firewind451 (129)
25 Sep 08
Actually that's not true. However I am interested in what any of you would say to someone who holds that opinion.
6 responses •
2 people
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Sep 08
First of all, I hope everyone takes this discussion as it's intended to be, which is sunny and bright and at least in part tongue in cheek. In other words, it's not meant to cause a pi$$ing fight about links or sources or who's...
13 responses •
2 people
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
4 Sep 08
This is kind of another branch off a discussion I have been having with my friend Nova. While responding to her discussion I found myself starting to cry. And I realized that every time I think about my Uncle and how he died, I...
25 responses •
11 people
fiona08 I am so happy that we are getting away from gender roles where emotion from men is frowned upon. I am able to connect more with a man who is not afraid to show his emotions. My boyfriend is very sensitive, and has cried about such tender things as children...
4 Sep 08
2 people
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Obviously Governor Palin has issues and baggage of her own that she is bringing to this election just like the other candidates do. It appears that McCain's choice of Palin for his running mate is primarily based on her being a...
14 responses •
4 people