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@jugsjugs (12967)
Age 54
Joined myLot 16 years ago
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jugsjugs's Discussions
I will never understand why people moan about things that they
16 Mar 13
could have prevented from happening.I feel that there are people out there that are forever saying that they have no money and feel that they are the only people, yet when ever you see or get told that they have been drinking...
drinking money away
people blame other people
25 responses
8 people
People who get right into these games and its like a matter of life and death,
8 Mar 13
or worse still its like if they are playing for a real army when playing their war games online. My husband use to buy pc games for him to play online with his other friends and now it is war games on face book and he takes it...
real life
war games
15 responses
3 people
Why do people feel that it is ok to stay on their phone, pc on sites
8 Mar 13
when they have come to see you, how rude.It crazes me when I try to talk to people in my own house and they have their head stuck into the pc on face book of all sites, but when people come to see you they are also on their...
phone texting and sites
24 responses
8 people
Do some people think the word sorry is a magic word
3 Feb 13
People say sorry for lots of reasons and when they say it, ask yourself, do everyone who say that they are sorry, really are sorry. Do you think that people say sorry think it is some kind of a magic word and think that it will...
sorry just aint good enough when you keep having t
28 responses
5 people
People that lie, all the time to cover their tracks
3 Feb 13
I hate to hear people lie to me and it is a lie that they know they will be caught out from sooner or later, but they still do it. I hate knowing that a person has lied to me and that they are also doing the same to...
16 responses
4 people
People that never seem to clean their own mess up
3 Feb 13
I hate it when people in this house make a mess, yet they never seem to want to clean it up.If they get things out they never put things away, if they spill something they never wipe it up. Then theres the people that come in...
29 responses
10 people
When trust has all gone and you can not forgive a person
15 Dec 12
There are people that you have known for years and these people you have trusted for years, then there are people who you have known only for a short time. What happens when the trust is broken between two people, now these two...
28 responses
5 people
I have been a shoulder to cry on for a lot of friends
9 Oct 12
Tonight I had a really nice call from a friend that wanted to say thank you to me, for some great advice.This phone call was unexpected, but all the same nice, as I know that this person sounds as well as feels better in their...
feeling better
knowing you have helped
sounds better
35 responses
7 people
My daughter getting strange phone calls on her mobile phone
30 Sep 12
Well my daughter is not happy tonight that she keeps getting woken up by strange calls on her mobile. She has not had her number long and it is on her dads contract, so she called and asked if we had called her.I explained to her...
mobile phone
new number
27 responses
5 people
Making a house a home
25 Aug 12
or more to the point your home.When moving into a new house, there are sometimes things that you do not like, so it is then when you try to change it to your tastes. My friend popped into see me the other day and she said that...
21 responses
4 people
Have you ever looked at yourself in a mirror and thought
22 Jun 12
I do not like the person that is looking back at me.Well I have just been looking in the mirror and have just thought that I do not like the look of me, so perhaps neither do other people.The person looking back at me has skin...
dont like me anymore either
person looking back
33 responses
11 people
Getting a cleaner paid for me, due to my health going down hill
22 Jun 12
I have a great ot who has sorted out about a cleaner for me, which will be paid for through my own personal budget that I get.I am getting a cleaner for 4 hours a week, so I do not do anything to make my health any worse than it...
personal budget
12 responses
5 people
Im fuming, seems all my friends are not really my friends and my husband knows
22 Jun 12
I really do not know where to start.I d had a bad day as it was, well really a whole bad week.Today have been fighting with education system, to do with my son and no school will take him, he is due to go to middle school and can...
18 responses
8 people
Going along with what everyone else wants, just for a peaceful life.
15 Jun 12
Well for months now if not years I have gone along with what everyone else wants here, as well as at the drs, hospital, well everyone.I am getting tired of trying to voice what I want or do not want and no one wants to know, as...
anything for a peaceful life
yes yes yes
18 responses
6 people
Do you ever feel that you are forever repeating yourself,
15 Jun 12
or that it seems that people do not listen to what you have said to them.Well some days I get so angry, as well as tired of repeating myself.Even when it comes to the children, it seems that you ask them to do something, like tidy...
20 responses
7 people
Very sore and cracking hands
14 May 12
I have been told to only get my hands wet when I have to wash them.My fingers are also cracking and I have no idea what to do.It is constant irratation all the time and now they are cracking they are stinging with it.I can hardly...
skin disease
16 responses
3 people
Psoriasis has got so bad now, injections no longer work.
14 May 12
Thought I would show you a photo of my skin, now this is only a small amount in the photo , as this skin disease is taking over my life, as I also have the psa to go with it.The hospital are running out of ideas in what to use, I...
bad skin
12 responses
5 people
Raynauds disease, as well as Arthritis in my feet and ankles.
14 May 12
I am in so much pain constantly, I can not hardly bare to stand, the pain in horrific.I am taking so many meds and to be honest can not remember what I am taking half of it for.I feel that life is just an existance and nothing...
psoratic arthritis
raynauds disease
12 responses
2 people
Some people I will never understand
11 Apr 12
I have a friend that calls me up and asks if they can pop down to see me, I feel that I have to say yes you can pop to see me.Perhaps she is just a friendly person, but of late there is something that I am not comfortable with.She...
bad mouthing other friends
not interested
30 responses
6 people
Some people are so ignorant its unreal
11 Apr 12
I can not get over all the things that one person is doing at the moment, knowing that they have no money for food or bills that they have.This person is still blowing money on things that they do not need.It is a fact that this...
children first
owe money
32 responses
7 people