Debbi Craton
@OldRoadsOnceTraveled (331)
Joined myLot 9 years ago
I am a writer who shares my world with Huckleberry the Cat, Kitty Blogger. I was formerly owned by the late kitty blogger, Guiness the Cat.
Debbi Craton's Responses
Linda Cann Pearson
@LindaCPearson (2240)
• United States
22 Mar 18

Hi everybody. It's Mildred the Cat. Greetings to all my friends and fans.
Well, the weather persons (notice I didn't say weathermen) were wrong this time and my mom and I are very happy they were. For days they kept scaring us,...
9 responses •
8 people

Debbi Craton Dear Auntie Mildred the Cat,
I was thinking about you and hoping you were okay. I hope you can come out from under the bed for awhile and eat chicken treats. I stayed safe in the storm a few days ago, and had a good snooze. It thundered a little and rained...
22 Mar 18
1 comment
1 person
Linda Cann Pearson
@LindaCPearson (2240)
• United States
6 Mar 18

Hi everybody. It's Mildred the Cat, hailing from Connecticut, USA, who will soon go into hiding until tomorrow’s Nor'easter passes by, hopefully reemerging well-rested and totally unscathed. Geez, we just survived a nasty...
11 responses •
10 people

Debbi Craton Dear Auntie Mildred the Cat,
I can sympathize. We were absolutely buried under 6-12 inches of snow here in Georgia in December and I nearly froze to death when the power was out three days. It was horrible! Never mind getting under the bed. Get IN the bed and...
7 Mar 18
1 comment
1 person
Linda Cann Pearson
@LindaCPearson (2240)
• United States
19 Feb 18

Hi everybody. It's Mildred the Cat. I hope you all had a great weekend.
As you know from my post yesterday, I've been pretty upset about a haiku my mom wrote about dogs, about how wonderful and devoted they are. For obvious...
7 responses •
8 people

Debbi Craton Dear Auntie Mildred the Cat,
I'm glad your mom has seen the error of her ways. The haiku is nice and everything, but it seems a little insufficient. After all, it is only three lines and a few words. I'm sure she meant well and put a lot of effort into it,...
19 Feb 18
1 comment
1 person
Linda Cann Pearson
@LindaCPearson (2240)
• United States
18 Feb 18

Hi everybody. It's Mildred the Cat. I hope everybody is doing well and not feeling hurt like I am.
This morning I came across this haiku my mom wrote about dogs. I don't like it:
Steadfast devotion
Loving eyes and loyal heart
9 responses •
9 people
@marguicha (225681)
• Chile
5 Jan 18

Once in a while, I get an answer that can only mean that the post was not read or that it was not understood at all.
I have lately decided not like those answers, much less comment them. I cannot treat those answers the same way...
18 responses •
17 people

Debbi Craton You can usually tell the difference someone didn't read the post and is just looking for a place to draw attention to themselves and when someone read but really didn't understand your point. I usually respond to the latter, maybe with more explanation, but...
5 Jan 18
1 comment
1 person
Linda Cann Pearson
@LindaCPearson (2240)
• United States
1 Oct 17

Hi everybody. It’s Mildred the Cat. I hope you’re all having a great day. As is often the case, I have an issue with my mom and also with one of her friends.
Said friend posted on Facebook this morning that she has a mouse living...
10 responses •
7 people

Debbi Craton Dear Auntie Mildred the Cat, I have read something on the internet about Lyfts and Ubers. I don't know what those things are, but perhaps one of them might facilitate your play date. Just be sure to get home before nap time. Lovingly, Huckleberry the Cat,...
4 Jan 18
1 person
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
27 Apr 17

I thought I had a visitor staying the night.I decided to give the house a good clean, as you do.
After finishing I looked at the sofa. It had a dead doormouse on it. I swear it was not there when I started.
Freya spent the...
10 responses •
10 people
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
25 Apr 17

I used to ride a bike, but I have not had one for years.
Now I have one.
Yesterday I established I can still ride but stopping was another issue.
This proves you never forget how to ride a bike, but you may forget how to...
5 responses •
4 people

Debbi Craton Dear Auntie Freya the Catblog Cat,
My mama says she used to ride a bike, and stopping was never something she forgot how to do. And that was what led to several root canals.
I don't know what a bike is, or root canals, but I think you were a pretty smart...
26 Apr 17
1 person
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
26 Apr 17

Several times I have booked a hotel and then unbooked it after seeing a bad review.
Or I have not booked at all.
However, sometimes things have improved or were never that bad at all.
How much notice do you take of online...
9 responses •
8 people
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
26 Apr 17

I just had to fill in a security clearance form. It asked for my parents details including:
Where they were born
What county they were born in
What country they were born in
How long they have lived at their present address
8 responses •
6 people
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
23 Apr 17

It seems that Freya the Catblog Cat has taken over writing my sermon for this morning.
I need my notebook back!
What is it with cats and paper?
(I could not resist showing the photo!)
12 responses •
13 people
Barbara Radisavlejvic
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
16 Apr 17

The photo shows the gym where I work out in Paso Robles. They call it Kennedy Adventure. It's one of the many Kennedy Fitness clubs in our county. It is one of the newest, and it was built just a few years ago after I moved here....
8 responses •
8 people

Debbi Craton There aren't any natural waterfalls in my immediate area, but since I live between the mountains and the fall line, there are plenty within a short drive in either direction. There are plenty of fountains and water features nearby. During water shortages, they...
18 Apr 17
1 comment
1 person
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
16 Apr 17

I won't be here. It is time to get ready and go join one of the churches in my Church organisation for an Easter service. Anyone else more interested in "He is Risen" than the Easter Bunny and chocolate eggs today?
Have a great...
4 responses •
4 people
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
16 Apr 17

Be prepared. You cannot do anything else. Just be here morning, noon and night. It may take a lifetime, but you will get a million cents in the end.
Honestly it is nice to have the money, but no discussion site will ever make...
14 responses •
12 people
Barbara Radisavlejvic
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
16 Apr 17

I went out to take a photo of my favorite iris today and I decided to move a small plastic container I'd put next to it to collect water from the rain a couple of days ago. As I picked it up, I noticed what I thought was a dead...
12 responses •
11 people

Debbi Craton I don't see many lizards around, but I sometimes see a little one around my front porch. Amazingly, I've only seen one get in the house twice. The first time, Guiness the cat caught it, and I think no one was more surprised than he was. He paced back and forth...
18 Apr 17
1 comment
1 person
Happy Lady and Freya the Catblog Cat
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
16 Apr 17

Seeing Great Grandma was a dancer it is no surprise to find my Grandpa was in shows and silent films.
He helped Great Grandma Rosetta in a mind reading act in a music hall for a while.
Then as I just said on someone's post he...
3 responses •
4 people

Debbi Craton I'm sure an enthusiastic cowboy like that could have gone far.
18 Apr 17
1 comment
1 person
Linda Cann Pearson
@LindaCPearson (2240)
• United States
18 Apr 17

Hi everybody. It's Mildred the Cat with an Easter dinner update. As I thought might happen, my mom did not bring home any treats for me, like a hunk of that big ham someone cooked. I'm not surprised. Humans often forget all about...
12 responses •
12 people

Debbi Craton Dearest Auntie Mildred the Cat,
How can humans be so selfish?
All I got was a few teeny tiny pinches of ham lunch meat. Teensy weensy pinches. It's very, very tasty, of course, but I'm not sure it's like, you know, real ham. Whatever it is, is yummy, though....
18 Apr 17
1 person
Claudia Kirkland
@CRK109 (14556)
• United States
15 Apr 17

On the positive side, this was the best vet visit I've ever had with this cat. Because of my warnings that my cat is EXTREMELY anxious with strangers, they treated her so gently and so well. I was amazed. My cat still wasn't...
11 responses •
10 people
Sandy KS
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
15 Apr 17

Last night my grandson's mother asked through Facebook messenger if I would watch him for a few hours while they went easter shopping for him. I asked what time and how long. As I have some shopping to do myself. The response was...
22 responses •
18 people

Debbi Craton It was only right that you should have been given some kind of timeline. Little kids need structured nap, meal, and snack times. With no guidelines, you have no way to plan for those. If they didn't know how long they would be gone, they should have mentioned...
15 Apr 17
1 comment
1 person
Linda Cann Pearson
@LindaCPearson (2240)
• United States
15 Apr 17

Hi everybody. It’s Mildred the Cat. I hope you are all doing fine. Just wanted to wish all my friends and fans out there who celebrate a Happy Easter.
My mom sends her greetings as well but is too busy, busy, busy getting things...
11 responses •
10 people

Debbi Craton Oh, My Dear Auntie Mildred the Cat,
I feel your pain even if I don't have any rotisserie chicken. My mama went off yesterday on what she called a business trip. She claims half of it was travel blogging, but I don't think she traveled far, and she claims she...
15 Apr 17
2 people