Natasha Garner
@mrsg1981 (133)
Exeter, England • Age 43
Joined myLot 10 years ago
Married mum of 3, photographer.
Responses (35)
Natasha Garner's Responses
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
12 Nov 15

I have a tendency, like most people I would imagine, to do as much shopping online as I can because it's convenient. My daughter is now taking up the habit, as well. She decided to order a rather expensive pair of headphones from...
8 responses •
4 people
@Ryanskie (256)
• Philippines
12 Nov 15

Because of the urge to earn money online, I searched for sites that can pay a reasonable amount of money. And one time when I was browsing for sites that can offer money like clicking ads, doing micro jobs, making surveys, and...
14 responses •
11 people
@Fleura (31369)
• United Kingdom
12 Nov 15

Yesterday I was clearing behind the tumble dryer (which is rarely used) and along with the dust and cobwebs and the ubiquitous dog hair I accidentally wiped up a spider. It was about the size of a frozen pea and seemed in quite a...
7 responses •
5 people

Natasha Garner Eek, I am sure we had one in our house a few weeks ago also. Horribly things. I am not a fan of spiders at all.
12 Nov 15
1 comment
1 person
tutti harris
@tuttiharris (1338)
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
11 Nov 15

Last week at Children's Church, the kids made these ornaments with sugar, salt, and water. We brought them home and baked them for them, and taking them back tonight for them to paint and get ready to take home and give to their...
17 responses •
18 people
Ann LeFlore
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15

I was wondering how people thought about having a minimum word limit for discussions. I know on forums or even on other writing site they require a minimum word count of say 100 words. I know most sites demand a lot more but this...
43 responses •
32 people
Mary Ann
@therealmaryyy (3162)
• Philippines
12 Nov 15

We mostly eat organic food in the house.. healthy living they say but are all organic food really safe? healthier than any other food?
I found a 2012 article:
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-19465692 )
Eating organic food will...
6 responses •
6 people
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
12 Nov 15

We all get those annoying tele sales calls from companies trying to persuade us to change our electricity supply or television package etcetera. Many of them are commonplace and several different companies constantly telephone...
21 responses •
20 people

Natasha Garner I have to admit, I have never had the "pleasure" of being offered a coffin to buy. I am not sure it would be too high on my list of things I would like to take a call about. That said, our home phone is only here for emergencies, and I do tend to avoid taking...
12 Nov 15
2 people
Daniel Garner
@djgarner86 (289)
• Exeter, England
12 Nov 15

Hi all,
So I am currently in the progress of taking lessons to drive and I have my test booked in the next couple of weeks.
My instructor tells me that technically I am fine but I just need to breathe more and relax into it....
11 responses •
10 people
@Marilynda1225 (84105)
• United States
11 Nov 15

Tonight is pasta night in my house and I have a marinara sauce (or gravy as some people call it) simmering on the stove.
I love homemade marinara and it's so easy to make. Not only is it quick and easy but it smells so good while...
24 responses •
20 people
The Horse
@TheHorse (224741)
• Walnut Creek, California
25 Oct 15

If you know me, you know that I enjoy teaching farming (gardening, actually, but farming sounds more impressive) to the kids I work with. It teaches them self-reliance, it teaches them about science, and it keeps them busy when...
19 responses •
17 people
Gary Marsh
@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
11 Nov 15

I am not going to be around for a week or two as I am going away on Holiday to the Beautiful country of Thailand. We will be hairing around visiting places and experiences while we are there. We will spend three days down the...
19 responses •
16 people
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Nov 15

Yesterday I wrote about having a clogged brain, but you know, the same thing happens to computers. They get clogged up and start to run slowly when too many applications are running at once. Generally, if my computer starts to...
25 responses •
22 people
Max Crisp
@Orson_Kart (7139)
• United Kingdom
11 Nov 15

I read a lot of posts where people are only interested in making as much filthy lucre ($) as possible. I also read a lot of posts (probably more) where people are just trying to get stuff off their chests, sharing their problems...
19 responses •
15 people
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
10 Nov 15

I am not the type of person who will be the first to sit for a portrait
I am not the kind who takes pictures in new clothes to show off, i am more of the kind who would rather hang back in a crowd while those things are going...
25 responses •
24 people

Natasha Garner I dislike my photo taken with a passion. I work behind the camera as the photographer. Having my own taken puts me at great unease. The only time we get a portrait of us is if I set up the shot, and we have to take a load and even then I am usually not at all...
11 Nov 15
1 person
• Torrington, Connecticut
11 Nov 15

I feel like time is literally flying by and just yesterday it was Monday morning and I was posting about how fast the weekend went by! Now its the Middle of the week and its almost lunchtime already lol! Time is really going by...
6 responses •
4 people
@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
11 Nov 15

I am going to give some homemade Christmas gifts again this year. Last year I made jewellery - earrings and necklaces, but this year I intend to go for something more practical. I have not decided yet what that might be.
16 responses •
15 people

Natasha Garner I would love to receive home made Christmas presents. The thought and effort far outweighs the cost of a shop bought gift. I have so far made pickled onions, a sweet apple and sultana chutney and some blackberry jam. If I have the time I am hoping to do more....
11 Nov 15
1 person
Happy Homestead
@destry (2572)
• Kirkwall, Scotland
11 Nov 15

Just popped my head in over at Bubblews - and for those that may be interested in a little gossip, I stumbled across a couple of comments left by @nameless (Elaine).
[b] "Oh, just a heads up, Kevin is no longer with Bubblews...
28 responses •
30 people