Natasha Garner
@mrsg1981 (133)
Exeter, England • Age 42
Joined myLot 9 years ago
Married mum of 3, photographer.

Natasha Garner's Likes

Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
I am being cooked for :D
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Say Cheese!!
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
How did you discover MyLot?
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Homemade Christmas Presents
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Does the weather affect your mood?
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Does the weather affect your mood?
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Does the weather affect your mood?
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Mykites Warning
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
A Message from the Grinch!
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Ornaments for Christmas
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Disney Films!
Natasha Garner liked this  12 Nov 15
Not in a mood to do much