@sparling (178)
Canada • Age 45
Joined myLot 18 years ago
Nothing makes me prouder than being a mom...and a good one too!
Responses (54)
sparling's Responses
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
13 Apr 07

My mom always said to swear is a sign of a lack of intelligence. I still to this day rarely even swear in front of my mom. I do however if I'm with friends let the occasional swear word slip by and I won't call it peer pressure...
32 responses •
9 people
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
12 Apr 07

First of all in case anyone is not familiar with what a fair weather friend is the type that is always there when times are good but forgets about you when times get difficult or problems crop up. I have such a friend. We have...
5 responses

sparling I can so relate, i have a couple of those. As you know sarah and i have been freinds for years, about 13 to be exact. There are times that i feel like her other freinds are more important because they dont have the responsibilities that i do, and like the 2 of...
12 Apr 07
1 comment
1 person
@rainbow (6761)
11 Apr 07

Hope you all had a super Easter - sorry not been around but I'll catch up as soon as I can!
A few weeks ago my 3 year old turned the oven on with a toy in.
Last week somehow the breadknife was in there luckily on foil - so it...
21 responses •
14 people

sparling oh my...you must be wxhauseted by now. doesnt it sem like they go through spells of badness and trouble lol. mine do, and they are the best of freinds when they misbehave. i hope your easter was good ours was, but quiet, thats the way i like it. i dont really...
11 Apr 07
3 people
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
10 Apr 07

OK I think I have finally had to face facts this weekend I'm getting old. Yep I'm not sure when it happened really. I thought I was cool I dress in style .I wear a current hairstyle my nieces think I'm way cool.So how did I become...
34 responses •
6 people

sparling BAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'VE NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD IN MY LIFE!yep thats grandma and jeannette and pauline should i go on, but you're still cool..just OLD and cool, remember you have cool hair, cool clothes, you're hot stuff, you got an awesome...
10 Apr 07
1 person
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
9 Apr 07

I really enjoy a glass of merlot in the evenings mostly in the summer actually sitting on the deck. I also serve wine with dinner if I have company.I'm not much of a drinker per say my husband may have a beer once in a while but...
6 responses •
1 person

sparling i didnt know you were into wine...hmmmm, i wish i was cuz it makes you look all safisticated. although my freind the other night didnt look to safisticated drinkin it when she could haardly hold the glass. anyway, so what kind is good... i might buy me some...
10 Apr 07
1 person
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
15 Mar 07

Have you ever had days where you just can't get motivated to do anything? I've been having a ot of them lately. Even getting out of bed is starting to feel like a chore. I don't know if it's the weather or just me but I need to...
22 responses •
9 people
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
7 Apr 07

well folks the reason I'm asking is the answer to both of those questions for me is yes....i love my junk..i keep books i have read I keep magazines i have read and yes I keep cookbooks i have never opened. I have Christmas cards...
16 responses •
4 people

sparling hey, its me. im going through something similar right now. I have too much crap, stuff that i even forget that i have til i find it, but even then i still cant dispose of it. I've been trying to get organized for months now but im just so overwhelmed with the...
8 Apr 07
1 comment
1 person
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
5 Apr 07

One of my friends has some toys she is going to give me. A kitchen set, a toy grill, and a little basketball goal for kids. When I told my husband that we needed to go pick it up from her house he said our son didn't need a...
51 responses •
10 people
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
1 Apr 07

I have one on my PC and one in my purse i love the one on my PC because it has reminders that's flash an hour before appointments or what every time interval I chose.I need this because I'm a total scatter brain and with so many...
7 responses •
1 person
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
4 Apr 07

I always paint my toenails during sandal season i find it gives such a nice finished look and its kind sexy..
and what a bout feet jewelery do you wear a toe ring or ankle bracelet? I wear both..my hubby bought me a gorgeous...
10 responses •
2 people

sparling NOW DONT YOU LAUGH AT ME!!!! i love doing my toenails in the summer,it makes my feet look pretty. i dont wear dark stuff thuogh, i dont like to draw attention to them.i also have 2 anklets that i wear, a gold butterfly one and a seashell one. i cant seem to...
5 Apr 07
1 comment
1 person
@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
3 Apr 07

I was watching a few children my daughters age hanging out before her Karate class. And I noticed that at least two of them (age 5) have those little gameboy handheld systems. While I am not judging their parents...I just can not...
23 responses •
6 people
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
3 Apr 07

I know personally my second marriage is by far the best..my first was set up to fail..i think i had such high expectations that it was doomed to fail. then he got sick i worked hard to keep us going he got well then i faced a life...
24 responses •
2 people

sparling i also know you r second was and is the best for you. Its clear to everyone how happy you make each other
4 Apr 07
1 comment
1 person
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
2 Apr 07

I'm wondering if people find a difference between the liquid softener added to the rinse cycle better than the sheets of softener added in the dryer...and if they are as good as they used to be i know long ago when my mom used to...
6 responses •
1 person

sparling hey, i use liquid because..this is gonna be funny. everytime you have passed me hand me downs it always smelled so good and i knew you used fabric softner so i started using it and i also use fleecy sheets for static. My laundry smells so good. whenever my...
2 Apr 07
1 person
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
31 Mar 07

I know I'm a creature of habit, I get up each morning reach for my glasses slip my feet into my slippers head for the mailbox and grab the local paper hit the on button on the coffee machine and wait for my coffee to brew..I love...
7 responses

sparling you knew i was gonna respond to this. well as you know i use to get the daily paper, but as crazy as it sounds i didnt have time to read it sometimes so i canceled it. I really enjoyed it but it seemed like a waste. someday when the kids are older and i have...
31 Mar 07
1 person
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
31 Mar 07

When you lose the power in your home, and it is evening time - what do you do? do you use flashlights, candles, lanterns?
do you play games?We usually light a candle in each room that we will be walking through such as the...
27 responses •
7 people

sparling the power ddoesnt seem to go out as much as it use to. but i remember when we were kids we always played games and we always used flash lights. for some reason my parents thought we wouldnt make it through the night without a radio, one that was so small you...
31 Mar 07
1 comment
1 person
@lalav1 (1052)
• United States
31 Mar 07

When I was a teenager I bumped in to my friend's dad at the mall. He was sitting next to a woman talking to her. He said hello and we made small talk. I left and walked further on. My friend's dad came after me and asked me...
best friend
married man having affair
parent of friend having an affair
telling friends secrets that would hurt them
31 responses •
7 people